Further observations about physics – split files
(15) Quarks, neutrons and protons from fermions?
The diagram below considers how it might be possible to construct quarks, neutrons and protons from first order fermions. This proposal has the neat advantage that we know that energetic photon interactions produce electron/positron pairs and this seems to be "basic". Remember, virtually all matter is "made" from first order fermions (electrons and positrons) and quarks (up and down quarks plus corresponding anti-quarks). The matter we "touch" is currently considered to be made of electrons encircling up and down quarks.

Let's assume that quarks represent antiversal fermions; that is, they are really located in the "reflection" (outwards) from the electron shell. I have already suggested that the nucleus only appears to be inside the electron shell (identified here with an M for "membrane"). This counterintuitive absurdity is less challenging once we remember that, at these dimensions, matter is most manifestly wavelike. Virtual "projected" images are eminently possible with waves (think of holograms) and the "internal" nucleus may be a virtual image projected inside the electron shell (this, incidentally, puts a new perspective on the ubiquity of "the square root of minus one" that appears regularly in quantum mechanics; we could be assuming that one of the two sides adjacent to the right angle is the hypotenuse).
So, the top group with the "Query equals" sign between the Up/Down and Anti-Up/Anti-down quarks (and their suggested fermion origins), suggest certain things. The positive two thirds charges could reflect orbital pairs and the one third charges singletons that are either free electrons or orbital singletons. Since "time" (I believe) is reversed in the "antiversal" side of things, the outcome is that anything that occurs on the universal side at any point from the 1s electron shell is reflected in the same spot by its ghostly antiversal (entangled) partner (think of electron positron pairs across an event horizon for an analogy). So, this has the effect of foreshortening the apparent horizon on the antiversal side so that it is "flattened" against the orbital "sphere". Thus, the ratio of charge on the universal side at the surface of a 1r sphere to the volume of an enveloping sphere that is "flattened" onto the 1r surface. This ratio come out at one third. Universal fermions will act as if "attracting" antiversal fermions in a 3:1 ratio. Of course, once into the aniversal realm, the tables will be turned; time on the univesal side will be going "backwards". So the progression will be as in the lower part of the diagram.
I have already suggested that "backwards in time" simple reflects a place that, from our perspective took us a particular interval to move from one point in a cycle to another spot in a cycle. So time has no other meaning than it represents phases in a large cycle. It is ultimately reconcilable into a distance.
I think that this is beginning to show signs that these mental gymnastics might work.