Further observations about physics – split files
(09) Wormholes and more
- "WORMHOLES": Now, the eventual implication of what has gone before is, perhaps, this. All photon oscillations around the zero mean (that go on to combine as stable matter capacitors, eg, electrons/positrons) act like "wormholes". Here the distance of the "tube" is fixed by the apparent time well. For a single atom, that time well (actually a distance) is very small. For matter entering the event horizon of a black hole, this "tube" connects times of very different epochs. Whilst the tube on the right indicates a "long" distance, it is seen – from the top side – as a time difference between the top funnel entrance/exit and the bottom funnel exit/entrance. So, the top funnel entrance/exit on the electron-outside universe may appear like a "black hole" from this side but the bottom funnel (positron-outside universe) exit/entrance may appear as a "big bang" when perceived from the top funnel side (electron-outside universe) with a time difference 13.8 bn l yrs (which, of course, is interpretable as either time or distance). And, of course, vice versa. Photons that constitute a matter capacitor will exhibit entanglement across the two sides (which can be "transported" to one side when they are situated transposed to one side of the mean (just as an electron/positron pair can exist on one side). The entanglement across these large "wormholes" appears to be "instant". Remember, the funnel opening represents two of three dimensions. The reality would be that the circles here represent spheres and, what is more, contracting/expanding spheres that "bounce" in and out, never smaller that the tube of the "wormhole". So, effectively, each "funnel" is really a 3D sphere where, at the smallest size, there is a tiny displacement of "the in over the out" radiation. At its largest, there is a massive summed displacement (multiple "atoms"). Though drawn here as a tube, it would be a reflection half way along the tube so that the two funnels lie more or less in the same space but with a tiny displacement of each individual (universe and antiverse side of the) "atom"; however they remain close enough together to stay entangled and to form a very efficient matter capacitor.
- Why is inertial mass and gravitational mass different? This is a question often raised. I wonder – if this idea of universe/antiverse proximity and inversion is right then it becomes clearer. The idea that electrons (also muons, taus and possibly etc) are formed from a "rectified" photon pair (triplet, quintupulet and etc) indicates that – at the reflective bounce – there is an immediate difference in "speed" between the incoming and outgoing elements of the photon pair. You could regard this as the universe and antiverse sides to be rushing through each other at relativistic speeds. So, we have an exact equivalence of inertial and gravitational mass.
- If we "tie together" Fig 15 and Fig 26 then we can see that anything "smaller than (approx) electron shell" could be a virtual projection of the antiverse side (for us) and vice versa from the antiverse (positron shell) side. Indeed, the only "real" wavefronts come from deep intergalactic voids focusing down to electron sized minima (and vice versa) that then reflect back (or simply pass through, inverting themselves in the process). Now that gives us a picture of a large "volume" of sparsely populated deep intergalactic space (vast voids). The dominant population here should be virtual particles flitting in and out of existence in vanishingly small space. Every now and then, chance will favour circumstances that create compactification (effectively, space is wrapped up into a tangle) that makes distance "behave" like time. I can imagine that electron positron pairs are the commonest and simplest "matter capacitor" that can form. These will self destruct (back to photons) within a short distance unless more stable matter capacitors have a chance to form. These will probably appear as such things as hydrogen atoms. Now we can imagine a progressive dive into deeper time wells (like H, He, Li) which start to build up a highly compacted set of capacitative improbabilities (energy). Now these, we know accrete gradually into stars, explode, generate heavier elements (like Fe, U) and, then go on to be compactified into neutron stars and eventually black holes. Now this is pointing the way to the big bang scenario of extremely concentrated, compacted and rediculously improbable matter capacitance (the extremely low entropy of the "big bang") before the point is reached where wavefuntions crossing the event horizon of black holes are condemned to emerge from an virtual point "explosion" on the antiverse side (and vice versa of course). We notice this emergence as the ubiquitous quantum foam. Structural (informational) order occurs – not in the extreme uniformity (homogeneity) of the "big bang" explosion, but – in the fractal flow from this low entropy state towards the equally homogenous voids of deep intergalactic space. It occurs at its most intense, perhaps, on planets populated by technologically advanced civilisations. Somehow, we have to convert the "timed" elements into compactifications – that is difficult when we have this overriding experience of time flow from big bang to deep intergalactic voids.
- Is the universe a "perpetual" matter-capacitor generator? Perpetual motion machines are anathema in physics and rightly so in a our parish of the universe. From the preceding observations, it may be that the the Universe, seen from across the other side of the mean (really all those "now" points) appears as an "Antiverse" where all the atomic shells are populated by positrons and the nucleus by anti-protons. Really, they are just perspectives of the same thing but with the "bladder" being inverted – that is, what was apparently inside now becomes apparently outside and vice versa. On this scheme, the universe is in a constant universal background generation of quantum foam. This may simply arise from the fact that zero/nothing inverted is still nothing. Being nothing, there is no manifestation of it. However, some integer quantity (n) inverted has a value (-n). Nothing will never manifest itself whereas, using the analogy of those +3 to -3 dice I talked of earlier, a magnetic wave can occur as an exactly balanced pair of + and minus values that are exactly equal (cancel to nothing on recombination). From our universe side (electrons outside), there is a rectification across the mean (probably due to the relativistic speed of crossover – the focus in/bounce out "reflection") and thus the only way back to annihilation (true annihilation) is to return to the mean the long way round and that means – for matter capacitors – unwinding into photons first. The energy barrier to the true annihilation of matter capacitors is set far too high for it to occur easily across the electron shell "dialectric". It has to unravel back around the long way. Now, out in deep intergalactic space, where there is hardly any matter at all, the constant generation of transient particles is a dominant proportion of "what is there". Every now and then (in position – not time) and given the vast expanse of space, a time well will occur that is deep enough to persist (be a focal point). Every now and then, this again will reach the level of a time well of an atom of hydrogen. The steps from there are fairly clear and those time wells will occur as a balanced U-bend time well of uni- and anti-verse accretion of matter from electrons to H to Li to Fe to U to neutron star to event horizon to anti-U, anti-Fe, anti-Li, anti-H and positrons. Each of the particles making up these atoms lie very close to their balancing anti-particles (and thus atoms) but the energy barrier that would allow them to disintegrate directly back to photons (without first unwinding) must be very high (think about fusing hydrogen). The unwinding involves "opening out" of the entangled, dancing photons to the void. So there is a constant time well escalator (generator) downwards, leading to increasingly complex (wound up/compacted) photon dances. And there is a constant decay and release back to photons during this descent such that only a tiny (almost infinitesimal) proportion of these emergent/evolving matter wells reach the lowest levels. Those that do probably do so in a "slingshot fashion". In all this, time can be regarded as synonymous with distance (photon) compaction. I suspect that there are magnetic spheres with expanding/contracting fronts that exceed the SoL but since they do not dock with atoms (become incorporated into stable oscillating pairs/triplets/quintipulets etc across the mean), they do not become manifest to our observations (that rely on "docking"). For these largest magnetic spheres, they can effectively be across the universe in an instant. That is what I suspect. As these spheres reach a maximal potential (vs kinetic) energy, they may have slowed enough to start docking into electrons – displacing resident dancing photons and thus becoming measurable. Note, the apparent time within the nucleus of an atom manifests as a slowing – even, "deep down", a reversal – that is in reality the virtual projection of the antiverse side being everted out to the same deep intergalactic void and more or less complete photon unwinding. The antiverse side and the universe side both "move" from a deep time well (simply compaction) to timelessness (total magnetic sphere unwinding and annihilation by its "opposing dice face" partner).
- Note that this has all moved into intense conjecture/speculation. So how could it be falsified? Well, if the prediction that you can make a photon, muon and tau electron out of 2, 3 and 5 converging photonic magnetic spheres (respectively) is correct, the rest of the assumptions become increasingly likely to have nuggets of substance.
- Just to resurrect a point .......// In the transition from "outside in" to "inside out" (and vice versa: in actuality the reflection from the – approx – electron shell minimal dimension) what is exceeding big suddenly appears to be exceedingly small and vice versa. What was outside the inner electron shell suddenly appears to be deep in the atomic nucleus, even within quarks. There is, in effect, an apparent superluminal inflation and reciprocal deflation. However, this gap is virtual, not real. It is, like Quad ELS speakers, an apparent property invoked by a virtual point source. The "future" infrared dispersion into a 1-D, unwound, photonic universe. In fact, this is a maximally expanded magnetic monopole (when all the kinetic contraction of its energy is converted to a static potential energy) that appears – through the nucleus – as the past but also appears – outside the inner electron shell – as the future. They are conjoined at the point of maximal potential energy and, in reality, a property of an uncompacted state of the universe's photons whereas matter and black holes (and big bang "singularities) are part of the evolved condensation into matter capacitors. I like this idea. It is still hard to realise how positronic electron shells suddenly appear to be like quarks. This needs exploration.
- That famous expression of the energy equivalence of mass (e=mc2) could be reinterpreted as two lots of 1/2mc2 (the kinetic energy of motion) ; that is, two "particles" of light in a phased dance across the mean. I need to think this through – would a three phase muon contain 1.5mc2 and a five phase tau 2.5mc2? Or would the doubling simply represent the two sides of the universe / antiverse. Or is there deeper meaning here, with three "sides" to a muon universe and five sides to a tau universe? I need to go back and see how e=mc2 was originally derived.
- Some preliminary thoughts:– There is now talk of all electron-positron (e-p) pairs being "linked" by a wormhole. Let's think about that for a moment. A solitary e-p pair probably has a short "wormhole". Essentially, in the "tube" that joins the two, there is a time shift. Now, we are already suspecting that for photons interacting with atoms and creating e-p pairs, the photon enters and leaves "matter" (the matter capacitor) at the SoL. So time may just be the distance from the universe entrance/exit mouth to the antiverse entrance/exit mouth. Now, this views the process as two mouths separated by a distance. However, to create a highly effective capacitance, the positive and negative charge have to be extremely close; the only place that this happens is extremely close to the "now" point. Positive and negative charge may be as simple as this: on the universe side, negative charge may be the manifestation of a collapsing magnetic field (it "wants" to close out the space it envelops) and positive charge the manifestation of an expanding magnetic field. The antiverse view will be identical but its negative charge is our positive and vice versa. The view is identical – it is just the "bladder" that is inverted. The outer magnetic "monopole" (very large) is static with regard to us and the inner e- or e+ (electron or positron) is the rectified "sawtooth" of the photon pair as they "race" towards the minimum size before blowing up again on the other side (universe/antiverse sides). Now, let's think about the isolated e-p pair again; they have a virtual singularity that is close to the "now" point. Once we have a hydrogen atom, that virtual singularity moves out to the inner electron shell. The virtual singularity for electrons in the outer shell of an iron atom is much further out. For the heavy unstable elements, it is further out again. I have already suggested that, in a different parish of the universe (high gravitational systems), even heavier elements may remain stable. As elements become heavier, so the ratio of neutrons to protons increases. So the free electron space (that interacts with the "outside world") gets further and further away from the virtual singularity. The actual e-p pair that feeds the electron "sawtooth" – two rectified sine waves) is, in reality very close but gives the illusion of being a long time apart (down to the virtual singularity and back). In neutron stars this becomes extreme and at the event horizon of a black hole, the distance from universe electron to singularity back to antiverse electron (positron from our perspective) now approaches the big bang to black hole distance. But, once again, it is a virtual distance. The two entangled pairs of photons are close to a common "now" point but kept separate (a virtual long way apart) by the conditions of the local parish. This needs tinkering bt I like the general trend and the way it brings together a lot of earlier points (eg, time at the event horizon running very slow so big bang and black holes much, much closer together than 13.7 bn ly; the strange ideas of entanglement – they may seems far apart but their "wormholes" are, really, the virtual separation from their local virtual singularity; Einstein's reciprocal slowing and shortening when separating at the SoL). This "wormhole tunnel" is, in effect, the dielectric that keeps the positive charges away from the negative. It might, in fact, be something so simple as contra-rotating entities. Rather like a modern vortex vacuum cleaner, there is a force that keeps them from "contaminating" one another even though they are Planck distances apart (both virtually at the "now" point. There is a distance apart amplification virtual energy separation (translated into "the long way around" distance) such that the direct combining of charges (leading to a collapse of spatial oscillation) cannot occur except by going the long way around – from "big bang" to "black hole". The antiverse's view is the same but our black hole is their big bang and vice versa. This accords with the Hawking's concept of e-p pair splitting across an event horizon and evaporation of black holes.
- An aside: Positive charge vs negative charge is probably the outcome of (from our point of view) of "expanding" or "contracting" space (parenthetic because we have – eventually – to lose the idea of time to just a position, the "cartesian co-ordinates" of space. The latter look different to for the universe side and the antiverse side. This is largely the result of a relativistic separation of the the universe's "outside" (the electron shell and negative outside charge where the magnetic "monopole" drives universe-side-space apart. Putting more negative charge outside the electron shell drives the magnetic – "monopole" – perimeter further out) from the antiverse's "outised". Remember that the two are inverted views of one another. What is "outside" swaps (inverts – in bladder fashion) as you cross the "now membrane". It is the counter-current of magnetic "charge" that effectively results in the rectification of spatial oscillations (which add up to precisely nothing – no spatial extent) across the mean. Anytime a particle pair is formed they are entangled across potentially vast distances and they form a "wormhole" that runs between the universe side and the antiverse side. The contracting wavefronts of two photons (for an electron/positron) "hit" the reflection (or inversion on passing "through" the minimal radius point – effectively a "pole" point) then expands out as an opposite charge. This leads to a web of interconneting wormoles, from single particle pairs (really just two dancing photos that oscillate back and forward across the now-membrane and appear on one side as an electron and the other a positron). Now we can imagine a large magnetic sphere building up as the "charge" exhudes through the balanced matter capacitor point (whatever creates the enormous dielectric effect that keeps the charge from – truly – annihilating) in a balanced in and out figure of eight fashion. It is this rectification that imposes the apparent SoL speed limit and separates the two sides (universe and antiverse) to create space. This is a bit vague at the moment but I love the idea of negatively charged and enormous (collective) magnetic monopoles ballooning out into the universe and positively charged (from our perspective) magnetic monoploes ballooning out into the antiverse. The ballooning out runs countercurrent to the electron shell sized wormhole filament that carries the positive charge through the now membrane. Reemeber, negative charge is expanding (from the universes perspective) and contracting from the antiverse's perspective and this swaps polarity as "we" cross the now membrane.
- Gravity: from our perspective, it looks "for all the world" like there is a force excerted on us that attracts us towards the centre of the earth (then the sun, then the galactic centre of mass). However, an alternative – and counterintuitive – view is that the centre of the earth (then sun, then galactic centre) is rushing (accelerating) out to hit us. But this is very counterintuitive and apparently contradicted by the fact that objects dropped from height at opposite poles of the earth accelerate towards each other but don't get smaller. This can only be explained by the view that all massive objects are expanding proportionately and "simultaneously". This view can explain the "bending" of starlight as it passes close to the sun (see this article). Now, taking a somewhat different approach to this possibility may be helpful. Lets go back to the idea of matter capacitance and what "creates" an electron/positron. The earlier view was expressed that an electron may be a perfectly blanced photon pair of collapsing expanding space (giving rise to an electromagnetic wave). Because they are oscillating around each other with the maximum speed of mutual approach being at the SoL (the part of the sine wave that crosses the midline of the sine wave and which equates to the minimum radius), there is tremendous kinetic impetus at the crossover point and this – likely – contributes to the rectifying effect. What we are left with "on the universe side" is a sawtooth of the positive (expanding) and a sawtooth of the negative (contracting) parts of this photon pair. The negative (contracting) sawtooth looks – to us – like an electron (very small) and the positve (expanding) sawtooth looks like a magnetic "monopole" (very big). So, the electron is receding – but gets "stuck" at a virtual minimum at the rough size of an atomic electron shell. The contituent photon collapse never goes smaller than electron shell size but the virtual image created by something (apparently) receding at the SoL appears very very small. However, the constituent photons are, in fact, passing through, phase inverted, and then expanding out but - from our perspective - this expansion is enormously distant and we get the impression that it is at near zero size. Now, here is the interesting point; the magnetic "monopole" (very big) sphere is radiating outwards from all matter particles and it is probably this expansion that is creating the alternative interpretation that the earth is accelerating out to hit us. This results in us seeing the SoL as always being constant. Faster (or even – perhaps – slower) photons might exist but they cannot "dock" with the matter capacitor. This is pretty "naive" in concept – as yet – but it may be worth pursuing.
- I have already introduced the idea that time (at the SoL – which is encountered at the crossover point between the expansion and contraction of electromagnetic space, as may occur in a photon) is interchangeable with distance. So one year (at the SoL) is 9.4605284 x 1015 metres and 9.4605284 x 1015 metres at the SoL is one year. So, in considering the extra-electron-shell as just distance, the intra-electron-shell "distance", because it is apparently contained "within" an electron shell sized sphere, becomes apparent to us as "undiluted" time. We know how long it would take us to travel to the sun (8 mins approx) at the SoL but that is only because we have to drag the whole contents of the universe with us (contained in the atomic nuclei of us and our vehicle). We need to translocate the centre of mass of the universe from here to the sun and that is a very energetic process involving "mass" shifting. Within the nucleus time appears to slow – as evidenced by the slower passage of time at the centre of the earth compared to low earth orbit. The vast majority of the force (exhibited as mass) as we move an atom is influenced by the most proximal "structures" (so it would be mostly anti-verse positrons balancing the uni-verse's electrons). More distant structures probably appear to "travel" backwards in time. And the anti-verse perception will be inverted. The beginning (ultimate spatial expansion – extra-electron-shell) will appear as the end (ultimate spatial contraction – apparently intra-electron-shell).
- Perhaps I have already touched on this but it is getting clearer in my mind so here is a new description. I have surmised that a photon is an oscillating "sphere" of contracting/expanding space. The expanding, magnetic and positively charged side appears (very) large while the contracting, electric and negatively charged side appears very small. This is a SoL illusion and the perspective is reversed when viewed from the anti-verse rather than the universe side. The electron is the product of two contra-expanding/contracting photons that are in electrical balance and pass through each other in pendular fashion as they converge on then diverge from each other. In reality, this oscillating photon pair forms an electron/positron pair. There is a rectification effect across the "crossover point" where contraction suddenly changes to expansion (and vice versa of course). This is probably the outcome of a virtual time well that has to be crossed at this point (because the electron shell minima is not a singularity – it has a minimum and finite "radius"). So an electron is, effectively, the rectified sawtooth of two sine waves (formed from two contra-contracting-expanding spatial spheres). The apparent time well is probably an "intra-electron shell" mirage and acts rather like we would expect a wormhole to behave. "Matter" can now accrete as a persistent hypercharged capacitor within this virtual time well. At the crossover point all the contained energy (improbability concentration) is kinetic. At the extreme limit of expansion all the energy (improbability distribution) is potential (the negative anti-verse side is mutually "attracted" to the positive universe side. The resulting oscillation becomes persistently resonant – which gives them apparent permanence; the photonic spheres are belting in and out rapidly rather than disappearing into deep intergalactic space where they could dissapear as a zero energy node (as in the black parts of an interference pattern). So, the expanding "magnetic" exterior of these expanding photon spheres "move out" to a state of being "all potential energy". In this condition, they are probably able to completely cancel out the contained energy of two oppositely phased "magnetic exteriors" and thus be a manifestation of "a universe from nothing". But, like all waves, their potential energy might disappear briefly at a node but they could pass through each other to reappear as contracting spatial spheres. As these spheres converge on an electron shell sized "point" they look – to us – like electrons (or positrons). This photon pair (electron/positron pair) can go into a dance with other photon pairs to create more persistent resonance that then manifests itself to us as structured atoms. The positronic/antiverse side looks to us, on the universe side, like an atomic nucleus although it is really just an expression of an inversion of perspective due to travelling through the crossover point at the SoL. What is very big for the universe side (deep intergalactic space) looks very small (intra-electron shell/nuclear) for the antiverse side – and vice versa. This is entirely consistent with objects "flying apart" at the SoL. Effectively, the contracting wave that is converging onto the electron shell sized sphere (then passing through and "out of the other side" where it expands out into the deep intergalactic space of the antiverse – probably phase inverted). Anything that appears to us to be within the electron-shell-sized minima seems very very small to us and its time is slowed towards a standstill – from our perspective. Its virtual image will appear to converge on or emanate from a zero sized point source (singularity) though this is, in fact, an illusion. The standing wave that creates the electrons around atoms is, perhaps, "in the past" of the antiverse's outward expanding spatial (magnetic) "sphere"; so we find this antiverse side is in our future and thus energetically extremely "distant". Whatever, the resultant small range photon oscillating pair that creates the electron on the universe side, and simultaneously the positron on the antiverse side, means that this pair is kept, relative to outer space, very near its maximum kinetic energy. So, for each one of the expanding/contracting photon pairs, its energy (improbable concentration) at the electron shell diameter is 1/2"m"c2; and there are two of these. So this raises the question of what "m" means to each side. They are "electro-magnetically" perfectly balanced over the whole universe (universe from nothing) but an unequal proximal balance may leave a residual tiny imbalance in the electromagnetic repulsion/attraction. This is analogous to the distant neutrality of atoms but the proximal repulsion of electron shells that, for illustration, shatters a glass bottle when it hits concrete. When we move an atom we are forced to try and relocate the centre of electrical neutrality of the entire antiverse. Similarly, from the antiverse perspective, any movement of an atom would have to relocate the centre of electrical neutrality of the entire universe.
- This leads on to another couple of perspectives that are linked and will be dealt with over two bullet points.
- Here's another important (I think) point. If matter is made of photons (expanding/contracting spheres – or disks – of spatial extent) and electrons/positrons and their capacitative "dance" is what begins the "building" process of persistent oscillation, then the following is an important perspective. The sawtooth electron/positron pair are, quite possibly, a pair of reflecting photons that tangle up into a capacitative dance. Each of the photons oscillates (contracting/expanding) around the "mean" with neither ever "shrinking" below (something like) electon shell size. Now, looked at linearly, an incoming/contracting photon suddenly bounces out into an expaning one and the crossover is at the SoL. From our perspective (universe side) the reflected/expanding photon is still receding and contracting as we "see" the reflection. That means that the virtual configuration is (a) contract in to a minimal radius; (b) appear to continue away at the SoL through the centre of the electron shell and (c) the antiverse side sees the same but inverted. The outcome is that the universe side appears to be rushing away from the antiverse side at twice the SoL. The unverse side is therefore unable to annihilate with the antiverse side because they are energetically too "distant" from each other. Is this the beginning of a new perspective? It will certainly help to explain why mass is an intrinsic property of relativistic motion, that the universe is simultaneously expanding and contracting (light out to DIGS and mass "clumping" together). This "clumping" can equally be explained as the centres of the galaxy, the sun, the earth expanding (almost exploding) out to hit us rather than their being some tethering "elastic band" drawing us towards these objects (attractive gravity). This needs thinking through in more detail but it does suggest that the converging photonic wave reflects back out and the external magnetospherical wave (gravity wave like) exerts an apparent expansion outwards.
- This diagram may help to understand the "emergence" of spacetime. I have already observed that time and space (at the SoL) are interchangeable. Now, consider that this diagram represents the apparent connection of the universe and antiverse "cones" (really, these are conic segments of two converging/diverging photonic spheres that have a minimum and finite size to which they will contract before expanding again). It is drawn here as two cone tips connected by a time line but that is just a temporary perspective that needs to be adapted. This time line is, really, just a distance; however, it appears to us as a time well). The "oval" lines represent progressive "stages" in the expansion and contraction of space (either disc like or spherical – it does not matter at the moment). When the disc/sphere is fully expanded, it reaches right around the top and bottom of this diagram (the middle outer parts). At this point it exists as an extremely long "wavelength" – the peak point of expansion before subsequent contraction. If time were to exist as a property other than distance (I suspect time is just a perspectival form of distance) then we could regard the photonic spheres expanding outwards as occurring in forward time and those contracting inwards as "events" influenced by or within backward time. Whilst expanding, they appear to be positively charged and whilst contracting, negatively charged. The antiverse should be 180 degrees out of phase with the universe either side of the crossover point; if the two photonic waves could combine (something transpires to keep them apart so this acts as a recifier/capacitor – it might be contra-rotation at relatavistic speeds) then they would annihilate to zero energy. This applies to the crossover mean whether this is at the crossover of a hydrogen atom electron shell or a Big-Bang/Black-hole crossover at the event horizon. At the moment of crossover, the perspective of positive and negative is swapped over as contraction stops and expansion starts. The outside becomes the apparent inside and the apparent inside becomes the outside. At the periphery, where the expanded photonic spheres has reached maximum potential energy, contra-expanding/contracting photon pairs lose their kinetic energy and all their energy becomes potential, none of it kinetic, and there is virtually zero charge (very "dilute"). The combined energy of all photonic spheres should add up to precisely zero, nihil, nothing (a universe from nothing). Tiny uncertainties of the position of the big part of the sphere could result in large uncertainties of position of the minimally contracted spheres and thus facilitate their entanglement into matter capacitance. The kinetic energy drops to zero at the most expanded part (this also means there is no oscillation); but the waves can still pass through one another, particularly as the charge density is now extremely low. Matter capacitance concentrates in the "core" of this expanding contracting set of photonic spheres where the charge density reaches its maximum as the radius reaches its minimum. Contracting (negative) instantly swaps to expanding (positive) at the crossover point where all the energy (energy = a highly improbable concentration) is now kinetic. When it is in a fully contracted state, it lies along the centre line linking the universe and antiverse "cones". Now, I have drawn smaller discs/spheres with squiggly bits around the "time" line – and that represents the distance between the cone tips (narrowest, and dotted, points). We can envision that the expanding and contracting "photonic disc/sphere" can contract until it reaches the region of the matter capacitor surrounding the time line. Then it gets "wound up" into an oscillatory state. So, there is slow expansion, slow contraction, then a series of fast expansion/contractions as two contra-rotating photons get into a photonic dance together (a large – small – small – small – [repeated] – small – small – large sort of sequence). The overall maximum radius is now shortened according to how much "winding up" occurs (delving into new oscillatory dimensions). The distance between the tips of the cones is probably consistently short but, because the photonic disc/sphere has to "travel" much further (although wound up into extra dimensionality) the distance between the cone tips may be one dimensionally short but multidimensionally extremly distant. So, although the photonic disc/sphere is similarly energetic, the totally unwound ones will appear very big and and have little passage of time and the extremely wound ones (near a black hole event horizon) will seem as if their passage of time is extremely protracted and their disc dimension comparatively very small (but that perspective still depends upon the side from which you are observing). Now this means that we can consider that, on entering the "time zone" (which is actually a distance between the cone tips), distance suddenly appears to become time and the distance appears to be intra–electron shell and so took like time; now Eintsteins right angled Pythagorean calculations gain extra imigary. Although I have drawn the bit between the cone tips (in this diagram) as large, we need to remember that the electron shell crossover point is across the plane of a truncated cone (surface if a sphere when we consider this cone to be a conic segment of a sphere of finite diameter). The universe and antiverse both "enter" the "leave" the crossover at this "surface" of the truncated cone (finitely sized sphere). The time line is a virtual distance projected towards an intra-electron-shell virtual point source. For both the universe side and the antiverse side, the nucleus and its virtual time well, will appear to be "behind" (within) the electron shell. The whole antiverse (from the universe's perspective) appears to be intra-electron shell. This is directly comparable to Quad Electrostatic speakers (page 10) where a virtual point source lies behind the side that you are listening to (the back-of-speaker virtual point source is therefore best absorbed/muffled). The truncated cone "place" varies according to the "local" matter capacitor density. For hydrogen this place is the inner electron shell. For uranium, the outermost crossover occurs in the most exterior shells (there is still some crossover at the inner electron shell). For a neutron star, the largest shell could be at the radius of the star itself. For a black hole/big bang the largest crossover point is at a size equivalent to the event horizon. Now, could there be a parish in the universe (eg, the centre of a very massive star) where elements far larger than unranium are stable (stable = persistently resonant)? So, although the cones are drawn here with their cones tips facing one another, the reality is that there are multiple truncated conic crossover points that are immediately adjacent (zero-ish distance) but "a view of the other side" suddenly looks like a time well rather than a distance. The view of deep intergalactic space seen through the contracting cone looks – for all the world – like something that is intra-nuclear although it has really begun its expansion outwards on the antiverse side. Note that, as the elements get heavier, the proportion of neutrons to protons goes up (starting roughly 50:50 – hydrogen – then going to 28:72 – lawrencium, then approaching 100% neutrons in a neutron star). It suggests that there is a potential progression, from lawrencium, right up to a neutron star but the parish in which this can persist (resonate many times) is likely to be extreme and way out of our iron centred parish.
- This may be important. If electrons, muons and tau electrons are made of prime numbers of "dancing" photons, then this probably represents entanglement. Although entangled electron/positron pairs are observed, this entanglement might dominantly reflect a property of their constituent photons. This means that the "rectified sawtooth" of an electron and the rectified sawtooth of its entangled positron could be connected by a crossover umbilical of its component, "travelling" photons. This opens the possibility of entanglement over large distances and there may be a way of envisaging exactly how this ends up as seeming to contradict Eistein's SoL speed limit.
- A perspective on entropy and "gravity". Entropy, in my view, is all about homogenisation. All (concentrated) energy tends to disperse into even homogenisation. In this sense, mentally separating energy from concentration risks ignoring a tautology. Energy is concentration (wrapping up into more and more convoluted forms of matter capacitors). Once these capacitors "break down" the energy dissipates (tends to homogenise), ulimately turning into ever longer wave length radiation that flees out to uniformly inhabit every corner of the universe. My contention is that this radiation eventually (truly) annihilates (at least temporarily) at a deep interlactic node and there reaches a point of zero energy. This point is close to the maximum possible potential energy - the furtherest radiation can reach before it is no longer able to transfer its energy. On the other hand, at the crossover and focal point of minimum contraction (electron shells and black hole event horizons are examples) all the energy is kinetic; it is at its maximum kinetic energy (SoL) where all the potential energy is exchanged into kinetic energy. In contrast to entropy, gravity is all about concentration and deepening the time well. Its population is all made up of "dancing" photons (pairs, triplets and so on) that cavort around in a variety of focal dimensions. The time well is really just a distance but a distance where we cannot see it "travelling" and so interpret it as time. It is getting clearer to me (deluded probably) that this could be linked to the R and 1/R inversion of perspective of string theory. We see anything "outside" the electron shell as an R perspective (it extends from the shell to deep intergalactic space). We see anything on the other side of the electron shell as a 1/R perspective. It is, for us, virtually inside the electron shell. I strongly suspect it is not - it is the mirror of the R perspective but looks different to us because of an SoL difference and the apparently replacement of distance by time. Think about the "spectrum" of atomic compaction from hydrogen to oxygen to uranium to neutron stars to black hole event horizons. The 1/R shell from the antiverse's perspective should be a mirror of the single electron shell as a positron shell, with the consituent photon pair being very close (creating both attraction and capacitance) but too fast and contra-"spinning" to be released (into deep intergalactic space) as the constituent photons. So the time well in hydrogen atoms is small. Iron has many more electron shells and uranium even more. The time well created by these outer electrons is significantly bigger (though still very small - like the time well once we go deep underground). For neutron stars, the well is much deeper the star is compact but still very big. For black hole event horizons the well could be as deep as 13.7 Bn years. In this view gravity creates or, more accurately, is synonymous with a time well.
- There are some pretty far reaching conclusions that can be extrapolated from all of this. If this idea that the very large and the very small swap across the mean then we should be able to sense the "umbilicus" that joins them. Inflation theory already demands that apparently "faster than light" expansion explains why the background (big bang) radiation is so smooth and fairly uniform. The "umbilicus" may seem to be very thin and apparently linear (as would happen if converging spatial contraction suddenly shot from one point in the universe to another in a straight line) but this may simply be that the SoL restriction is lifted as it enters the "umbilicus". However, that "umbilicus" would be extremely rapid (faster than or equal to the SoL) expansion outwards but at inverted "charge" (going from collapsing [negative] to expanding [positive]). This collapsing expanding scenario corresponds with the "points" where matter accumulations occur at the SoL crossover (there may be a rotational component to top it up). At this point it is at maximal – matter – kinetic energy. It must then "travel" to the point of maximum potential energy – which implies the expansion must slow down then cross into contraction at maximum potential energy. This leaves matter and antimatter at two "poles" (of the universe and the antiverse) with the "umbilicus" joining them. This umbilicus must be at or faster than the SoL. Only photonic waves meeting matter at the SoL can be sensed by matter and the measuring instruments composed of matter. Now, what constituents would be in this "umbilicus". Well, close to us it may be neutrinos and we should, perhaps sense some time reversal with these. It is a logical "fair bet" that neutrinos are antiversally located electrons/positrons. Neutrinos "arriving" at us may actual be electrons leaving us through the "umbilicus". Tau neutrinos should be most common close to us and less common nearer the assumed neutrino source. Spontaneous decay would be similar to electron decay but time reversed. There is a suspicion tht this may be what happens. So why have neutrinos no apparent charge? The rectified contraction that gives electrons their apparent charge may be a 1 for 1 perfectly balanced superposition of antiversal expansion and univeral contraction. We would otherwise perceive the antiveral positron as a rectified expansion. The apparent speed of neutrinos (SoL) may be due to the same inversion principle. It is the universal electron matter that is collapsing in (though we perceive it to be relatively static around matter) whilst antiversal antimatter is – for us – expanding out at the SoL. This all may work with a little more thought.
- An aside: if were were capable of getting in a spaceship and travelling out to the deepest recesses of inter-galactic space, we would find ourselves in a very unaccustmed environment. Apart from the sparse company of 1 or 2 hydrogen atoms per cubic metere we would only be accompanied by an envelope of photonic radiation that appears to come to us from every direction and from an apparent "black body" radiating at 2.7 degrees Kelvin. These waves would still interact with our body (matter capitor) at the SoL. They, therefore, (that is the waves) "perceive" the time well, that we have bought along with our body, to be non-existent. For them, time does not exist. For them there is minimal spacial contraction (creating negative charge) and spacial expansion (creating positive charge). The oscillation of a photonic wave is occurring at a scale that is tiny compared to our body's balanced contraction/expansion and its average frequency of oscillation (this constitutes our matter capacitor). Entropy back on earth ensures that we eventually fall to earth and are then spread as a thin film of dust that is held up from travelling deeper into the antiverse by the balanced figure of eight pairs of photons that constitute an electron/positron "doublet" and go on to constitute atoms. In deep intergalactic space we will disperse as dust into a diffuse dilution, not as a concentrated film of dust stuck (applied) to the earth's surface. We might still be able to appreciate the passage of hours or even days (for a while) because we are still cocooned in our parocial time well. The photons bombarding us, however, know nothing of this time well and already exist "in our future" where we are about to follow as we turn to dust and then constituent atoms. So, this parish has a very different mass action influence on what constitutes high entropy (energy flow) in the space surrounding our isolated body. Remember, time "passage" is small when the contracting/expanding distances are pretty much equal. However, when they are foreshortened on the contracting side and elongated on the expanding side, we perceive this as a deep time well. This is because perceived distance is foreshortened when travelling away from us at relativistic "speeds"; really, the attraction that stops us moving out into deep space is couterbalanced by a similar strength attraction much farther away. Note that contracting wave fronts moving at the SoL project a straight line to the atoms "core" whereas expanding wave fronts moving out from the atoms core result in increasing distance away away from the core without any apparent travel (it is a virtual singularity at the "centre" of the atom and it is virtual because a wave never falls to zero size). This corresponds to Einstein's use of Pythagorus' theorem. (This is all still a bit woolly but it is coalescing.)
- This section is just to go over the last point about neutrinos and time. First, regard time as a variant perspective of distance rather than as something unique. Nevertheless, for ease, let's talk with the obvious assumption – that time is different to distance and is independant from it (in reality, "intra-nuclear" and "extra-electron-shell" distance may invert across the switch from a universal to an antiversal view). So, time may appear to go "backwards" (and there is plenty of evidence in quantum mechanics that this may happen at very small distances and sizes). Now, if neutrinos are the "universal-side" view of "antiversal" electrons (of various flavours) what would we expect if they reflected some features of time reversal? The "universal-side" view is that tau electrons have the shortest half life of all three electron flavours. Purely leptonic decay of tau electrons can either lead to a tau neutrino, an electron and an electron antineutrino (should this be two of each?) or to a tau neutrino, a muon and a muon antineutrino. Similarly muon electrons also decay quickly (but not as fast as taus) into a muon neutrino, an electron and an electron antineutrino. Electrons are very much more stable beasts with extremely long half lives. So, could we expect the decay to be temporally reversed? If it was, then we would see electron neutrinos "decaying" into muon neutrinos, and then decaying into tau neutrinos (ignore whether these are neutrinos or antineutrionos for the moment – we are simply looking at the sequence of the "decay"). Now this is somewhat reminiscent of what is observed with neutrino "oscillations". The conclusion might be that the neutrinos are "leaving" the measuring chamber and travelling to the source rather than vice versa.
- I wonder .... Perhaps we can think of space like a torus – akin to a magnetic field around a bar magnet or a solenoid (the latter might later prove relevant to spinning electrons/positrons "shells"). On this idea of universe antiverse construction, we could have two views of the "solenoid/torus". One view from the "north pole" and aa mirroring view from the south. The photon pairs making up simple electrons (not muons, not taus and not higher generations) would appear close to the crossover point as oscillating back and forwards at the SoL. The rectified photon pairs would look like electrons when viewed from the universal side and positrons when viewed from the antiversal side. The universal reference frame is seen as a static sawtooth of negative charges (seen as point source charges); the antiversal frame, however, is moving "away" at the SoL. This "away" is both real (expanding outwards at the SoL) and virtual (a projected image that appears to be streaming "away through the centre – the nucleus – of the atomic shells formed by matter-captured electrons; this gives rise to the interpretation that the centre of the earth is accelerating out to hit us). In reality, the nuclear matter-capitors "within" (really outside) an atom are streaming away at the SoL to form a magnetic crossover point well away from the electron shell. Does it move faster than the SoL in this "wormhole" between universal side of the torus and antiversal side of the torus? That is possible but does not yet make sense. Remember, of course, that the persective of "who" is on the outside is inverted across the mean.
- Now ... : if the antiverse is physically just a whisker away in straight dimension (as required for "now" (electron/positron; universe/antiverse crossover point) to conncet both the immediate past to the immediate future) then that has some implications. Our instruments rely on the electron shell to measure and asssess our environment. The only way it can "see" the immediate past is by looking out into deep inergalactic space to see into the antiversal side (effectively the big bang side). Every spatial bubble that is changing is positively cahrged whilst expanding and negative charged whilst collapsing (if the earlier assumptions were well founded). It is a cycle so we can "see" both the expansion (big bank sort of stuff) and its collapse (electron shells held up as matter condenses and "gravitates" towards zero(-ish) spatial extent. The illusion will be that space-time outside the electron shells will appear as distance and it will appear as time "within" the electron shell. However, I have already suggested that "within" is an illusion caused by recession at the SoL such that "movement" from on electron shell to another (whether it is inner to outer electron shell – or vice versa – or whether it is universal/electron shell to anti-versal/positron shell at the crossover. The effect will be to vastly flatten the apparent distance between the electron shell "sphere" (or other shape) and the distant point of full expansion where the energy (concentrated improbability) is at its highest potential and lowest kinetic value. So this makes better sense of the idea that the charge balance depends upon the ratio of the surface area of a sphere and the volume of a sphere (of unit radius). The charge of the surround sphere of receding positrons (that constitute the multiple electron positron pairs - really two oscillating photonic spatial bubbles) is effectively applied hard up against the outside of the electron shell – even though it appears to us to be an intranuclear particle. So 4πr2 balances with an antiversal charge of 4/3πr3. Since r is the same in both, this is a ratio of 1:3 (or the antiverse-positron seems to be 1/3 the charge of the universe-electron ). The perspective from the opposite side is inverted. It is tempting to think that the up quarks represent a balanced pair of positrons in a particular electron shell and a down quark a lone electron (not necessarily confined to an electron shell). This suggests that there will be some structure to the radial arrangement of antiversal positrons (an apparent 2D arrangement) which is not apparent in the 3D spatial arrangement of universe-electrons. This can be extrapolated further; a shell pair of muon-antiverse-positrons appears to be a charm quark, a muon-antiverse-positron appears to be a strange quark, a shell pair of tau-antiverse-positrons appear to be an up quark and a tau-antiverse-positron appears to be a down quark.
- Hmmm! Let's see what we've got. First, we have a "rectifier" that makes an "oscillating" photon pair look like an electron/positron pair. They appear to go different ways through space (they are "separable". However, if – as we go from "past" through "now" to the "future" – (this happens "continually" for every "particle") that rectifier is working at its hardest. An enormous gulf separates past from future (see earliest comments in this section). So we have a loop or toroid "structure" with every electron positron pair ("oscillating" photon pair). The torus umbilicus creates a "wormhole" between the electron side and the positron side. The positron acts like an electron travelling backwards in time. As we structure more and more fractal vortices of interacting electron/positron pairs we create a deeper and deeper time well through the torus wormhole with the "spherical" outside of the torus looking like deep intergalacatic space and the constituent oscillating photon bubbles (that form apparent "particles") create standing waves on either side of the torus wormhole and these receed (particle like) or approach (magnetic sphere like)at the SoL. That is looking at it as if the torus were a linear left hand side and right hand side structure. But, it seems that the "wormhole" runs from the electron shell minima straight out, in a "bounce" (becuase it's a wave function it focuses in - – converging – on the electron shell diamter then "passes" through, inverted, with what appears to be an expanding out wavefront. This is probably where "time reversal" or freeing of the SoL limit leads to what we regard as "inflation" that runs faster than the SoL. So, the inner ring (electron shell) appears to become inverted, "almost instantaenously", into the external radius. Is this coalescing? It's still v fuzzy.