Further observations about physics – split files
(24) Acceleration and rotation in deep intergalactic space
Newton's bucket and Mach's ideas about acceleration and rotation in deep "empty" space make a big assumption. This assumption is that an object (say in this instance a person) in deep intergalactic space is limited to what we can see – the person we imagine to be confined to the flesh and bones contained within the visible skin, hair and clothing that we consider to be the perimeter of this object. However, when we go back to that image of every electron being the rectified portion of a "dancing" photon pair which leads to the inevitability of an electron/positron pair, we realise that the confines of what we perceive are very blinkered. Should the antiversal view prove valid, then not only is every electron accompanied by a positron partner (and this couplet remains entangled however far apart they "move") but there is much more. The electron is just the electric, particulate manifestation of the rectified photon pair. The universal electron is surrounded by an invisible and enveloping magnetic halo that constitutes the rectified magnetic part of this "dancing" photon pair; the two together constitute "the Maxwellian stage" upon which no photon can enter or leave an atom except at the speed of light. These electron/positron couplets are intrinsically intertwined. Furthermore, the antiversal positron has its own magnetic halo and this – at some great distance from each fermion – eventually merges with it's universal magnetic halo. I have already alluded to the antiversal fermions being manifested as neutrinos and dark matter being a manifestation of this antiversal magnetic envelope. Then we have to remember the possibility (I like this enough to think that it is a probability) that the "construction" of protons and neutrons is built upon the behaviour of electrons and positrons "down the entanglement wormhole" (once a population of many electrons and positrons are "dancing" together).
Now, we can imagine that accelerating a baryonic object (either linearly or rotationally) will exert an interaction with its surrounding magnetic and antiversal envelope. Since space is constructed (rather like soap bubbles) of a myriad separate magnetic bubbles, they will in turn, each respond to one another to give some sense of accelerated motion (linear or rotational). The idea of "Bob or Alice", floating around as totally separate entities with no interaction on their surrounding halo/envelope, is clearly absurd – should these premises be substantiated.
And, that kindly ignores the absurdity of this thought experiment, where a human travels to deep intergalactic space, survives, remains baryonically stable and persists in this alien environment. We need to think what might happen (very quickly) to any Earth bound object if it was transported into this environment. They wouldn't persist as Bob or Alice for very long and this scenario probably wouldn't be remotely possible to achieve. It's a nonsese thought experiment.