Further observations about physics – split files
(06) Anchor points continued ...
- Continued.... Now, we have got a sniff of the fact that the photonic spheres are not all necessarily billions/trillions (or more) years in radius. They are a myriad mix of all size spheres (perhaps even a fractal structure of same "shaped" structures). Or perhaps it is only one expanding sphere whose myriad (possible) incremental sizes exist simultaneously outside of time. They are all there forever, timeless and all at "the same time". Each sphere size exists; time cannot annihilate it ("gone forever" is our parochial expectation). Now, as an aside, the link into prime numbers and "resonant numbers" could be reflected in this idea of one sphere trying our all possible dimensions. At the periphery, only the largest pond ripples exist (a universe of very big primes where the interval to the next prime is approaching or exceeds the big prime itself). At the origin (deepest part of the time well) only highly resonant primes persist (to form electron shells, they must be non-primes to be able to fit inside a larger "number". So, what is rippling? Well, we here, on our expanding time sphere diagram (Fig 3) it is the distance from the central "origin" (the minimum dimension where the time well is deepest and addumed, above, to be around electron shell dimension). Remember that, for light – distance equals time). There is probably some fundamental uncertainty about distance (for these ripples) that sets off the "wobble". At the minimum dimension, distance is "all time". The "straight lining" photon gets wound up into ever more compacts spirals; remember those charity coin vortices and how the coin lingers in the tight throat of the cone. Out at the periphery (the largest dimensions) the spiral is almost totally unwound (straight lining) whilst at the centre it is in an ever more tightly wound spiral. That might tie in nicely to the observation that "condensation" (or capacitation !!) into matter capacitors closes one of the three dimensions (think of a gyroscope and how hard it is to alter its rotating plane). Condensation of matter from the photonic periphery to the baryonic "throat" is always down through discs (eg, galaxies, planetary orbits). (#### this is not right yet – the gyroscope bit.)
- Continued .... So, matter condenses (capacitates) around the node/antinode crossovers of photonic ripples. A vortex of resonant structures builds up in a disc like way (Fig 14) and, effectively, creates times wells "everywhere" on the "surfaces" of this photonic sphere. Our apparent origin (big bang) is, in reality, a time well "into the past" that "condenses" (capacitates) out of a timeless 3rd dimensional ripple on a 2D spherical "membrane". Not only does it condense distance into time but it has a reverse action when through the node/antinode when it re-expands back out but phase inverted. SO, time forward (as we see it) is from the throat of the spiral to deep intergalactic space. The throat of the vortex holds electron positron pairs apart so they do not annihilate back to pure photons but this vortex is so intense that it acts like a "perfect" dielectric that keeps the charges close but separated. The positronic shells look like nuclei to us and the electronic shells look like anti-nuclei to the antimatter side. Time dilation ends up as being just spirally wound distance. A light year is a maximally unwound electromagnetic "string". These ripples correspond to magnetic "monopoles" which, when viewed from across the minimum dimension (the other side of a vortex minima), look like point sized electrons or positrons. The matter capacitor occurs where the "pond ripple" is approaching the "node/antinode) point then receding from it as it "passes through". Resonances (persistence) can condense (capacitate) out of this either side of the minimum size (vortex throat). Viewed from the "approaching side" the positively charged nucleus looks tiny, surrounded by an electron cloud. Viewed from the receding side, it looks like a tiny negatively charged nucleus surrounded by a positronic cloud. The "forces" that keep the out of phase ripples from collapsing together (the ripples annihilating) are, at least partially, rotational forces. We can already see that in a gyroscope, the periphery of the disc (we'll call it "in the X plane) has, effectively, farther to travel than the Y or Z planes would when we try to change its X plane towards a Y or Z plane. (Draw a rotating gyroscope on an X,Y,Z graph, rotating around the Y axis; it requires not a great deal of force to move the gyroscope up or down the Y axis, along the X axis or along the Z axis. But try and shift the X,Z axis plane and you realise the Y axis has to travel "much further" that the X and Z axes in this axis rotation. The Y axis is "expanding out". Dimensional contraction (the opposite to what happens with the Y axis of the gyroscope) may apply to further dimensions that "disappear" from our common experience (this is still "wrong").
- Continued .... The ultimate result is that matter condensation (capacitation) occurs either side of the minimum size (vortex throat/node/antinode). It occurs in a "time well" condensing out of a timeless photonic sea. The matter "universe" is separated from the "antimatter" universe by the rotational forces around this well. Once the capacitance is released back to photonic ripples, they can return as intense radiation to the periphery of Fig 3 – but the journey is instant from the ripple's perspective (travelling at the SoL; effectively, the origin and arrival are a linked unit – they can each affect the other, they are entangled).
- Continued ..... Consider the situation around a nodal/anti-nodal point as the photonic wave "converges" then "diverges" with a 180 degree phase shift. (That needs thinking thru for a 3D interpretation of the node/antinode.) So, many photonic waves are approaching an electron shell sized "point" at the SoL then leaving (bouncing out in anti-phase) at the SoL. If two opposing photons are appropriately "tuned" (entering at the right angular momentum, perhaps) they can then enter a dance around the electron shell minimum (the mean) and take up a figure of eight alternating dance. Provided that this dance occurs across the plane of a vortex, the positive excursions can "point" to the antimatter side of this plane and the negative excursions to the matter side. The vortex ensures that, although the two are right next to each other (much less – perhaps – than an electron shell distance) they are energetically "miles if not light years apart" and appear as positive or negative electric charges. So, we have a sea of electron/positron pairs at the nodes and the excursions of these pairs turns them from positive to negative as they cross the "zero" point of the node. They are effectively rectified across the plane but balance each other out into an apparent persistent electron (when seen from the matter side) and positron (when seen from the antimatter side). The wave will look just like a rectified alternating current as it has gone through a bridge rectifier. With enough sudden energy, the electron or positron can be occasionally projected to the other side but – on the "wrong side" – they will leave the vortex dielectric and be released – as a pair – back into pure photons. Bang !!
- Continued .... Now we can reconsider the double slit experiment again. If a photon takes ap a fractal like shape (same shape many different sizes) we can imaging the experiment as a mini expanding contracting sphere (FIg 3). The the anti-node bound wave occurs as a tiny ripple (closer/further away) on the "south" magnetic route from node to anti-node and vice versa for the returning nodal bound wave. Because it is approaching and retreating at the SoL, it looks like a point source and a point arrival and anything that blocks out the virtual straight line between source and arrival will block transmission. Putting two slits in between will, perhaps, turn the experiment into two "fractals", the one before and the one after the slits. The influence around the sphere will be there (the magnetic components extend right around the room. The electric components of the EM wave are how these magnetic "monopoles" appear to us when approaching or receding at the SoL.
- None of this addresses other fundamental particles and that needs addressing. However, if these ruminations have some merit (and are not embarassingly, spectacularly wrong) then we can leave the quarks to look after themselves for now. How do muon and tau fit in beside electron leptons? They are spin half (suggests they oscillate about the mean), charge -1 (or +1 as anti-muon and anti-tau) so they bend space like magnetic "monopoles" (remember from one universe or one anti-unverse side it's a big magnetic field and the seen through the "mean" it looks like an electric charge). So the goal is to get a concept of why they do not form much baryonic matter (they are less stable around a vortex) and what the meaning of their respective neutrinos represent. The latter are "one sided" – that is, they "travel" from a nodal/antinodal vortex throat out to deep intergalactic space without ever oscillating around the mean. So, here is a start.
- Continued .... It remains vague still but there are some integrative points that have come out of this. To be continued ......
- As a point of interest, consider how a photon "docks in to orbit" to create an electron positron pair. It must be "caught" in this orbit and that requires some pretty special initiating conditions. Just as an asteroid will generally either glance our planet or crash into the earth so with photonic waves. Rarely, though, the goldilocks condition occurs and two waves approach each other at the right distance and the right speed and in the right dance with its partnering photonic wave that then makes a pair of oppositely phased (and so charged) photon pairs that can oscillate back and forward across the mean creating an apparent electron/positron pair. It is just a captive pair of contracting/expanding spatial oscillalations whose "membranes" are "charged" according to whether they extrude "north pole" or "couth pole". Seen from the opposite pole, these look like point charges (electric charge). Seen from the same side, they look like a magnetic field (loosely, a membranous "string"). I like this way of looking at things – it makes a bit of sense of a variety of known behaviours.
- It seems strange that this inversion of perspective is even possible – but Einstein's realisation makes it so. We have a situation where a standing wave of collapsing expanding/space could lead to a dumbell pair of photonic waves that "contra-rotate" and so hold each other together to create an electron/positron pair. Effectively, this pair appear rectified when looking from the electrons-outside (matter) perspective or the positrons-outside (antimatter) perspective. These collapsing/expanding spatial waves are moving at the speed of light as they crossover from one side to the other. They are exchanging potential for kinetic energy (and back) at every oscillation. If they could meet under other circumstances, they would annihilate (like in the anti-nodes of a diffraction pattern). The passage of time for the intra-electron shell side will, thus, appear to us to be very slow if not almost stopped (probably just slow – because they are not always travelling to or from the electron shell minima at the SoL; only at crossover do they reach maximum speed). Likewise the "size" of the receding photonic wave will appear to be extremely small on the intra-electron shell side. However, the perspective is inverted from the other side of this expanding contracting point. It works, in effect, like the throat (minima) of a torus or disk. The "funnel" of this torus extends – virtually I guess – back towards the "time" of what we consider as the big bang (or time zero); certainly it appears to "project" towards a black hole event singularity (zero size). Effectively, the electron-inside matter is accelerating out towards us. It has a gravitational rocket motor effect when we look at large aggregates of atomic nuclei. The centre of the earth is rushing out to towards us like the floor of a 1G lift (here on earth). Although the inside of a nucleus looks small to us and is apparently within the electron shell, the constituent standing wave, at it highest potential (vs kinetic) energy, is moving away from us at the SoL. The force this exerts on the electron shell is what we feel as we are repelled away from adjacent atoms. (All poorly described and this must be improved).
- So how are muons and tau electrons "made"? One tempting suggestion is that, like the national grid, instead of a two phase (180 degree "out" of synchronisation) electron/positron pair we may be seeing a three phase muon/antimuon dance (only the antiparticle flavour when it is traversing the intra-electron shell – anti-matter- side) and a five phase tau electron. The probability of a perfectly matched 180 degree out of sync two phase pair coming together at the right time, angle of approach and speed seems – intuitively – small. A three phase triplet is much more unlikely and a five phase quintuplet far more unlikely still. As they are increasingly improbable, their energies should be higher (by far) than an electron and thus, their masses, equally larger. (Nb, four phase would be just a special variety consisting of two pairs of two phase photons.) Theoretically, higher "phase" leptons might exist but they will – in all probability – become vanishingly improbable in our parish. A seven phase "dance" would involve masses of around 20,000 MeV or more and a life time of around 10-20 secs if we simply extrapolate from electron to muon to tau and then beyond. This point is quite important because an oscillating light wave (photonic complex) may appear to be travelling at the SoL but, like electrons in a cable, the actual speed of "travel" of electrons in an AC cable is low and the total number of electrons flowing is close to zero. What is happening is the the source voltage is "shaking" the target voltage to follow the source. The final current flow takes place between the three phases of three cables in the vicinity of the target. No "zero" voltage return cable is needed to return the current "back" to the source. This is analogous to what may be happening with electromagnetic radiation.
- Let's go back to figure 3. Remember that the surface of the sphere only represents 2 of the three conventional 3-D dimensions . We have to keep reminding ourselves that the radius is not a distance even though the circumference represents the spatial part of space-time. Instead it represents dimensional compaction. At the sphere surface it could be 2-D or 3-D. As we move closer to the centre of the sphere, the "strings" (probably magnetic strings, rings or "hollow" spheres – 1-D, 2-D then 3-D respectively) become progressively wound into higher dimensional compactions in vortices of "matter" capacitance and compaction. As compaction increases, so the stability of ever more condensed matter capacitance increase. In our "parish", the electron shell of iron is very stable and the very heavy elements (uranium and beyond) become increasingly unstable – in our parish. In a neutron star the compaction goes on and – in that parish – it is very stable. What we experience as magnetic fields may represent the rings/hollow spheres of space that are trying to contract towards zero radius (just as happens when you hold North and South poles of a magnet close together). These magnetic fields are "large" because they are "travelling" away from the electron shell sized minima at close to the SoL and our perception of a "now" point. The electrons in the electron shell are travelling (with respect to the "static" macroscopic state of a lump of iron for example) in a series of dimensional spins that bring the electron's speed to close to relativistic effects and it typically appears very small to us living outside of this shell. The "through the electron shell" side (or intranuclear, or positronic/antimatter side) appear very small and are probably connected by a sort of "cosmic string" to the black hole/big bang virtual singularity at the centre of our galaxy and, even, the big bang singularity. The incoming string (wave) approaches the "now" point at the SoL as a photon of light. This is composed of a larger magnetic oscillation and a tiny (across the mean) electrical oscillation. Seen across the matter/antimatter divide, the perspective reverses.
- This leads on to the speculation that all "events" are electromagnetic oscillations. The across the mean (antimatter side) component appears to the matter side as a particle. Since electrons circle the electron shell minima at near relativistic speeds, these also appear particle like to us clutching our lum of iron. But both electrons and photons are alternating across the mean. Electrons probably alternate across the mean as the matter side expression of a dumbell pair of an electron and a positron. Each time an electron crosses the mean it is "turns into" a positron (and vice versa). What we regard as an electron is a rectified sawtooth of negatively "bent" space (a magnetic coccoon that "wants" to collapse to the quantal minimum radius). When an electron meets a positron on the matter side of the mean, then this neutralises the spatial cocoon and the figure of 8 "dance" ends to release all the "improbability" of the matter capacitance back to fleeing photons. This is all highly conjectural BUT it does start to make some "classical" sense of what might be happening.
- The spatial cocoons are probably built up like fractals. The basic "magnetic vortex" (like a bar magnet's magnetic lines with the magnet removed) is made up of a chaotic vortex of spatial cocoons ranging from atom sized to galaxy sized (and, perhaps, even universe sized) spatial cocoons. It is tempting to think that these might be rather like soap bubbles where the internal pressure (to collapse) decreases with increasing radius (and, of course, vice versa). Matter capacitors may help to keep them "inflated" by creating "surface tension".
- A big problem is to conceptualise why we don't see the "antiverse" side and don't experience it. But, perhaps we do. It is tempting to conceive that, for instance, when a muon "decays" (looses triphasic stability) it degenerates from three to two phases. It should initially be composed of three photons in a dance across the mean and will "decompose" to two photons in a dance across the mean creating an electron positron pair. Decomposition leads to an electron and an electron neutrino. Now the electron neutrino may equate to the expression of the antiverse's release of a photon into deep intergalactic space. There is a long way to go to hone this idea into shape but it – perhaps – holds promise. And it would help explain the observation that it is very improbable that we will interact with antiverse side "photons" although they are only femptometres apart when they first decompose. It is easier, also, to get some sort of surmise on why a rising temperature (electron shell jiggling) leads increasingly to the release of "matter capacitance" as the electron dance is disrupted
- A bit of an aside point: Whenever we measure the SoL we are looking at photons "docking" or "undocking" with electron/positron pairs. The only photons we measure are those that have just the right approach (or exit) from "orbit" around the mimimal distance (defined, once again, by that which is capable of being a stable electron/positron pair). Whilst other "speeds" and smaller distances may be "possible", we may only "see" one speed and once distance minima. Any others will not interact and so remain "invisible" to us. "Superluminal" might be possible but irrelevant to and non-interactive with baryonic matter. I like this as it makes "sense" out of a "need" for an SoL limit. It also gives a hint of how accretions of electron/positron pairs leading on to more and more complex baryonic structures may emerge in a evolving manner. Once a matter capacitor of balanced "electron fleeing" and "positron fleeing" entropy has begun, the apparent time well (low entropy well) can accrete slowly. Now, the idea that gravity represents the "positron fleeing" side of entropy becomes more obvious. Photons are not restricted, perhaps, to any speed of form but will only form time wells (matter capacitors) when they are finely tuned to interact with (and create) electron/positron pairs.
- (An aside) Whenever we think around time, we end up with a dualistic contradiction: it takes time to learn a language, to develop a science, to construct a motorway, to build our house; in contrast, time nibbles away at our organisation and constructed order, left unmaintained, decays into a progressive "crumbling" homogenisation. We tend to interpret the constructive side as "intelligent intervention". However, it is clear that – if we could spontaneously generate a very large volume of hydrogen from elementary particles (a firm possibility with "quantum foam" given a large enough arena, or volume, to allow improbable persistences to accrue) then "gravity" will do the rest and gradually gather the primordial gas together, fuse it into higher elements, spew out improbable heavy elements, and create life sustaining solar systems; and all of this without the obvious intervention of an intelligent creator. Indeed, unless an "intelligent creator" set up the initial conditions that then allows for the spontaneous creation of a deep intergalactic "ocean" of quantum foam, there is no further need for any intervention by an intelligent creator. I like to think that the universe is both condensing (coalescing into matter) and expanding (dissipating into homogenous radiation). If this condensation/dispersion in the matter side of the universe is balanced by dispersion/condensation in an antimatter side of the universe (what seems to us extra-electron shell seems to the antimatter universe to be intra-nuclear), this would neatly tie into "matter capacitance". Matter, then, would be made up of condensing particles from both sides. It may be an observation too far to speculate that matter is constructed from two sets of 1/2mv2 (a pendular cycle has a static high-potential-energy/zero-kinetic-energy point and a dynamic zero-potential-energy/high-kinetic-energy point that are exactly equal in energy (balanced). Remember that energy gradients form where there are "hotspots" of improbable distributions.
- Any "point" where matter accretes involves the creation of standing waves from waves fronts converging on a "pole" from both the matter and antimatter side. This, from the matter side perspective, appears to be a series of wave fronts emanating from the "nucleus" and converging from outer space. From the anti-matter side, the perspective will be reversed. Matter appears by courtesy of a matter capacitor with charges equally balanced across the pole. There are multiple individual poles that gradually accrete when close enough. Being at the "sine wave crossover point" these waves are naturally at their maximum velocity (the SoL) when assessed by a matter apparatus measuring the SoL close to other matter. They are like collapsing/expanding spheres close to the point of minimum size (inner electron shell size) which also corresponds to the statistical mean. Anything that looks smaller is a virtual image of the anti-matter universe seen from the matter universe (and vice versa). This leads to the scenario shown to the left: the wave-fronts move from the outer space direction towards an inner electron shell minimum contraction ("forwards time impression") then back out ("backwards time impression"). This is like a (sine wave) expanding/collapsing (oscillating) sphere of space. It seems likely that a miriad of differing size space oscillators contribute to the final "matter" product in our universe. Anything apparently smaller than the inner electron shell (or thereabouts) could be a virtual image of the opposite "universe" (antimatter for us on the matter side of "time" and matter for those on the anti-matter side of "time"). The outcome of this is that there is a virtual distance (or time) running from the green "mean" to the red "mean" which is, in fact, non existent and could appear to us as "instant" jumps, inflationary periods, wormholes and entanglement. Of course, this leaves the very thorny question of how looking at positron shells "through" the mean (the transition point from matter– to antimatter-universe sides – the narrowest point of the truncated cone on the left) ends up appearing like quarks. However, a number of "anchor points" suggest the effort to resolve this may be worthwhile. Remember: quantum jumps, inflationary physics and entanglement all are all predicated on the fact that time runs inexorably in the big bang, 2000, 2014, future-heat-death-of-the-universe direction. However, at tiny, subatomic scales, we see clear evidence that time is likely to be reversible. The wavefunction equation of the universe appears to be independent of time. It could be that the overlapping truncated cones with an apparent (projected) virtual singularity actually represent a sphere of contracting then expanding spacetime and that time and distance are two appearances of the same basic process when seen from two different perspectives.

Revisiting the emergence vs immaculate conception argument: The current view of the big bang is that it emerged as an infinitesimally small nugget of unbelievably low entropy (a chance event smaller than one punter winning the Euro Lottery every time it was played for thousands of sequential games – a somewhat improbable event). Not only that, but it has to be perfectly balanced so that errors don't amplify over time. Not only do we have to represent the lucky lottery winner, but It has also to be extremely finely tuned; inflation is one of those tuning mechanisms. Emergence, on the other hand, looks to creating immense complexity from a whole series of trial and error small incremental steps. Biological evolution does it by the persistence of the progeny of survivors. Quantum mechanics may be able to use forward and backward incursions into the time well, with dead ends being "abandoned" as they don't allow the well to deepen. This ends up being rather reminiscent of the multiverse idea but only at the microscopic scale. The macroscopic universe could emerge from the persistence (deep in the time well) of successful microscopic building blocks that discover, better and better, how to accrete into complex baryonic structures. The "multiverse" idea of an almost infinite number of complete macroscopic failures (the not "up to scratch" outcomes) is subtended to but not in the grossly simplistic way that "right next door is a mind bogglingly large number of individual universes with very different structures and laws". As we plunge into the time well, more and more complex structures are able to populate the time well (perhaps, though, not too deep into the time well for life to be unlikely to persist). By my reckoning, electrons (?two phase), muon-electrons (?three phase) and tau-electrons (?five phase) are photons tied into charge balancing oscillations around "now" points. It is clear that the constituent photons occupy very much smaller distances than a free moving photon in deep space (in matter, they are wound up as strings of electrically balanced of see-sawing electromagnetic waves. This wrapping up of distance is probably what turns distance into time (remember, for a photon in a vacuum, distance and time are interchangeable descriptors). This ability for quantum burrowing, forwards and backwards in time (wrapping and unwrapping of distance), opens up the scenario that the system could evolve to burrow into the conditions for its own "causation/creation" cycle.
Time: In a "parish" of extremely low entropy, individual quantum events are probably able to vacillate forwards and backwards with or against the entropy gradient (what we interpret as time). But, the overall process will seem to be overwhelmingly forwards (in time) – with the entropy gradient (ie, towards extra-electron-shell dispersion). (Because we "start" at an extremely low entropy state compared with deep intergalactic space, we are convinced that all "temporal events" move from the low to the high entropy gradient: the Casamir effect demonstrates that this is a "mass action" and parochial illusion). Oscillating photon waves may be able to "dock" into orbit, temporarily, to form electron positron oscillating pairs and so evolve (emerge) into matter "capacitors" of varying permanence (two phase for electron/positrons; perhaps three phase for muon electrons and their antiparticles; perhaps 5 phase for tau electrons and their antiparticles). Electrons/positrons will have to have the correct (dual) approach velocity to be able to "dock" into a stable charge balanced orbit (rectified so that the matter side looks negative and the antimatter side looks positive – very close but with a very high potential barrier (perhaps – counter – rotational) that keeps them apart and stops their release back into free photons (electron/positron "annihilation"). Once this matter capacitance is broken (matter and anti-matter meet on one side of the "now brane" instead of being stably balanced across its mean) the photons will be released back into photonic radiation (what is generally called annihilation, though it is matter capacitor breakdown). It is very difficult to move from a higher to a lower entropy state (higher improbability state) to reach your anti-matter particle through the now membrane even though it is extremely close (but this may well eventually happen in "black holes"). It is far easier (a less improbable event) to take the long route round, as photonic radiation that disperses into deep intergalactic space to reach equilibration with its opposite "dice face" partner and so really annihilate to a zero energy nodal point. However, these emerging forays into matter compaction and deeper time wells might eventually lead to matter capacitance breakdown at a black hole event horizon. One important way this capacitance release can occur is through the "Brownian" movement of the electron side with respect to the positron side. Some positrons are shaken free across the now membrane (and vice versa).
I currently suspect that a photon is a collapsing/expanding ring or sphere of magnetic tension. Perhaps it is a balanced pair of opposite charged ring/spheres that contra- oscillate. Seen from across the mean, the magnetic sphere (wanting to expanding when charged and wanting to collapse when the charge falls to zero) it looks like a very small charged particle (electron positron) because it is travelling away from the magnetic field at the SoL. The magnetic "monopole" is therefore a large charged sphere when seen from the matter side of the mean (vice versa for the antimatter side) and we will never experience a tiny magnetic monopole of significant charge and certainly no smaller than the mean (electron shell size?).