(!!***~&!!!!&~***!!) FRUSTRATIONS (!!***~&!!!!&~***!!)
"Very wearing to be always in expectation of what never comes, my dear Fitz-Jarndyce! Wearing, I assure you, to the bone! . . ./. . . There's a dreadful attraction in the place. You can't leave it. And you must expect."
(Miss Flite, Chapter XXXV Bleak House – Charles Dickens)
When you are convinced that you have noticed something very, very important, you hope that someone will take notice. Indeed, you expect someone to take notice. The reality, in science, is that virtually no one wants to know about anything that is not mainstream "normal science" (see Thomas Kuhn in the philosophy section). A constant plea of "for pity's sake, someone take this seriously" expends of a lot of emotional energy with very little reward. I hope that you will be able, on reading this section, to get a flavour of this frustration. Much of the earlier work was ferociously trashed by reviewers: a modern reading makes that trashing erroneous.
The rejection – ejection? – letters .Further letters between 1984 and 1994
More letters about the concept.Precedence
Precedence as support vs precedence to claim credit.-
Quotations – there are many here that emphasise the battle that new ideas face. Wilder
Some wilder responses. No offence is directed at the authors themselves – these responses are understandable from people who hold strong convictions. The idea of fault and blame are bankrupt concepts - but we can analyse incidents to help anticipate what could go better next timeHubris?
Is this all just hubris? Perhaps – but then, perhaps not.Resistance
Resistance, resistance, resistence.Citing me
So ~ ~ who is citing me? This is what Google Scholar thinks.