Further observations about physics – split files
(12) The fractal nature of magnetic fields and how the universe might be structured.
...... or should I say "the fractal nature of myriad magnetospheres?" So, it is clearer to me that there are, quite probably, myriad magnetospheres ranging from almost Planckian smallness to pan-universal gigantiveness. It is the latter that could "create" space itself and act as the backdrop canvas on which all the lesser (fractal) magnetospheres are "drawn". Remember, in my interpretation, the size maxima of each of these magnetospheres lies at the point of "stillness" between the cycle "going" from forward to backward time (and vice versa depending on your universal or anti-versal perspective). The smaller magnetospheres will act like sine waves where the backward time and forward time componenets end up looking like a repeating cycle of slowing "progession" followed by a hastening of "progression". Each of these cycles will have a corresponding size minima where the photonic wave goes from large to small, inverts and expands out again. This crossover point seems to us "particulate" (electronic vs magnetic) and this particulate nature become apparent to us as matter in photon dances that generate the various lepton (electron family) flavours.
So, what is the significance of the very largest magnetosphere? Does it cycle repeatedly from a maximum to a minimum size? Or is just a positive and negative distraction from "time zero", where the whole "future" and the whole "past" of the largest magnetosphere crosses over? The other point of time crossover is at the electrospheric minima, the event horizon. This is probably the "point" at which the sum of all black holes crosses over to "all" white holes. However, we "see" (interpret) the latter as "the big bang" and convince ourselves there is only evidence for one infinitesimally small point of origin. So, why do we "see" multiple black holes scattered across the cosmos? Well, that could simply be a perspectival phenomenon. As pointed out earlier, time stands still at the event horizon of a black hole. If black holes formed very early in the "life" of the universe, then, from the perspective of these event horizons, the time and distance from adjacent primordial black holes is, respectively, much shorter and smaller than we interpret it. In extremis, the "core" of all black holes could be virtualy simultaneous and coincident when viewed from their primordial event horizons (at the crossover from time forward to time backward). We feel the need to interpret it as a cyclical universe where there is expansion, then collapse, then expansion then collapse ad infinitum in a time forward direction. But if the reversal of time is correct, then there is only one absolute (maximal) magnetosphere and one absolute (minimal) electrosphere crossover point (the ultimate event horizon) on which all the smaller ones are painted onto the canvas of the largest. I suspect that we sense the time backwards elements as neutrinos and dark matter – we are aware of their existence but they are shadowy and "poorly interacting" constituents as far as baryonic matter is concerned. Remember, light (and the particles it is able to create in various photon dances) can only interact with fermionic matter at the SoL when seen from the perspective of the local magnetosphere (ie, it enters and leaves atomic orbits at the SoL). For us this approximates to standing on the surface of mother earth and watching the fermion crossover points whizz by and around atomic nuclei. Anything that senses, touches, pushes, heats and etc is done either through photon interactions with these lepton crossover points or by the the leptons proximally encroaching on one another. Electron repulsion is probably the manifestation of the interaction of their corresponding and surrounding magnetospheres (annihilating=attraction, expanding/intruding=repulsion).
Photonic quanta
There are three points worth emphasising about discrete light quanta (photons). First, they are generally regarded as particles. Second, they each transfer a quantum packet of energy. Third, they represent a means by which this "particulate" quantum of discrete energy can be released at point A and reappear at point B after a time delay that is consistent with the speed (velocity) of light.
The particulate nature of a photon should alert us to what it is that we are observing. A photon may transmit itself as an alternating, relatively large and static magnetosphere that then exchanges this sphere (or disk) of potential energy into "forward" kinetic energy. As its magnetosphere collapses it temporarily becomes a travelling and tiny electrosphere. Then the cycle repeats as kinetic turns back to potential energy. So, it could "pump" its way along a "straight" trajectory, apparently at the "speed of light", leaving behind a "trail" of expanded (pumped) then contracted (deflated) magnetospheres. What we are seeing when we call it a particle is just this tiny electrospheric manifestation of the whole expanding-contracting photon. A photon is released from an electron shell of one atom whilst it is a tiny electrosphere (the rectified electrospheric manifestation of a dancing photon pair) and arrrives at its destination in the same state when it will become incorporated into the electron shell of a distant atom.
Now, the quantum of energy is, quite clearly, the stored energy that, before release, allowed the photon to form the electrospheric manifestation of a dancing photon pair (an electron). There is only a limited amount of energy that can be stored in an "orbiting" electron and a limited amount of energy that can be absorbed or released as it moves from one resonant shell to another. It is this resonant persistance in an electron shell that imparts the discreteness (integer-like property) of the energy packet. All possible intermediate times and distances may be possible but only the resonant ones become persistant. The rest are too transient to register.
I think that sufficiently covers these three points
How I think universe might be structured

I envisage that "time" appears to be running "forwards" and "backwards" side by side. Each of these representations takes a different view of the same process. Light/photons (ultimately just oscillating spatial expansions/contractions) become maximally unwound in deep intergalactic space (DIGS) to the extent that the most unwound component delineates "the limit (edge?) of space" itself. This limit (position A) is most likely the zenith of a linear oscillation because disc-like (two dimensional) and spherical (three-dimensional) configurations are compactions in themselves. Ultimately, at position B, the universe's constituent photons (spatial oscillations) become maximally compacted (and that implies that there are four, five, six and even more dimensional photonic oscillations in something like a neutron star or at the event horizon of a black hole.
Bottom right: the time loop view. The consitions of deep intergalactic space typify A, the time crossover of "to the future" and "to the past" (but remember, this condition pervades everwhere but has little impactual influence where matter is dense). Similarly point B is at the crossover of time forwards/backwards.
The top right view is drawn to emphasise that time forward and time backward are very close together. Dark matter and neutrinos are probably universal manifestations of this side by side antiversal component.
The extreme left hand view is just the time loop drawn out in a linear "Mercantile" like projection where A+ is like the western tip of Alaska and A- is like the eastern tip of Russia.
The view within the orange box suggests that the magnetosphereic "view" appears much larger than the electrospheric "view". This just emphasises the distortion created by a speed of light "sliding" of the central parts of the [A+ to B+] complex past the [A- to B-] complex. Remembering "à la Einstein", that – by the time A+ and A- come together and, similarly B+ and B- come together – the apparent slowing of the one against the other disappears. So the universal side will "see" the antiversal, magnetospheric, side as running faster than the universal, electrospheric, side AND vice verse (once again "à la Einstein"). (This perspective needs a lot of refinement yet.)
This adds substance to the "decay" of heavy leptons. Both the tau electrons (for example) and tau neutrinos will decay in the direction from matter compaction to deep intergalactic spatial unwinding. So, we should see tau neutrino decay "starting" at the measurement point and being complete towards what we have assumed is the source point. But it is the the start of decay from compacted to diffuse "beginning" at the point of detection and not at the – assumed – point of emission. (This perspective needs refinement.)
There are two "places" (conditions really) where the passage of time should be at a standstill. These are at the most diffuse "point" (representative of deep intergalactic space) and the most compact point (the crossover between black to white holes). So, immediately either side of a black hole event horizon and its corresponding white hole "event horzon" (representative of the "big bang"), little time (and thus distance) will have accrued between the BH and the WH event horizons. To us they seem almost "an eternity" apart but that is the result of the perspective that we take, here on mother earth, careering around the sun and the galactic centre. Similarly, virtually no time will have passed between every "apex" of multiple deep intergalactic spaces as we look into the voids of the deepest and most isolated intergalactic voids. The passage of time at these two points is, also, likely at a standstill. So the most diffuse and the most compact parts of our universe and NOT running at different "speeds", whereas we on earth appear to be near to 14 bn years after the big bang. So, we are – likely, and on average – a tad short of 14 bn years before we rejoin the event horizon of our galactic central black hole (even though – as the direct photon flies) it appears to be much closer in distance than 14bn light years away. And, I suspect, dark matter is time retarded in the "backwards" direction. Remember, a sine wave runs as apparently advanced time followed by retarded time with null ("zero") time shifts as the amplitude peaks and at the zero crossover point.
Negative space
One thing that has troubled me a lot is the negative space part of photonic spatial oscillation. However, it shouldn't. If we think of the whole of space being a large amplitutde and extremely long wavelength perturbation then we can see that smaller ripples (photonic oscillations) could travel through this perturbation alternately expanding (by a tiny amount) the overall volume of this universal space (really what might be termed a very large magnetic monopole) and then creating a sort of vacuum that reduces, by a tiny amount, overall universal space. It could be a sort of puff/suck wave that squeezes – toothpaste like – alternately into and out of the "virtual" tube; at each minima node the potential energy (the spatial/magnetic part) is swapped for kinetic energy (the particutate/electrical part). Of course, this kinetic energy is gained by moving the electrical-minima-nodes from point to point – evenly – along a "straight" line. This is largely analogous to the transmission of waves in our oceans. Each "photon" (a wave packet disturbance that has to be released from an atomic electron shell and subsequently be aborbed by the same for it to be an observable/measurable entity) carries a discrete wave packet that it transmits, without apparent loss, across multiple electrical-minima-nodes until it finally transfers its energy packet in a sort of kinetic collapse into a static potential energy state (eg, an atom). So that just leaves us with the problem of the first positive space "oscillation" that creates the vastness of universal space itself. Well, this could be the stacked up slow moving accumulation of myriad very long wavelegth oscillations so the overall amplitude increases by addition. We only need a single expanding and a single collapsing universal space – we don't need multiple universal expansions contractions. Indeed, at such long wavelengths, the next expansion/contraction would be, effectively, extra-universal.