Further observations about physics – split files
(13) Forbes article on possibility of closed universe
Ethan Siegel has just had an article published in forbes.com in which he discusses the possibility of a closed universe (ie, one where, by analogy, if you set out "South" from a hypothetical "North Pole" you would eventually turn up back at your starting point).
This diagram appeared in his article (click on the picture for the original image)

To my mind, what this is missing is that it is looking at the taurus as a three dimensional taurus representing just distance. It should be a a three distance dimension and one time dimension image, with time running through the taurus (vertial axis) and any two of the three distance dimensions represented in the fore aft and side to side axes. We need to leave off one dimension to be able to draw our diagram (just as the weighted membrane analogy to explain Einstinian gravity does). So anything above time zero (here) is [passage of] time reversed, and anything below time zero is [passage of] time "forward". Note time zero is [passage of] time stopped – as would occur at an event horizon, and also, as in the deepest of deepest intergalactic space. Essentially, that represents anything on the plane dividing top and bottom of the figure (multiple "nows"). Notably, if I am right about time being antiversal distance (the entangled "dark" half of photon dances), then the passage of time is affected by all three dimensions – as can be appreciated in the diagram. Also, the taurus is repeated for both large and small agglomerations of "matter" (and it's antimatter accompaniment if my ruse is correct). So, a black hole has a time reversed antiversal partner and an electron has a time reversed antiversal (entangled) partner. Once we get to the event horizon of a black hole, where the passage of time has effectively stopped, then we can imagine that this position "sees" itself as very close – if not congruent with – what we regard (using extrapolated logic) as the "big bang".
So, is this not just looking at the mirror image of the universe without it being a separate entity? Well, there are lots of clues to suggest not. Positrons behave as time reversed electrons when they interact with the universe. Neutrinos are, I suggest, the antiversal electron family "seen" in their natural antiversal environment. Dark matter is a strong hint that another unseen part of the universe is close by (like an enveloping cloud). For the simplest component (an electron), the rectified matter part of a photon pair that makes up an electron is mirrored by an oscillatory mirror image "located" (and similarly rectified) in the past path of the electron (remember, we are hurtling through space both around the galactic centre and around the sun). So, an electron remains entangled with its antiversal partner that is tugging towards a past location while its matter partner is forging away to a future location. I think this makes possible sense and could be explored.
That leads us onto particle persistence vs particle evanescence. Persistence ensures survival further off into deep intergalactic space. Evanescence is represented by very short (in distance) occupancy of the "singularity" towards deep intergalactic space (occupuing an equatorial location on the taurus). Near the singularity, particles with very improbable energies appear to us to survive much longer (because of time dilation) and could contribute to electron family members that are much heavier than the tau electron. To remain partnered (entangled) with their antiversal partner, the antiversal distance may need to be much greater than the measured universal distance suggests; this probably contributes to higher mass.