Further observations about physics – split files
(20) Construction from magnetic bubbles
We can envision what might happen here.
First, though, think of the electron as an "entrance" to an entanglement wormhole. It is, perhaps, analogous to the whirlpool above a bath drain hole; it offers the only route through to the hidden "beyond".
Looking at the first diagram, this could, possibly, reflect the following:–
- a single electron-positron production event;
- a universe-antiverse construction;
- everything in between the two.
It must be envisioned that time runs along the toroidal axis but this is not linear time; it is the rate of passage of time. It appears to accelerate, for us in the universe, from right to left in the 1900 to 2000 direction. For the antiverse, it accelerates in the opposite direction. An entanglement tunnel of variable length connects the two sides (we know this because we can create entangled pairs of particles and separate them without breaking the entanglement).
We can now envision what might happen to produce an electron:–
Imagine two contra-rotating (through time) bubbles (or magnetic "balloons") that enlarge and contract in unison. Here the balloons are shown as (red) 2-d "discs" but remember that they represent 3-d "spheres. I have earlier assumed that expanding "magneto-electric-balloons" are seen by us as positive charges and contracting "magneto-electric-balloons" as negative charges. The charge is simply an expression of the expanding or contracting spatial volumes (the anti-versal perspective is reversed). Everything we regard as matter arises out of complex patterns ("dances")
of these expansions and contractions. We have seen how this can potentially explain what is happening at the point of creation of a single electron-positron pair. Here, the rectification that apparently separates an electron from a positron is due to a faster than light velocity separation. Note that this is directly analogous to the separation of electron-positron pairs across an event horizon; when these are moving just below the SoL they will stay outside the horizon. When they are at or just above the SoL, they seem to go down the wormhole "forever". This separation, in our parish, is consequent upon the velocity of the crossover being twice the speed of light as the contra-rotating balloons collapse to Planckian size and then pass through each other before they begin to expand once again. Note how this sits well with Einstein's mv-squared induction:-
This SoL excess separates (rectifies) them into electron and positron.Time is probably an illusion (like the apparent alternating drag and rush of time that is seen in a sinewave). When we reduce the linear velocity to zero (so that the circle centre is static) we can see that, as the radial tip moves clockwidse and rightwards, this rush reaches a maximum at the top of the circle; as it later moves leftward the rush is in the opposite direction. At the crossover point there is no time debt, either of a loan or of a repayment, so it constitutes all distance without a time component). The time dimension results from the separation of space between the wormhole's entrance and its exit (effectively analogous to the horizontal 2r distance across the circle). This separation of the electron-positron pair is what leads to the time illusion. Anything that is considered time (by "us" in the universe vs "them" in the antiverse) is a consequence of this crossover and entanglement wormhole. We don't see much evidence of the positronic antiverse because the large majority of it is skipping along around twice the SoL (in our view) and therefore it cannot interact with our universe. Our universe is a "rectified magnetic and electric Maxwellian stage". This Maxwellian stage dictates that all (interacting) entrances and exits from the "mouth" of the electron "wormhole-vortex" occur at the SoL. Much of this velocity may be tied into the vortex itself, so the velocity – of the whole parent atom may be lower than just outside the vortex "mouth". Maxwell's equations predict the speed of electromagnetic waves (inclusive of light) and points to its invariance. The antiverse will have its separate and respective Maxwellian stage. In this interpretation, the SoL limit is a Velocity-of-Light (a VoL) but that velocity is always into or out of the wormhole mouth that leads down towards the antiverse (which is met through and entangled by the wormhole). That wormhole overwhelmingly foreshortens the "in-line" and surrounding dimensions through the wormhole when "spied" from its entrance or exit. So, wormhole space will not appear in its simple "universal" way. Could the ratio of the surface area to the volume of a sphere have an influence on the charge of electrons/positrons along the wormhole tunnel such that a 1/3 factor becomes important?

Note also that the substitution of actual distance with apparent time could lead us to confuse Pythagorus's "hypotenuse" with the "adjacent". That would result in our equations throwing up the virtual number "i" that represents √-1 .
[This 1/3 factor tempts me into more conjecture. Perhaps it could go something like this: the volume of surrounding space "seen" by the wormhole may appear to be of extremely low or of zero depth – as in the diagram below. Here, the distance, as measured by "light", between A and C appears small (if not effectively zero); this means that the whole contents of the enclosed "sphere" are concertinaned onto the surface area of that "sphere", which appears to be extremely close. This is tortuous but the production of the 1/3 value offers the possibility that this may be imparted to wormhole electrons and positrons so that we interpret them as quarks. Promoting first generation fermions to act as the ultimate building blocks of the large majority of matter is an attractive proposition for me. The subsequent constructs may then be interpreted as quarks and so on. The "sphere" would be of Planckian size, the minimal "quantal" size below which nothing has relevance.]
Should this turn out to be a valid conjecture then the "one third of r" factor suggests that there is a minimal base quantum value that is, Planck-like, in that its value is not further reduceable (equating to r = 1) from which all subsequent quantal objects are then built. (When "r" is as small as it can possibly be, and it cannot be smaller than the basal quantum unit, then r must equate to 1 and the value translates from r/3 to 1/3.) By this view, quarks are constructs within the universe to antiverse wormhole. Any space adjacent to it (a volume) would appear to be "concertinaed" to an observer just in front of the entrance or exit to the wormhole. Certainly, the entry will appear to be almost contiguous with the exit and the whole surrounding volume around the wormhole will appear to be concertinaed in. This raises a conjecture that quarks with charges of 2/3 may represent electron-shell or positron-shell pairs and those with 1/3 charges, represent lone electrons. Over very large distances, lone electrons are more frequent than shell pairs. All this needs further reflexion and this is not yet a secure conjecture – it is simply a possible route to understanding. Note that both the antiversal wormhole entrance and its exit represent actual places. The entrance is "our here and now" and the exit is in a location that "our here and now" occupied at sometime in the past (in our orbiting trajectory around the galaxy). For newly generated individual electron/positron pairs, this could be a relatively short distance but for a planetary or galactic system it could to be huge. The galactic halos of dark matter may provide a clue as to how far the latter commonly is in relation to visible galactic matter.
So is our perception of the antiversal wormhole's exit in our past? Well, yes but!! Like the inferences from relativity, when two objects are moving apart at the SoL, they will each perceive each other to be in their respective pasts. Neither sees the other as being in their future.
Looking at the first diagram again, that (possibly) represents electron-positron production through to universe-antiverse construction, it must be remembered that time runs along the toroidal axis. Also, it is not linear time; it is the rate of passage of time. It appears to accelerate "forward" (for us in the universe) from right to left and "forward" (for the antiverse) from left to right. An entanglement tunnel connects the two sides.
From the perspective of baryonic matter, interactions lead towards an eventual arrival at a black hole; this sets the direction of baryonic entropy. Note, though, that entropy for photonic energy is towards deep intergalactic space, as infra red radiation eventually carries away photonic energy (basically it is an unwinding of photonic energy while baryonic entropy is a winding up of photonic energy into increasingly dense structures). Baryonic entropy is directed towards eventual consumption by a black hole (where it is pulverised back into photonic energy). Note that it is only close to the SoL rectified part of the interaction (next to the crossover) that time achieves its most intense influence. This is because, as the 3-d bubbles expand, they move ever closer to becoming confluent spatial balloons that occupy the same space. At the extremes of their expansion, the wavelengths of photonic packets of energy become stretched and are massively red shifted (their oscillations are slowed); I wonder if they may gradually also shift axis to be more "parallel to the balloon "margins" (which would not be finite unless their is a Planckian limit to their "dilution"; if they cannot interact with baryons then thay may as well not exist. At the margins of the two converging spatial balloons they will have reached deep intra- and even extra-galactic space. Here they could form a Bose-Einstein condensate. It is out of this condensate that the apparent microwave background radiation may emerge.
So does this diagram show anything other that the track of one expanding-contracting balloon in forward time? (This balloon would have to simultaneously occupy both the left and right sides in this diagram.) After all, in the real world, two physical balloons could not possibly contra-rotate within each other's space – due to electric repulsion and Pauli's exclusion principle. But bosons can. So, it is perfectly possible for bosons (and by implication – magnetic bubbles) to occupy the same space and pass through each other without interacting. Furthermore, not only can a photon's energy annihilate completely by superimposing two out-of-phase waves when they pass through each other, but energy can be generated spontaneously by spontaneous energy loans from (probably) forward and "backward" time. Provided that the total energy sums add up to zero, then a set of balancing improbabilities can occur provided that they add up to a single inevitability (that is back to the analogy of throwing dice on a glass table and realising that the bottom faces completely mirror the top faces). Effectively, inevitability can be (time reversibly) constructed out of a set of balancing improbabilities. That set can be small (two minimum) or astronomic (literally the whole of our universe). This seems very different our "classical" experience where we cannot easily slip into the space occupied by adjacent atoms. Our component bits are surrounded by electron shells that never let any "universal" matter get too close without intense resistance. It can approach to come very close – but then no further. All this implies that (for each system) time is only dominant either side of the crossover. Further out from the crossover, distance is progressively more dominant over time and, indeed and in extremis, time eventually "evaporates".
This sets the scene for the facilitation of the evolution of the most persistent and effective of configurations "surviving" out of a large set of different (top of the dice) improbabilities that must always add up to a sum totalling the "inevitable" (top and bottom dice faces are exactly equal).
BUT, there is something that can pass through even light years of (for example) lead; this is the neutrino. That strongly implies that the antiversal fermion that corresponds to the electron is probably the antiversal positron (for this will dominate the antiverse as the electron dominates our universe). For every one electron there will, then, be an associated neutrino that will seem to be moving at least as fast as the speed of light and, for the overwhelming majority, faster. The slowest neutrinos are the only ones that can possibly earn the chance to interact with us. Since they have positive charge (implying it is – from our perspective – expanding) they would always be jittery dwellers in the "universe's" magnetosphere – they will fly off at breakneck velocity towards the immediate balloon margins where they may be manifested as dark matter halos. The rare case, when a neutrino reacts with universal matter, is probably because its relative velocity, for some reason or another, has instantaneously and fortuitously dropped to just below our SoL. The vast majority of them are streaming "outwards" (from universal electrons) at greater than the SoL and are never likely to come back to interact with us. Once again, the odd one may drop close enough to the SoL (relative to universal electrons) for us to be able to register its interaction on "our side" of the universe-antiverse complex.
Note, also, that our perspective (a universal perspective) of the neutrino is that we should see the "actual" "disappearance down the plughole" phase as an expanding "out from the wormhole" event. So that has implications for the appearance, to us (the universal view), of tau-neutrino → muon-neutrino → electron-neutrino decays. From our perspective, these decays ought to appear to be in the opposite time direction (an electron-neutrino → muon-neutrino → tau-neutrino direction). Since electron-neutrinos vastly outnumber the others and muon 5;electrons outnumber tau-neutrinos this could be interpreted, by us, as neutrino "oscillations".
Nb, still in process - this is probably not final.
This paper is hot off the press: Dragan A, Dȩbski K, Charzyński S, Turzyński K, Ekert A. "Relativity of superluminal observers in 1 + 3 spacetime" Class. Quantum Grav. 023 40:025013-27