Further observations about physics – split files
(07)Two fun quotes and more conjecture
Two fun quotes:
- "The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be." – Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time
- "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space." – Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- I am not sure if I have mentioned this before: In our parish, iron is the most stable atom. We can fuse lighter elements to release energy (ultimately, free photons) and fission heavier elements to release energy. In deep intergalactic space, perhaps iron has a gradient towards fission. In a neutron star, even uranium will fuse to release energy. Now, this suggests that atomic structure, under the right conditions, keeps on the trend of reducing the ratio of protons to neutrons until it is nearly all neutrons. In this way, compactification goes on and on. The time well gets deeper and deeper. An escaping photon has a long long way to go to reverse this compaction – massively further that our optical inspection might suggest. Hence "time" "slows" and a time well is created.
- Absolute time: One thing that became clear with special and general relativity is that there is no absolute time. It is relative to your inertial frame and differs from parish to parish. When two objects are streaking apart near light speed they each see each other's clock as running slow. But, we still can't resist postulating an absolute – 13.7 bn yrs in the past – starting point. This is probably a valid virtual starting point but it strikes me that this will have a great deal of the "virtual" and hide a lot of its real substance and meaning. Indeed, at the margins of an event horizon, the passage of time can come to a halt. So, for this parish, virtually no time has passed since it was first formed yet on small planets around the galaxy centre it seems that billions of years have passed. Inflation, multiverses and the big bang all seem to me to rely on an absolute 1900 –> 2000 direction for time starting from 13.7 bn yrs ago and they assume time cannot go backwards. We know two things: that is wrong at the quantal level; and that it seems overwhelming correct for macroscopic components in our parish dominated by absurdly low entropy. Too many component (quantal) events would need to be strung together in a very precise and unlikely sequence for us to be able to return a breaking egg back, intact, to a table top. It is the extremely unlikely starting point that makes time seem irreversible in our parish. To reverse would necessitate a similar scale of immense improbability.
- Temperature: When we look at an atom as a set of waves that do not physically (but not virtually) get smaller than a size inside the inner electron orbital and outside the atomic nucleus, then we have a view that can be represented in 2-D as two discs with a central hole (projected into 3-D, it might be viewed as a torus). "Brownian-style" movement will joggle the two disks in different directions. The higher the temperature, the more likely it is that electrons or positrons will occasionally overcome the charge/rotational energy barrier. (Charge is balanced by the proximity of positive and negative charge – the matter capacitor effect; the "dielectric" gap may be created by centrifugal forces counteracting the attraction between the electronic and positronic sides.) Once a positron or electron is shaken out of its atomic parish to go to the other side, the outcome is electron/positron "annihilation" and the release of the constituent photons. So, increasing temperature (molecular joggling) naturally leads to the partial breakdown of the matter-capacitor, loss of mass and radiation of photonic energy out (ultimately) to deep intergalactic space (perhaps with detours – like, eg, sun to earth – on the way).
- So a new point to ponder is how this extremely large (dielectric) potential barrier affects the reciprocal disc sides. Physically, they are extremely close; energetically, it can be a large barrier – even an apparent universe apart. The problem now is to figure out how the minimal radius of electron/positron shells (the universal Rmin) can appear to be able to accelerate out to the universal Rmax where photons finally reach a point of energy dilution where they are unable to transfer quantal energy to this new parish; expansion ceases to exist. Note that this is the essence of light quanta; they are able to "teleport" energy from one location in space to another – having no physical existence at any point in between teleport-start and energy-transfer-finish-points; even though they can be enticed to decohere at any intermediate point (and thus cease to exist at the previous finish point). Perhaps we can envisage it as electric charge that appears to travel in "straight lines" down the throat of the torus and the magnetic "charge" can spread out to the much larger sphere of influence of the whole outer torus. However, if we view the same system from the antiverse side, the electric and magnetic charge and dimensions reverse – implying that they are travelling away from each other (probably rotationally) at the speed of light (contra-rotating or contra-expanding/contracting in some way). In this view a photon might be a "contra-rotating" pair of electromagnetic spheres (or 2-D discs – remember light polarisation) that are, in reality, spatial magnetic spheres/discs that are expanding and collapsing through each other (but see the afterthought below) and inverting (bladder like) in the process. Note what happens here. The disc can occupy a number of states. At one part of the cycle, expanding into "outer space" (the universe side) gives the disc "margin" an increasingly positive charge which then resists its continuing expansion "outwards" (feel how two magnets aligned in a continuous N-S, N-S or S-N, S-N direction try to close out the space between them). Continuing with this expanding/contracting cycle, the photon disc goes on to contract into "inner space" (the anti-verse side - but seen from the antiverse side it is expanding out towards a similar – [just] perhaps the same – deep intergalactic space where the mixing of the two sides would lead to a nodal annihilation that results in a zero energy [high probability] state). So, first it enlarges (into "outer" space) creating a positive charge (a large magnetic "monopole charge") and then it expands into "inner" space (to us apparently/virtually within the atom) with a negative electrical charge (an electron "monopole charge"). This happens as a balanced pair for electrons (triplets for muons and etc?). This looks small because it is initially receding at the the sol as its charge grows. The outer space expansion looks like distance to us, the inner space expansion looks like time; for all photons in a vaccuum, time taken and distance travelled are interchangeable and constant. So time can be reinterpreted as virtual distance within "inner space" – or "real" distance when seen from the antiverse side. "Travel" becomes the step by step possible incremental/decrimental states that can be exactly occupied by exact integer multiples/divisions of smaller/larger states (what we interpret as resonant/standing waves). The more steps necessary, the longer the "time" taken. I suspect it is something like this.
- Note that this perception of an increasing charge at the "margin", as space gets larger, obviates the need for a stable pair to create the oscillating disc – it will happen whenever there is an initial "perturbation" of nothing into expanding inner or outer space. Energy is lent then repaid in a pendular oscillating fashion and "outer space" represents our forward in time and "inner space" represents our virtual (not real) backwards in time. But, in reality they are both leading from an deep time well (photon compaction) that has evolved in slingshot fashion (persistence of the survivors) back to a timeless ("unwound") "ocean" of quantum foam. Perturbations are always a net zero – equivalent to the opposite sides of +3, +2, +1, -1, -2, -3 dice seen from the top or underneath of a glass table; the reciprocal sides are always in perfect balance, however many dice are thrown, though a single surface distribution (eg, table top) can look quite random and demonstrate, in regions, large statistical improbabilities, even though the overall average – particularly when large numbers of dice are thrown – approach the same overall zero "charge". We have to work out the "God" bit here. Here I am using "God" very metaphorically and certainly not with any allusion to "Him" actually existing. Why is there a fundamental uncertainty/jitteriness from which nothing can "eventually" produce all the baryonic matter that we are so aware of in our surrounding universe? It may be that it is the fundamental reversibility of time that allows the emergence/evolution of our existence in what appears to us to be an immutable "13.7 billion years ago to now" time direction. It can joggle forwards and backwards as macroscopic (mega-scopic!) structures "progressively" emerge in a balanced mirror image. But note where beings who are intelligent enough to manipulate an understanding of the universe have emerged; it is probably not in deep intergalactic space; it is probably not immediately surrounding a black hole; it is probably not (simultaneously) physically and temporally close to any supernova explosions; it is probably not too close or too far from a star; it probably is in the the outskirts of a galaxy; and it does depend upon our constituent particles (making up our atoms and molecules) having been spewed out in a supernova explosion. For life to persist, it probably needs to stay close to these conditions and to climb an order (morphostatic) gradient that is constantly subject to the attrition induced by the entropy gradient of the parish we occupy. This entropy gradient dictates the direction of our apparent time.
- An aside: Time and accurate atomic clocks. Physicists are constantly inventing more and more accurate atomic clocks. At first glance, this suggests that the passage of time is absolute. However, when we say a new atomic clock does not gain or lose a second in 300 million years, what we mean is that we can build a group of these clocks, side by side and held in the same physical conditions (ie, as close as is possible, held in the same inertial frame) and these clocks will stay accurate, respective to each other, to this degree of accuracy. Putting one of these clocks on a rocket and sending it into a distant orbit around the earth will completely alter things (eg, as in satellite navigation technology). How fast a clock runs, compared to the grounded ones, depends entirely upon its inertial frame. On approaching a black hole event horizon it would appear – to us – to get closer and closer to stopping.
- Inner-outer space: Reconsider some earlier diagrams; Fig 17 (light cones), Fig 19 (De Sitter space), Fig 26 (the virtual singularity) and Fig 7 (the now point, the past and the future). Also, reconsider these looking at Fig 27. First, reconsider De Sitter space. It shows it in Fig 19 as a progression from past to future with a minimal contraction – there is no zero size point. Now, imagine a wavefront that emanates out from the pink minimum-[unable to get smaller]-space (the De Sitter "crossover" point in Fig 27) as a radiation that then spreads out to deep inter-galactic space. Or it can converge to the De Sitter point from the other direction (though there is not much that radiates in deep intergalactic space other than quantum foam and any reflective waves from the inner space – antiverse – side; this assumes that an expanding/contracting cycle is possible). Light can travel on this wave as photonic radiation moving at a maximal speed, the speed of light in a vacuum (c 300,000 km/sec). In this state it is virtually all given over to distance and little is traded into time. However, from a photon's perspective, the distance travelled is foreshortened and the time taken to travel even large distances is effectively zero. In deep intergalactic space, which is populated almost entirely of infra-red photonic radiation, this dominant population will not "perceive" it as the vast arena we, baryonic beings, perceive it to be. A dominant time direction ceases to exist here because the entropy of this arena has reached a maximum. Apart from very distant matter (a tiny fraction of our universe) homogenisation has here has reached its most complete state. No potential gradient is available to drive energetic reactions and give rise to macrostructures. Seen from the outer space (universe) side of the De Sitter crossover (where a wave first contracts down to the mean then expands back out, through "inner space" and the antiverse to deep intergalactic space), all distance on the "inner space" side looks to be made up almost entirely of time (but only when "close" to a De Sitter point). The apparent distance outwards, towards deep intergalactic space, is apparently contracted down to something about the De Sitter "hole" size. This whole scenario is reversed for an inhabitant outside the De Sitter point on the anti-verse side. This is entirely consistent with the antiverse side moving away from us at the speed of light. Rotational discs might be one way that this is realised. Whatever, the wavefronts come in from outer space towards the De Sitter point (and there are swarms of these) look like large (probably magnetic) "strings" that "want" to contract to a minimum size (around inner atomic electron shell size). They bounce out (reflected from this point) as tiny electric charges. Seen from the other side, it is the electric chanrges that are large and the magnetic string that is tiny; effectively, a magnetic "monopole" looks like an electric charge when seen across the De Sitter divide. Thus, this means that, across the De Sitter mean (that cannot get smaller point) distance – effectively – makes a right angular diversion into time (though both are distance but viewed across the De Sitter divide. Now, this means that electric charge is spread around the surface of the De Sitter minimal (atomic) sphere as seen from the "outer space" side; the nucleus, which is made from the antiverse, "inner space" side, is a positronic mirror image of the atomic electron orbitals. However, their charge is concentrated into the same sphere and – I suspect – we have a situation where we have to balance the average unit surface charge of the electron shell with the average unit volume charge of the inner space side (¼ πr2 constructs on the "outer space" De Sitter surface and ¾ πr3 constructs on the "inner space" De Sitter virtual sphere. Because persistence is prolonged (distance forfeited to a deeper time well) and distance is greatly foreshortened, more complex structures may be virtually "created" – but a satifying explanation escapes me yet. Remember, distance is "traded" (virtually) for "persistence" – though, of course, the perspective is inverted on the other side. I thinks this holds great promise though it is far from a solidly satisfying explanation as it currently stands. It does hold out some promise for reinterpreting what – for example – neutrinos represent. Perhaps antiverse photons (this would explain their slight mass). Electrons have slight mass too; that may be because they are – at least partly "over the border". It is also a nice new perspective on light experiments. Photonic "particles" are largely the property of the small alternating electrical charge travelling forward in time to the "target". Photonic waves are largely big alternating magnetic "charges" travelling the return journey from the target to arrive before the electrical particles left.
- Note that, to create an electron, the magnetic contracting wave front reaches the electron shell at the SoL. Once through and inverted, it is moving at the SoL in the opposite direction. The converging speed is twice the SoL. That means (see below) the receding magnetic front cannot interact with the standing wave of an electron (on the universe side) to dock with it and dislodge photons from an electron shell (this is how we measure the SoL – it always complies with an SoL approach of departure). This non-interactibility may be an important part of the massive matter-capacitor-dielectric.
- Now – gravity as acceleration: Effectively, gravity is like the centre of the earth accelerating out to the surface of the earth driven by a constant 1G rocket motor. As time runs slower at the centre of the earth than at its surface, any rotational movement of earth around a deeper time well (eg, sun then galactic centre of mass) results in a constant effective acceleration of the centre of mass of the earth relative to its surface. The transitioning from "outer space" to "inner space" through the De Sitter minimum is occurring through increasingly confluent hordes of De Sitter spaces as we move to higher and higher mass structures, reaching an extreme at a black hole event horizon. In the earlier article on entropy, towards its end, I have referred to gravity as a apparent entropic dispersion/homogenisation running in the (apparent) opposite time direction to the infra-red photonic dispersion we immediately associate with entropy. "Apparent" because we perceive it as accreting towards the centre of mass whereas it is, actually, photonic dispersion to deep intergalactic space through the antiverse side.
- Now, the hint of something possible – but only a hint: I have already regarded the electron as, potentially, a two phase latch up of two photonic space/disc oscillations that are formed when two opposing (inner and outer space) photons approach each other at just the right speed and, perhaps, offset so that they "dock" into a stable mutual "orbital";. They are, effectively two strings (disc like or sphere like) electromagnetic charges. When space is created (outward expansion) a peripheral charge increases that then acts as a progressive dampening force to expansion. Seen as a manifestation of "inner space" it looks like a tiny electric charge, seen as a manifestation of outer space it acts like a far larger magnetic force pulling along the periphery of the disc/sphere to reverse the the expansion into the space it created/encompassed. Now, as we move out from the inner De Sitter space towards deep intergalactic space, the entropic gradient changes from very low entropy for each individual "inner" or "outer" space (antiverse – universe) side towards maximal high entropy at the point where "dilution" renders the energy of each photon insufficient to transfer energy from the De Sitter point to the periphery of deep intergalactic space – and expansion ceases. This can be envisaged on a sine wave representation of an oscillating/expanding/contracting spatial distension. As the spatial sphere expands towards "outer space", surface negative charge increases, slowing down the expansion until it reverses and the charge falls. It reaches the De Sitter point at the speed of light. At this point it has no charge but it has maximal kinetic energy so, it reflects out again from the De Sitter minimum space at the SoL (just like a mirror – or extremely dense refractor) but now with its charge reversed. So the inner and outer space actually occupy the same space but move relative to each other at the speed of light (the approach and departure to the De Sitter point might be one at one half of the speed of light to maintain a speed of light limit). The electrical charge of the stable electron/positron oscillator pairs will apparently be rectified across the De Sitter margin in a saw tooth fashion so that it looks like a constant negative charge on the "outer" margin and a positive charge on the inner (could "spin half" be related?). Now, near the De Sitter crossover, it is possible that the spatial geography of the transition favours a very temporary dive into a three phase photon dance (muon-electrons). And, if higher dimensionality occurs here then there is room for a five phase dance (tau-electron) and perhaps a seven-phase or even higher dance. But, the higher the phase dance, the higher the mass, the higher the energy and the rarer the event. Now, could neutrinos be the manifestion of a photon or even an electron/positron pair when seen from the other side of the De Sitter minima? It is just possible that the Higgs might be a manifestation of the existence of a seven-phase-electron. Perhaps this is worth persuit. (Nb: the sine wave analogy suggests movement in time but, in reality it is the distance ratio of "inner" and "outer" De Sitter space with the distance seen "through" De Sitter space as time: and, of course, this looks the opposite from the other side: no actual time flows – this is illusory.) Using a reductio ab adsudam argument, as conditions get more extreme through neutron stars then inside an event horizon, it could be that higher and higher primes of photon dances occur and way beyond the postulated 3-phase, 5-phase and 7-phase electrons I have postulated. I will call these e#1 (photon), e#2 (electron), e#3 (muon electron), e#5 (tau electron), e#7 (unnamed from now on), e#11, e#13, e#17, e#19, e#23 etc. Now, the speed of capture and escape into a stable dance should fall with progressively large numbers. This will reflect increasing compaction of higher numbers of component photons into orbital dances and also be reflected into a deeper time well. Ultimately, that time well may approach the point that time ceases to flow from our perspective. From the hypothetical big bang ("time zero") to our now (+13.7 bn years) virtually no time has passed from its perspective.
- Now, instantaneous jumps from one stable dance to another can occur in true photon form (it can be across the universe in an instant from its perspective) rather than perceived photon form (where we perceive it is limited to the SoL – because we rely on its decoherence into electron shells to measure its speed and entry and exit into "photon dance" orbitals are restricted to the SoL). In going from e#n to e#n-1, photons are released. Except for the special case of an electon into a photon (1) all other reductions in "prime-dances" release multiples of 2 or more photons (an electron or positron – depending on which side of the de Sitter "now" point this occurs). A very high proportion of these will be end up as electron/positron pairs. We now have a situation where, as we approach the de Sitter throat, an increasing intense but still virtual black hole / big bang singularity is approached as greater compaction evolves (in a forward and backward in "time" testing out of possible compaction occurs.
- Although tau electrons are evanescent "creatures" that last a far shorter time (distance) than electrons, in the extreme time well of a black hole event horizon, even e#n (where n is a very large number) will appear, to us,to persist for long periods of time. Remember, time is really distance (on the "other side") perceived through the de Sitter bottleneck (which should, in fact, be a reflection rather than a tunnel).
- So ..... Let's look at what the view is from the universe and antiverse sides. The photonic oscillation is made up of an "oscillating" disc (perhaps sphere). Perhaps it is not oscillating in any absolute time sense. It may just have representative sizes that each have a probability of being realised at any moment that energy (improbability) is "teleported" from one place to another. The spatial extent (represented by a magnetic "string") on the universe side is positively charged and negatively charged on the antiverse side. Each sees its receding "partner" as a tiny electron or positron (opposite charge). What seems to us to be electron dense matter (forming also the nuclear components) is projecting towards a singularity. Our magnetic sphere could be "universe wide" and so in deep intergalactic space. Although they have been drawn as cones opposing one another, they are really superimposed spheres with the universe and antiverse components of the wave always close to each other but, the opposite side always projecting a virtual "singularity" or tiny particle. The ring of the electron shell is probably an "elongated tube" with the electron being just within the left side of the tube and the atomic nucleus just within the right side of the "now" tube (though this tube is, in reality, just a virtual entity caused by the time well).
- Distance and time are relativistic reflections of each other. From the universe side, antiverse distance looks like time and from the antiverse side, universe distance kooks like time. Thus, although the nucleus appears to be within an electron shell, it is really the whole antiverse through a "peep hole". The distance between the galactic centre of the antiverse and the antiverse positron shell may be the same as the universe distance but it appears to us as a progressively deeper time well (from positron shell to galactic centre of the antiverse). This effect means that positronic shell appears to us as being within the past. Reducing this to an extreme suggests that the distance between the nucleus of one of the atoms in our body appears to be a tiny distance from the galactic centre as all its apparent distance has been traded into time. In the same foreshortening way, a photon released at the (virtual) big bang will appear a long way away from us but this photon will feel minimal time passage on the journey. (This is all vague yet but it seems it may help to tie things together.)
- Should all this be justified supposition then one thing that follows is that time also has three dimensions even though we remain oblivious to this. Perhaps the one place where it should be most apparent is in rotating systems and within the properties of gyroscopes.
- One fresh thought is that quantum jumps occur in a strict sequence. If all possible vibrational systems come from integer harmonics (decoherence involves quantum jumps into harmonics) then we could view the particle universe as a series of "onion skin" possible harmonic configurations starting with 1 then 2 then 3 then 5 then 7 and etc. The non primes are just embroidered instances of prime number harmonics in a Fourier fashion. Perhaps, just perhaps, these skins form a universe/antiverse dual set of onion skins running in opposite directions in which matter capacitance occurs as a matrix rather than just a geometric apposition.
- Just returning to an earlier point: higher energies represent higher improbable distributions. However, rather than the complex improbability that occurs when we create the intricacies of a modern microprocessor (in which everything has to remain in precise order – "information"), this improbability is in the focalisation of gradients. So, all the gas molecules in a box might be pushed into a corner of a box (and somehow – temporarily contained in this state): it is an improbability dominantly of compression rather than information. Or we might pack electric charge into a capacitor where – at a distance – the dielectric hides the high potential. The atomic capacitor is an excellent storage vehicle with the stability of this improbability lasting for long periods of time and its discharge resisted by balanced forces. So energy is an improbable compaction and stabilisation (eg, petrol, atomic energy). Because, "on the antiverse side", distance is perceived by us as time, opposite charges might appear to be very close but a long time away – food for conjecture.
- Creation of various electrons: When we consider that a photon is an oscillating electromagnetic sphere (as above) going from "outer" space (negative charge tension) to "inner" space (positive charge tension) in a balanced way (sum zero about the mean), then we can imagine what may happen if two or more of these approach each other in a close encounter (it won't be a collision but a near miss that can allow them to go into an orbital configuration indeed – in a collision they might just pass through one another). The relative speeds and angles of approach are critical. There is likely to be a particular combination "lock" that is – "Goldilocks fashion" – just right. This would allow the formation of an electron/positron "pair" (really, looking like an electron and one side of the mean (transition from "inner" to "outer" space) and a positron on the other). So, this precise encounter is a concentrated improbability (raised energy state). Even more improbable, though, is a triplet approach (perhaps this is what constitutes a muon-electron). More improbable still is a stable quintet encounter (perhaps constituting a tau-electron). And so on to a seven photon "dance" (even, perhaps many more – but only primes as non-primes are superimposed primes). My suspicion is that both the orbital dimension and the approach speed will reduce with increasing numbers of "entangled" photons. The speed of light when entering and leaving these orbits should be much slower here – like what we observe at the margins of a black hole (we know light can, in special circumstances – eg Bose Einstein condensates – go slower than the 300,000 km/sec). I think that developing this idea could be productive; proving or disproving a triphasic photon nature of a muon might not be too difficult to establish and we would only need to confirm this particular case to conclude that the tau-electron and "others" probably occupy an analogous structure. That has implications for the frequency of galaxies in the universe and then the relativistic "convergence" of singularities into a single unifying singularity (big bang style). In the ultimate extreme of a "big bang" state "singularity", the central "large number-prime"-electron might be made up of a very large number of photons in an orbital dance. Their persistence outside of this immediate parish would be vanishingly brief but energetic. However, (from our perspective) their persistence may be much prolonged close to a singularity. Because the fundamental property of a photon has a positive and a negative (2-D) "side", these composite pairs, triplets, quintets and etc will form rectified (ordinary, muon, tau) electrons across the "inner"/"outer" space mean. As the disc/sphere contracts towards the minimum dimension it will be travelling away from "us" at the SoL, and when at its maximum size it will be travelling at our speed. At our speed the oscillation will appear like a large magnetic field (a large monopole) and as it travels towards or just through the mean it will appear to be tiny (because it is then travelling at the – electron dictated – SoL).
- Returning to fundamentals: if a photon is an expanding contracting disc/sphere of spatial projection, then what is it that it is "travelling" along? If we could halt its forward movement we would end up with pulsating ball that expands, contracts, everts, expands, contracts, inverts, expands, contracts, everts, expands, contracts, inverts and so on. But this expansion/contraction is a 720 degree (not a 360 degree) event centred around an electron shell minima. The 1-360 degree phase represents the electron shell to large spatial universe "sphere" and the 361-720 represent the positron shell to large antiverse "sphere. Logic would seem to dictate that they occupy the same space at different times (time being distance seen from the opposite side). The first pass is into positive time, the second into negative time. Once it "moves along" some "corridor" (perhaps a large spatial expanding/contracting sphere) the illusion is that time passes more quickly at one point of the sine wave, then more slowly at the next – in a pendular fashion. But, courtesy of the larger spatial sphere, the composite sine wave seems to remain in forward time from our perspective. Transferring this into a scenario that sees the electron shell lying very close to the spatial minima, then the electrons with which we interact are "travelling" into the future and the positrons that balance them are "travelling" into the past. The universe would be made up of onion skins of large magnetic monopoles that have occurred by "borrowing" improbability in an exactly balanced time forward / time backward fashion that truly annihilate to absolute "zilch" when they come back to time zero (in total contrast to what we normally call matter antimatter annihilation which is just a complete breakdown of the matter capacitor to release photons from their compacted entanglement. We need to remember that the time bit is an illusion – it is really the way we perceive distance on the opposite side of the mean (universe/antiverse sides).
- Here's a fascinating thought. If an electron is made up of two photons in some sort of dance with each other, then the following might apply. If they are in a "dance", they are probably oscillating (relativistically – close to the SoL) with each other. Their "universe" and "antiverse" phases may appear to lie very close indeed (a highly efficient dielectric distance) but, since distance on the opposite side appears to be time, there is a phase lag in the virtual and real positions of the "dancing" partners which could aid the capacitative effect, allowing close physical approximation but averting merger and a radiative collapse of the charged "capactitor". What we see when we perceive an electron is the rectified "universe" side of a pair of "dancing" photons and this may be how electron-positron pairs arise. The positron appears as the rectified "particle" when viewed from the "antiverse" side. So, the rectifing principle is probably "time" (distance on the other side) – the electron sawtooth and the positron sawtooth (bridge-rectified sine waves) are thus separated by substantial time differences (ultimately, perhaps, all of the "big bang" to "black hole" time interval). Somehow, when viewed from the "universe" side, the positrons give rise to quarks (so they appear to be intra-electron shell). Is it possible to devise a metaphorical scheme for this metamorphosis of positrons to quarks that can be supported by the maths? It may be worth someone trying. On the odd occasion when an electron-positron pair is fully transplanted into our "universe" side there is a brief existence before radiative disintegration into photons occurs (usually called annihilation – a misnomer).
- This all seems to be pointing towards each photon occupying a tiny, relativistic positive/negative charged and local phase (electric oscillation) and a large non-relativistic magnetic sphere of universal proportions. Tiny uncertainties in the position of these large magnetic "spheres" may have a dramatic impact on the position of their paired electric charge which result in a restoring force and a sustained oscillation. One implication of this is that there can be a unitary charge – all photons and electrons (apparently tiny "antiverse" magnetic monoples which are – in reality – very large on the antiverse side) thus have a universal integer charge. This is vague logic at the moment.
- When we consider a photon as a composite of a large magnetic wave (non-relativistic – so it is big) and a tiny electric wave (small because it is relativistic – moving "away" at SoL) then some further observations can be made. Remember that the 2nd diagram is rotated 90 degrees relative to the first. Ignore the arrow directions for now. The torus tube corresponds to the light beam and the torus extent corresponds to the magnetic wave distribution. The path of the beam through a vacuum, away from anything massive, is straight lining. (The antiverse perspective is – again – inverted.) The moment that any matter (for example glass) intervenes then the path become convoluted and probably "dives in and out" of electron, muon, tau and etc "dances" (where it comes across these – mostly electrons in our parish). In a vacuum, the distance from source to target corresponds to time (at the SoL) and the two "mean" the same in this instance. In glass, the total distance is probably the same but convoluted; from our perspective it travels a smaller distance in the set time. Matter foreshortens the apparent distance that the source and target are apart. So, transposing this perspective to a photon that travels from "big bang" to "black hole" just through a vacuum and comparing it with a photon that dives into matter (like the baryons on mother earth) the distance from "big bang" to us will be the same as that from us to the galactic centre but it is convoluted and it passes "through" the electron shell. The further out from the "black hole" we are, the apparently longer is the "wormhole" that foreshortens the apparent distance. With two singularities close together, this wormhole appears – to us – to be shorter still.
- One thing that now seems clearer is that, with an oscillating pair of expanding contracting spatial spheres, is that it is clearer why the magnetic phase seems large and the electrical phase seems small. Return to figure 7 and see that the "antiverse" side is effectively receding from us at the SoL. We humans and our experiments view the process as part of the wound up matter where the electrons and the nuclear matter are effectively diving down towards and through the electron shell (albeit as a rotational speed for the electrons). When we see an electron or a magnetic field we are experiencing a rectified pair of oscillating photons – we only see the negative side and, thus, a constant negative charge. The positive side is "on the antiverse side" and constitutes (somehow) the nucleus and its constituent quarks. The deeper we dive towards greater compaction (really photons going round and round in loops rather than streaking across the deep intergalactic void) the slower is the speed of light – time appears to to an "outside" observer to go slower and slower within this compaction. So, when we see them, electrons and positrons are moving away from us at the SoL (we don't often "see" positrons). These belong to that dive through but still very close to the "mean" (which I have assumed is somewhere between electron shell and the position of the nucleus) at which point the "velocity" (relative to us) is high. When we see a magnetic field it is a large electrical monopole that surrounds us (the positrons sensed from the universe side). Both the universe side, positive "exterior" charged electrical monopole (experienced by us as a magnetic field) and the antiverse side, negative charged electrical monopole are static with respect to us. This contrasts with the electron/positron monopoles which are rushing into/through the mean at the SoL) relative to us. The magnetic bit is the oscillating photon pair perceived when they are not rushing away from us (they are at the peak – maximum expansion – of their co-ordinated expansion contraction dance) and the electrical bit is when it is rushing away from us (at the the nadir of the contraction phase to "zero size" – inverted commas because there is a minimum, quantal, non-zero contraction size). The difference between the universe and antiverse sides is that that are at different times – which helps to maintain the "dielectric" gap. Remember, the photon dance is of an expanding contracting ball of space that creates a charge tension at its "periphery" that increases the repulsion and thus acts as a restoring force. The dancing electron(positron) pair are positively charged into the past and negatively charged into the future. The electron, therefore, always seems to be balanced by a positron and both are the "apparent" rectified halves of the two photons. But, ultimately, the manifestations are just a manifestation of a two photon dance that looks different according to your perspective of viewing the pair.
- Hhhhhmmmm:!!! I have been more than thick on this one. Hark back to fig 27 and my "close encounter". Idiot. Exact encounter – just with the right conditions, frequency, improbability and phase. They travel exactly through each other. Apart from the phase difference, they are in exactly the same place. There need not be any actual movement, just a mathematical probability of being in balance at every possible point in this arena. We can think of it as time but time is just (as below) the relative number of in out "bounces" and probability states that can potentially be occupied. They are (quantum minima "excepted") exactly superimposed. As the pair "expand" out (remember, really a probability description) the "surface tension increases" (positive or negative charge depending on whether they are on the universe or antiverse side) and this acts as the the "brake". As they "accelerate" back, they are (at the mean) "receding" from us at the SoL (so they look very small – this is at the maximum kinetic energy point of the photon dance. Because they cross the mean, we only "see" the universe (not the antiverse) side of this photon pair – to us they seem to be buried in the nucleus. During the antiverse excursion, they act like positrons. However, an electron is just a bridge rectified pair of oscillating photons seen from the universe side. Vice versa for the positron. If they are created "ex nihilo" with just two "colliding" photons, then they are created around the mean. We never see the positronic nature of the photon on the universe side. It remains buried in "our (virtual) nucleus". However, if they are created away from the mean (high energy [=high frequency/low probability] photons colliding with lead), then we see the positron appear also on the universe side. A perfect "docking" approach at the mean is much more probable for two photons 180 degrees out of phase – than for three that are 120 degrees out of phase – than for five that are all 72 degrees out of phase. And et sequitor. Now, the higher the prime number of photons that become engaged in a balanced phase dance gets, the greater is the compaction of matter (capacitance). There is "further to travel" albeit this travel is back and forth rather than straight from "big bang" to "black hole". If I am right, the big bang is just a sum agglomeration of black holes on the antiverse side (so they look – to us – like a very focused singularlity). Time becomes "back and forth" distance. Time is also, in reality, just a comparative probability table. (Hey this is fun !!).
- Now, thanks to Yannis F. Missirlis (who I had the pleasure of sitting next to in Paris this last two days) he made me think about morphostasis. Is it morpho-stasis or morpho-dynamics? This led to my own bit of extension in that the body is in a state of morpho-dynamic funneling (or even tunneling – things appear to stay static but it is in a series of frenetic exchanges that look – from a distance – like stasis). Wow – now that fits with figure 7 where the universe's matter and the antiverse's matter (capacitor) is a process of morpho-dynamic funneling. But – it's not a funnel. It's a reflection: and it's a reflection because the refractive index at the core (intra-electron shell mean) is near enough infinite. The approach would have to be so unbelievably close to 90 degrees that virtually no photons ever go through at the very depth of a singularity. But, they might go through lead if there is a very small anglular deviation from 90 degrees. They could go through as photon pairs or as triplets (and etc). Ooooooooo : could that be a neutrino? That means, it could ignore the local mean which appears as part of a large block of lead or of an earth sized object. That needs thinking through. I can see objections already. Whatever, because of reflection from a high refractive index surface (what we appreciate as the arena enclosing an atomic nucleus), it is not a funnel but an universe-in antiverse-out reflection (and vice versa – we would appreciate it as being locked within the nucleus). So, the kinetic phase (photon wave reaching the mean at the SoL) means that it instantly changes its inward "motion" at the SoL – as a "spin half" part of an electron – to an outward motion at the SoL – as a "spin half" part of a positron. Does that mean that when we look at a mirror what we see instantly reflected back is the other half of the photon pair? That sounds good. The phase shift – I think – might fit with that. It isn't actually reflected – it is just a mutual "exchange" of information.
- A new perspective: I have assumed that the natural state of "nothingness" is disturbed "at a point" and expands out (as a quantum foam event) in equal amounts of positive and negative energy before annihilation back to nothing. However, that would be somewhere specific in the void. The alternative view is that it is disturbed, uncertainty fashion, "everywhere" and "focuses" in towards a point. Its momentum/velocity, however, is clearly defined. So, could quantum foam perturbations appear, uncertainly, from all over – at once – and compact down towards a certain point. At generation, its surface tension (charge) is distributed, weakly, all over but as it compacts, so the charge is progressively concentrated into a smaller and smaller spherical(ish) surface. This results in a repulsive restoring force (like charges repel) UNLESS there is the intervention of an averaging-out of positive and negative charges by a matter capacitor (matter: electrons, hydrogen, carbon etc). So, far from exploding from a very small sized point, matter (and the time well it creates) may be condensing out of uncertainty of position. The evolution of increasing quantities of matter (electron, hydrogen, carbon, iron, uranium, neutron star, black hole) must be by small progressive – mostly non-saltatory – understandable steps: there will be no jumbo jets spontaneously flying together from their component parts. That is the essence of evolution. We should be able to see the progression as relatively probable chance events – just as in biological evolution. So matter condenses, from photonic pulses, out of the "uncertain" void and "builds" time wells.
- The theory of inflation – if inflation was real rather than virtual – demands that an almost infinitely dense singularity "explodes" out so evenly that 13.7 bn years later, the background radiation left over from it varies in temperature by the tiniest of fluctuations. To my naive interpetation, inflation gets over this in what is arguably a colossal fudge. We create a scenario that demands an almost unbelievably brief period of colossal x colossal x colossal spatial expansion. This is applying the Goldilocks principle (just right) in an extreme way. And we haven't yet added the improbability that such an extremely improbable, low entropy, event occurs spontaneously – by chance (several billion jumbo jets flying together simultaneously and spontaneously from their component parts). Such a chance event will be accompanied by a galactic number of "near misses": where are they. The alternative is that the "creation" sequence has reflected itself (fractal like) in biological evolution; a multitude of graduated smaller and individually more probable steps.
- Here is some thought on "photon packets" (photon-pkt). It is clear (emphasised by Planck then Einstein) that photon-pkts come as indivisible quanta. Either there is enough energy (concentrated improbability) to release a photon-pkt or it simply fails to form (= exist). I suspect that these quantal packets actually represent one completed cycle. Quantal trains may occur where wavefronts of multiple, coincident photon-pkts are released (parallel multiple quanta) or when serial cycling occurs – rather like the hand driven trucks featured in old west movies that can be "pumped" along the railway (without friction or gradient; the intial power input over one cycle – potential energy converted to kinetic energy – would see it to its destination where the motive power can then be returned from kinetic to potential energy). Concentrated improbability can thus be transmitted – lossless – from one point to another. In reality, all sources of multiple quanta should, probably, be regarded as parallel multiple sources (think of heat and the vibration and wobbling of the universe across the antiverse sides of the matter capacitor that shakes photons out of their matter dance). So, the important point to think of here is what is it that constitutes one photon-pkt – no more and no less. Now, we know that e = hf (energy equals Planck's constant times frequency) and this creates a single (minimum) photon-pkt. What may be missing here is that the energy (concentrated improbability) of one complete cycle may be the same for every quantal photon-pkt (this could have implications for the standard single electron charge – it is the same charge under all circumstances (ie, every electron has a standard charge and every quark a plus or minus 1/3 or 2/3 charge). That is, one photon-pkt = h x f x amplitude. So, if the the frequency from big bang to black hole is somewhere in the region of 13.8 bn years (this cycle has a frequency of around 10-18 Hertz (2.41 x 10-18). So here, one photon-pkt = h x 10-18 x 10+18 (as distance, at the SoL, is swappable with time). For a gamma ray, one photon-pkt = h x 10+18 (Hz) x 10-18 (light seconds – or 3.3 x 10-9 metres) (the latter term being the widest that the spatial expansion extends before collapsing back to "crossover" and apparent zero size). THIS IS PRELIMINARY AND NOT FULLY THOUGHT THROUGH – but it is a start and, I suspect, may be a fruitful avenue. Time, then, becomes the ratio of "rail-track pumps" to universe size. The 13.8 bn years size is ballpark – it assumes the time well from maximum compaction to remotest deep intergalactic space is this distance.
- "Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light." Perhaps this should be reworded as, "Matter capacitors cannot travel, relative to each other, faster than the speed of light."
- Have I said this before? Time is generally regarded as one extra dimension. However, if the foregoing arguments are founded then distance is compacted into time through three "antiverse" dimensions. Since they are all perceived – by us – to be intra-nuclear, they all are merged into one tiny space. However time should also be three dimensional and should compact independantly (as rotational disc like systems, like galaxies or solar systems, attest).
- Now: could this be a reasonable scenario? When photons are absorbed and subsequently emitted from atomic shells, might it be that an electron incorporates a third photon to create a temporary muon (even tau etc). By my reckoning, as it is balanced across the mean (muon/antimuon pair across the universe/antiverse divide), the orbit should suddenly expand to compensate for the extra energy/improbability/mass. Photons are absorbed as an electron converts to a transient muon and back to an electron as the photon is released. Probably a rubbish idea but, perhaps, worth pursuit.
- The "big bang" "happened" 13.7 bn years ago. The evidence of this is that we can see examples of galaxies from which light "started" to travel towards our arm of our galaxy within several hundred million years of the "big bang" event. However, this puts these galaxies in a "special place" which are then all lying at a 13.7 bn year periphery as measured from a central point in the spiral arm of our galaxy. Now, this is incompatible with the idea that nowhere in our universe is special. Wherever we take our stance, the same "picture" would emerge wherever we established our fulcral point of perspective. Now, looking at the system as deep (towards the event horizon of black holes) time wells, we can reinterpret things as the event horizon is 13.7 bn years (or more) "behind" us. Throughout the universe this would be a "constant". The amount of space that a photonic energy packet can be transferred across may well be the same from us to the centre of our galactic black hole as it is from us, looking out into the furtherest reaches of deep intergalactic space. It is just that in deep intergalactic space "spacetime" is overwhelmingly space, not time, and at the margins of the galactic black hole, "spacetime" is overwhelmingly time, not space. Viewed across a black_hole/big_bang junction, the two perceptions reverse instantly: dominantly space becomes dominantly time and vice versa. Indeed, I have already suggested that the black hole and big bang "points" are – potentially – immediate neighbours, if not the same "place".
- No place in the universe is special. Every point could legitimately considered it centre or its periphery depending on which side of the mean (inner electron shell OR big_bang/black_hole transition) you observe it. Quantum foam should arise as a pair consisting of a large magnetic sphere (very big) and a tiny, point like electric charge (small) which swap perceptual interpretations across the mean. Electric charge appears to be point like and the magnetic sphere appears to swell far into the universe (potentially, "all the way"). So every electric charge lies near to the centre of its particular universe. Interactions of electromagnetic perturbations that give rise to matter capacitors can occur because each "step" from energetic (improbability point) to the next can be close enough for the underlying quantal uncertainty to allow an instant quantum jump. This allows a saltatory, step by small step, "construction" of matter capacitors, in a process that could be regarded as emergent or evolutionary. Time wells thus emerge as "improbability entities"; and the "big bang" appears to be born in an extremely low entropy state.
- Just a thought: time and distance are potent separators. So, if spacetime can be "expressed" dominantly as space or dominantly as time, charged "particles" may be exceedingly close in distance and far apart in time. But, time is just distance glanced across the mean. That makes the whole idea of matter capacitors more potent for me.
- Where I think this is going (1): matter capacitors (formed from photons) concentrate the energy of a photonic wave at a focal point. Photonic waves can "jump" their energy "content" from one point to another. It radiates as light from matter when released from "orbiting" electrons (positrons) and then focalises (decoheres) from a light wave packet to a matter capacitor having traversed a variable distance (mm and less to light years) between the two points. A large portion of the energy (made from the "splitting" of nothing into two out of phase photonic packets which add up to nothing – remember the dice faces) is widely distributed in space. Possibly only a small portion of it makes it into forming stable matter capacitors. The split "nothing" then radiates then reconvenes at a focal spot. The positive wave "moving backward in time" interacts with the negative wave "moving forward in time" to create, ultimately, stable atoms (persistent atoms – ie the nuclei are a long way into the antiverse side, and this long way looks to us like a long time). The universe is made of enormous numbers of split "nothings" that emanate and reconvene at varying time well depths. A useful "picture" is to see a photon interacting with your face as a converging then diverging wave (going both ways in time so the same thing on the antiverse side will look like a diverging then converging wave). It never dips deeper into the time well than this parochial point. At the centre of the sun, the time well is much greater.
- Where I think this is going (2): "time going backwards" (and forwards for that matter) is probably an illusion of the state of matter compaction (or compaction into matter). Feynman popularised the concept that positrons could be viewed as electrons travelling backwards in time. However, when we consider the idea of time wells, what we are noticing is that distance looks like time when seen as part of the antiverse side (the matter side dominated by external positronic shells). Of course, the perspective from the antiverse side is vice versa. The universe side sees the antiverse side as running slow or even reversed in time and the antiverse side sees the universe side in the same way. This is just like two spaceships travelling apart near the SoL. They each see each other's clocks as running slow. Since I am envisioning that the nucleus is really an illusion, this backward in time perception may be illusory as it is part of a virtual projection into the past. Consider a photonic wave that starts from an electron shell sized origin, extends out to a "universe sized" maximum (where there is insufficient energy left to allow any decoherence) then moves in again to an electron shell sized destination (which is really the same place as the aforementioned origin) by which time it has completed a cycle. It is clear that we appreciate only the universe side in our parish (external electron shells that repel one another and release photons to radiate into deep intergalactic space; these photons have ever lengthening wavelengths as the distance from the origin increases). The antiverse side will be, equally, moving from high matter compaction to radiative photonic dispersion into increasingly deep intergalactic space to meet the same ultimate maximum radiative diameter where +ve and –ve electromagnetic waves can locally "annihilate" (add up to zero energy) but still "travel through each other back off to towards the origin but on the other side. These two locations should both be external to the electron shell but "moving" relative to one another in such a way as the actual antiverse side seems non-existent to us.