Further observations about physics – split files
(25) Emergence vs "explosion"
Let's look at what we know about two objects (call them "A" and "Z") moving away from each other close to the SoL. "A" looks at "Z" and perceives that "Z" is contracted in length to almost zero and it's passage of time is apparently slowed to a near standstill. In extremis, at the SoL, length contraction leads to an indiscernable length and the passage appears to stop. However, when "Z" looks at "A", the exact opposite appears to be the case. Now, let's look at the rectification of an "entangled" pair of oscillating photons. I have earilier surmised that this leads to an electron positron pair moving away from each other at the speed of light). The energy of the complete system, if it were to give up its rectification bound energy, would be two lots of 1/2mc2 (that is, it equals mc2). Looking into the "plughole" (in the mouth of which the rectified electron sits and the rectified positron – the electron's antiversal partner – has "disappeared"), the positron should appear to be both tiny and frozen in time. This is, in actuality, an illusion as it is the inverted wavefront racing out from the apparently miniscule electron that then forms the surrounding magnetic (vs electrostatic) space at the centre of which the electron sits and its partnering positron seems to sit deeper. If we accept that the temporal stage created by this photon oscillation from tiny to large is, indeed, circular, with the electron-positron pair seeming to sit near the crossover and the surrounding magnetosphere (formed by the expanded and rectified magnetic oscillation and contrasting with the intensely focal fermionic charges) then the electron/positron divide, although physically fairly close, is temporally divided greatly. This universe/antiverse picture evokes an assumption that would fit with dark matter.
Note that the dip into the antiversal oscillations of the photon pair is, apparently a spherical contraction (therefore it looks very small in all three dimensions) whereas , in reality, it is a bounce out at the SoL with a phase inversion. The contraction inwards is at the SoL and so is the contraction outwards but they are in virtually opposite directions, appearing to pass each other at 2c (twice the speed of light) and, therefore, cannot interact (consistent with neutrinos).
Now we have a picture (when there are myriads of electron/positron pairs) of a "universe" / "antiverse" rectified across this temporal divide; the beginning for the universe looks to us as though it occurred instantaneously and is now "echoed" from the margins of the maximum "distension" of the summed up magnetospheres (equivalent to the apparent origin of the MBGR). It appears from everywhere around us but has the the echo of being an apparent point source origin. For us, the apparent point origin of the universe is 14.7bn light yrs away and, from our perspective the passage of time is at a standtill at that point. So there is, actually, an enormous timescale in which to accumulate and rectify very unusual high energy events that lead to rectified electron/positron pairs that now seem to emanate from the slowed passage of time at the instant of "the big bang". In this respect, the conundrum of "How in the world (universe !!) did all this energy suddenly appear in a transient (unbelievably improbable) event?" becomes more understandable as the gradual accumulation of high energy "blips" that are concentrated together into a balanced universe/antiverse by a sort of Maxwellian demon out of countless lower energy quantal instabilities. The Maxwellion demon's door (that "opens" to let the energetic particles through) is based on a necessary speed threshold (that is, one greater than the SoL) that renders the universal and anitiversal fermions unable to interact (entrance to the system at the SoL and exit from the system at the SoL). That evokes a suspicion that neutrinos are, indeed, antiversal fermions. It is only the occasional neutrino that, by chance, strays close to the SoL, that is eventually able to interact with universal matter.
So, once you are one one side or the other and close to the crossover point, the laws of conservation of energy appear to be absolute. There is no free lunch. However, quantum uncertainty offers a potential free meal that can be "milked" – but only if the antiversal and universal sides add up to an average of precisely zero.