Further observations about physics – split files
(17) More on rectification, "universe" and "antiverse"
All that follows here is "hyperspeculation".
Most of these thoughts are better followed from the diagrams. Everything is a cycle – from the "big-bang to big- crunch" system to an "electron-positron" pair system (from the VERY large to the VERY small) and our existence depends on the overlay of multitudinous small to big systems in a spectrum of "sizes"). The rectification of entangled photon pairs (or triplets etc) results in an apparently zero sized "particle". The electron is the basic primary "particle" (all particles are manifestations of photonic waves disappearing (or reappearing!) "down (or up) the plug-hole". More complicated structures emerge from this matter/antimatter (universe/antiverse) interface. Ultimately, their charges balance exactly (apparently expanding +ve, apparently contracting -ve; however, the perspective from the antiverse looks inverted)). This goes back to the "dice on a glass table" analogy.
The first diagram is of the "big bang" to "big crunch" cycle. Remember that time at the black hole's event horizon is effectively stopped – so each galactic centre "believes" it never expanded far from the "moment" of the big bang. They each "think" they are very close together. We perceive them as galaxies apart.
Time is effectively a place – a place in our past (from one year ago to now, we have moved a long way around the galactic whirlpool – we're in different places). Our antiversally entangled "mirror" believes this place, one year ago, is its "now" and we are in its "past".

The second diagram is of an electron positron pair where there is an effective rectification due to the entangled spatial separations of "entry" and "exit" points into the "wormhole" ("plug hole"). They don't interact because they are "kept far apart". We only have the positively rectified halves of the paired photons manifesting as one positron and the negatively rectiified halves of the paired photons manifesting as one electron. Time is "created" because matter (electrons/positrons here) cannot "reach" the SoL, so the distance between the "up-out" and "down-out" points is interpreted by us as the passage of time. But, the photons themselves see no time passage; they just exist along this (to them) illusory tunnel. The extent of space is ultimately dictated by how far apart these oscillating bubbles enlarge. With a myriad of variously sized "rectified cycles", the ultimate "big bang to coalescing black hole" size that we perceive is mind bogglingly large and our interpretation of how far apart black holes are is proportionately inflated.

I suspect that all the intra-nuclear subsatomic particles are "generated" inside, and apparently a manifestation of, the entanglement tunnel -– as I think I have suggested in an earlier point. Once again, from tunnel "beginning" to tunnel "end" (the perspective inverts for the antiverse), everything must balance exactly to an ultimate "Σ-zero" – it's just that the antiversal manifestations are more distant from the electron shell than the universal manifestations (electrons themselves). I have stuck to atomic structure rather than free particles here - it gets too complicated for me.
And, a final thought. If you communicate at a speed faster than the SoL, would you simply be communicating with your antiversal mirror image?