Further observations about physics – split files
(05) Anchor points
Anchor points:
- The universe emerges from nothing/nihil/zilch and does so as in quantum foam (a consequence of "the" uncertainty principle).
- Matter is rather like a highly compact capacitor. Positive and negative charges are held perilously close together and – at a distance – "equilibrate" their potential differences. Weak nuclear forces probably act in a similar fashion, allowing the perilously close approximation of positive and negative charges without allowing a collapse back to nothingness (which would be a massive release of pure electromagnetic waves that radiate to every – mostly distant – corner of the universe: this is a homogenisation process). (If you doubt this, think about the energy available in hydrogen, by fusion into heavier elements, and the extreme barrier to triggering this release of energy.)
- Energy arises from improbable distributions – the more improbable, the higher the potential difference. Energy and improbability may prove to be pretty much synonymous. Ultimately, all energy is crafted out of photonic bubbles. The lowest energy state is where the initially split and separated +ve and -ve energies repatriate with each other and this we see as light radiating out into deep intergalactic space. Concentrated photonic bubbles accumulate around "matter capacitors" and form increasingly deepening "time" wells. Energy flow (photonic escape really) appears, to us, to be predominantly from these time wells to deep intergalactic space.
- Matter condenses out of quantum foam in an emergent fashion – akin to biological evolution (electron/positron pairs start the condensation). The essence of evolution is stepwise incremental steps – (usually) small "quantum" jumps (to emphasise the analogy). One configuration – by taking a little "leap" – can transform into another. Time is not necessarily the essence; the essence is incremental steps.
- The former REQUIRES that "positive" and "negative" energy states gradually take on more proximate relationships without being able to cross the ultimate boundary (eg, electrons cannot fall into the nucleus; outside of neutron stars and black holes there is insufficient energy available to contain them within a smaller area than that around an atom [the 2-dimensional electron shell]; the leads to the exclusion principle).
- The extra-electron-shell entropy that rules our daily experiences (the billiard ball property of atoms) and which is manifest by an entropic gradient increasing towards the future must be balanced by an equal and opposite "backwards in time" entropy that is the consequence of a perfectly balanced emergence of matter around the statistical mean (maximal entropy) and adds up to zero.
- The emergence of baryonic concentrations evolved in a balanced "time forward"/"time backward" balance (actually electron-repulsion-driven-entropy and positron-repulsion-driven-entropy) so that the stable states ("close" and balanced -ve charges with +ve charges; the matter capacitor) "persist". This "persistence is, in reality, the consequence of the passage of time slowing towards a standstill as we approach the mean; the mean is "close" to the electron shell dimension and a set of standing waves emerges either side of that "point". So a "virtual" big-bang is "achieved" through a process – as Richard Dawkin's metaphor suggests – of "Climbing mount improbable" but from opposite sides (matter/antimatter constructs) that are mirror images whose (mutual) virtual reflections look like extremely small entities to each other. The absurd improbability of a spontaneous but excessively rare event – the initial "explosive" singularity – forces us into having to invent multiverses to balance this mind bogglingly absurd improbability. This invention is forced on us only because we insist on regarding time as a uniquely "forward" entity (multiverses are seen to flow in forward time).
- The future and the past are closely linked by the present – we cannot "touch" the future or the past even though both can be very close: the improbability gradient (energy gradient) of doing so is impossibly high. (Once again, future and past represent electronic-repulsive-entropy and positronic-repulsive-entropy and, just like those – charity – coin whirlpools, persistence "drags" at the smallest radius of the funnel.)
- Gravity might be an expression of an oppositely directed entropy that is increasing towards the past rather than our common experience of entropy that increases towards the future. Since gravity is dominantly an influence manifest in the atomic nucleus (not the electron shell and its surroundings) this puts negative-time-direction entropy firmly "into" the nucleus and positive-time-direction entropy firmly outside the nucleus and towards "outer space".
- The "laws" of physics (they are patterns rather than laws) are remarkably symmetric. The one glaring (apparent) exception is entropy and its accompaniment – time. It is very likely that this is a parochial blind spot in what is, otherwise, a clear general symmetry of "nature". It will be surprising if entropy and time do not, themselves, demonstrate symmetry – we just need to conceptualise how.
- Entropy appears to go one way only because, from our perspective, low frequency electromagnetic radiation "carries the borrowed energy away back into deep intergalactic space where it can repay the debt". The photons doing this have no respect of our parochial time except in how we perceive them. Travelling at the SOL, they take "no time and no distance" to achieve this step (remember the spaceship travelling at the SoL). So, if the idea of a mirror image of matter/antimatter is (possibly) correct, we would have an inversion just at the region defined by the electron shell (or whatever equivalent supercedes this in denser forms of matter). On one side the entropic slide to deep intergalactic space (DIGS) will take place through tangible space (metres) as extra-electron shell EM radiation and on the other, as a slide into (equilibrating/annihilating) DIGS via the "internal" expansion which will be perceived by us as virtually no distance but a very long time (1/D). However, the perspective from the anti-matter reflection inverts, the entropy is in the other "time direction" By this view, the EM radiation is fleeing away from the extra-positron shell of the anti-matter (reflection?). Its electrons also travel at the speed of light and at their arrival have used up no space or time from their our perspective. So, here is an "instantaneous" virtual inflation that makes it look as though the universe exploded out of a zero sized singularity. The alternative perspective is that matter – and time (where time gives rise to persistence and half lives) – condenses out of 1 then 2 then 3-D "space-branes". In this view, all motion ("space-time-stuff" is more akin to ordered data on a DVD that specifies different "scenarios" in different places and its time element only emerges in deep time wells.
- Let's return to the "coin vortex" analogy – those charity coin collection funnels where the coin can go straight down very quickly if not launched in an orbital trajectory. But, if entered "in orbit", they orbit around the funnel and take an age to disappear. This becomes increasingly exaggerated at the narrowest neck of funnel where persistence at that level increases. Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy which the consequent angular acceleration balances. Now, if the vortex is imagined as a balanced double membrane of positronically charged and electronically charged membranes (in a near ideal capacitor construction), the net charge at any one point subtends to virtually zero once we measure charge at any significant distance away. We can imagine a vortex of electrons spinning in then positrons spinning out . The transition in charge "sign" would probably – rather like a piezo-electric effect – be the consequence of the warping of a space membrane. Warped in one direction, it will produce a positive charge and in the other, it will be negative. Now, the positronic side – seen from the electronic side – will seem to be within the atomic nucleus. But, viewed from the positronic side, the electronic side will now appear to be the intranuclear side. So we have a virtual transition of matter to antimatter over the electron/positron shell (whichever side you are looking at it from). The distance from the outside largest radius of the tunnel to the tiny exit of the smallest radius of the funnel is very short if the coin goes straight from the lip to the centre. However, if it gets into "orbit" around the funnel, it has to travel a far greater distance to get from largest to smallest radius (particularly if there is little friction). Since this "vortex" constitutes a time "well" within an otherwise "timeless" ocean of photons, an apparent passage of time is "generated" that appears to start beyond the narrowest point of the funnel and finish out at the largest diameter of the funnel. The "nuclear" side seen from the electron shell side will appear to be in the past and the "nuclear" side seen from the positron shell side side will (paradoxically) also seem to be in the past. This is paradoxical because we see the electron shell dispersion as an event going from the present into the future. And, of course, vice versa. This is very much the same Einsteinian paradox seen by two spaceships travelling away from each other at near to the SoL. They each see the other as forshortened in the direction of travel and each sees the other as having a slow running clock. Now, if something that is travelling away from us at the speed of light seems incredibly small, then it is being foreshortened in all three (3-D) dimensions. This absurdity is easier to "swallow" if the real motion is uniformly out from the electron shell to deep intergalactic space but we perceive it, in a virtual fashion, as a condensation at the SoL to a zero sized singularity.
- Emergence (evolution) suggests – to us in our parish – a temporal progression. However, evolution occurs by incremental small steps where the intermediate steps can be understood (ie, a Jumbo Jet does not fall together – perfectly – from its component parts in one chancy event). It is only constrained by a 1900 to 2000 time direction when interpreted from the mass action viewpoint that dominates macro–structures. At the quantal level the time direction can more easily go either way. Gradualistic mechanisms must be possible. The argument that the improbability of the low–entropy big bang can be ignored, because we would not be here to observe it if it hadn't, does not – for me – hold much credibility. It is reminiscent of the idea that we are the outcome of a chance occurrence of life in the universe. We only have to find one instance of self replicating primitive life forms emerging elsewhere in the universe and this self-delusory bubble will burst. Furthermore, get one tiny detail wrong in the initial conditions and these errors will magnify massively as time goes on. Our galactic existence is clearly governed by stable feedback loops; feedback loops are the bread and butter of emergence and morphostasis. We would have to assume this stability was fallen across as a "one in – virtually – infinity" chance event if it were to be caused by an improbable event.
- Advantages of this perception include: (1) entry into and out of atoms is at the SoL – so whenever the SoL is measured (with an apparatus made of matter) it will always be the same; (2) anything that seems to be smaller than (around) electron shell size is "virtual" and is the outcome of looking at wave/particles as they appear within "inner space" (inside the electron shell); electrons, themselves, are a "reflection" of the positively charged/curved space outside of the electron shell – effectively, large magnetic "monopoles" of space (from the other side the "image" is inverted and the electron looks like a a large magnetic "monopole" surrounding a positron); I have used the word "monopole" for convenience and to link it to a theoretical entity; however, this magnetic entity always surrounds its electron/positron counterpart (3) the Einsteinian "prediction" of an infinitely dense singularity never occurs because, at the electron shell, there is a sudden change in direction; although it looks like any object (photon or collection of particles) is getting smaller, it is receding from the outside of the mirrored positron shell at the same speed of light or is held up in the vortex of the atomic shell; (4) the way a photon appears to reflect instantaneously can fit nicely with this perception and the inevitable presence of electron/positron "pairs" at the boundary.
- Just a note on reflection/refraction: I am increasingly tempted into seeing the "virtual singularity" as a reflection point. As the angle of approach towards a singularity changes (from a sideways to a head on approach), so fewer and fewer incident photons (and other bosons perhaps?) will be able to penetrate deeper towards the "singularity" – where the refractive index approaches "infinite" values. [Think of aiming a single photon from 10 billion light years away so that this reaches the singularity in an exactly normal trajectory.] Ultimately, we can imagine that no more photons (however "exactly" perpendicular in approach they are) will be able to escape reflection. This fits nicely with viewing the "virtual-ultimate-singularity" as the bottom of a time (persistence) well where everything has come to a virtual standstill. Don't forget that this is – effectively – a virtual "forward and backward" time well (the nuclear passage of time appears to project backwards in time but this is just illusion). This contrasts with the frenetic "universe" of frantic photons dashing around at the SoL that are never "stationary". This is more typical of interstellar/galactic space (even though their concentration is low there). The forward time bit implies that a dispersion is occurring extra-electron-shell and the backward time bit implies that dispersion is occurring extra-positron-shell. The resolution of conceptualisation could be resolved by seeing these two sides as opposite "sides" of a torus, where we are "living" (existing) in close "proximity" to the neck of the torus. Entropic dispersion will occur – on both side of the torus – towards conditions typical of deep intergalactic space. The tunnel of the torus is where we sense "intra-atomic" (nuclear) structures and so, the extra-positron-shell side remains unappreciated by the extra-electron-shell side (and vice versa) except as apparent (virtual) intra-nuclear structures. The apparent arrow of time is dictated by the direction of atomic dispersion. Dispersion (time) seems to be virtually at a standstill in the "funnel-tunnel" of the torus and this dispersion (homogenisation) eventually turns into low frequency photonic radiation that is directed out into conditions typical of deep intergalactic space. Once dispersion had led to this low frequency (infra red) photonic radiation, this radiation phrenetically careers around its parish at the SoL – having escaped from a point subtending to the black hole/"big-bang" event horizon. Remember, once the time well grows, there is a time "wormhole" that keeps all matter apparently tethered together by "gravity". All baryonic matter is tehtered together in this way (the electons are careering around the "funnel-tunnel at close to the SoL.
- This leads to a view of electrons (and positrons) as an oscillating-contracting-and-expanding (figure of 8) pair of spatial bubbles at the base of a the time well. Their curvature generates "surface charge". We could imagine it as the pair bouncing/oscillating up and down in step with each other. One complete cycle involves the following sequence: The positronic side produces a large (macroscopic) magnetic "monopole" that surrounds its corresponding tiny electron – which is the virtual point particle that appears to be within the torus neck. This pair then oscillate into the exact reverse on the electronic side (large electronic magnetic monopole surrounding a tiny corresponding positron). One complete cycle goes through 720 degrees (360 on electronic side and 360 on positronic side) and this oscillatory pattern (oscillation =persistence) appear to form a stable electron (or positron). This could be the origin of the "spin half" property of leptons (and quarks if they are a virtual intra-nuclear projection of the positronic side).
- So – further developing this set of ideas – here is what it seems to be pointing towards.
- Everything in this universe we know is made up of expanding/contracting spatial "bubbles".
- Light (a photon) is an oscillating expanding/contracting spatial bubble (collapsing, inverting, expanding, collapsing, inverting, expanding, collapsing, inverting and etc). Inversion swaps the charge "sign" from positive to negative. (Perhaps expanding/contracting is what swaps the apparent charge.) Because they oscillate very fast on one or other side of the matter/antimatter divide, they have an "at a distance" net-zero apparent charge.
- The electron (a positron when seen from the positronic side of the anti-matter "universe") is situated near the smallest (quantum one) balance point between collapse and expansion. Anything apparently smaller than electron shell size is in "virtual" territory. It is NOT smaller. It LOOKs smaller because it is a mirage formed as a virtual image BENEATH "quantum one" size. Our electron shells look like nuclear material when viewed from the antimatter positronic shelled universe (and of course, vice versa). Anything "within" the nucleus is a virtual image (for us) of the anti-matter universe (a virtual universe within an atom). Electron positron pairs are, in effect, a single unit made up of, at most, a pair of expanding contracting spatial bubbles oscillating back and forth at the deepest point of the time well (electron shell – quantum one – size). Currently, I favour a single, not a pair of spatial bubbles. If we could view the creation of an electron/positron pair in slow motion (in a bubble chamber), would we see a positron appear in the periphery, spiral inwards until it meets the "creating" high energy photon, then spiral outwards as an electron into the periphery. (Feynman proposed that a positron was the equivalent of an electron that is travelling backwards in time.) This oscillation at the "pit" of the time well gives them constant apparent positive or negative charge (depending on which matter or antimatter side they are perceived from) and great persistence (an oscillating, high non-prime quantum number construction) and apparently limitless half lives.
- All these bubbles subtend towards merging "black holes" focused at the most condensed part of the "universe". Although stars rotate around galaxy centres and planets, rocks, dust and lots of hydrogen rotate around stars, they do so in "sling shot manner" (expediting some spatial bubbles towards the multi-D condensed virtual singularity) to gain themselves persistence (oscillation, high non-prime quantum number content). Although the distance from moon to earth, earth to sun, sun to galactic centre looks very large to us, seen from the anti-matter side these distances appear to be sub electron shell size. So, from one point of view these celestial bodies are in an "umbilical connection" (we interpret it as gravity). I guess that "inflation" is buried somewhere in this principle of virtual imaging.
- The largest bubble size is big-bang-to-today sized (14 Bn LY). We – as matter – are situated close to the final-collapse-to-reversing-expansion point. To resist the natural "cycle" from final callapse to new expansion, we constitute a turmoil of vortices balanced by closely approximated matter/antimatter, positively charged/negatively charged "capacitors". It is we that are accelerating outwards from this natural point of collapse-before-expansion and we do so at the speed of light. Light enters and leaves the quantum one electron shell locality at the speed of light. So every instrument used to measure the SoL (that is made of atoms) sees it as both a constant and a "speed barrier". The transition from collapse to expansion does not occur at a single discernable point when viewed from the electronic/matter side but does appear to do so when viewed from the positronic/antimatter side (effectively, their apparent "big-bang"?).
- Although we can visualise all this like a torus, it is more a massive to tiny, then tiny to massive, then massive to tiny cycle around the same focus. The expanding "torus" of the antimatter side is in the same "place" but, as it is expanding into our past rather than into future, we find it hard to notice. (Note how difficult it is to interact with neutrinos.)
- Remember, we could envisage the sequence, universe sized bubble to quantum-one sized bubble to universe size bubble to quantum-one size bubble, as a sine wave of the expansion and contraction of the bubble. At the quantum-one point, the sine wave has its maximum "acceleration" through this quantum-one point and does so at its highest rate of change in size – which gives us the source of the Speed of Light.
- Note that Minkowski space reflects quantum-one (and quantum two then three and so on) sized contraction. Quantum-one contraction is harder to establish than two and two harder than three and so on. This is shown in the diagrams above on Minkowski space. This makes it easier to see that it is compaction that gets exponentially harder and harder to establish (persistence around either side of the contraction/expansion point. Our parish is so highly populated by compactified "stuff" that we regard it as the norm though it is – in universal terms – extremely unusual (remember, swimming in water as mentioned earlier in the entropy discussion).
- I suspect that time and movement are nothing like as meaningful in the non-compactified parishes of our universe (a low frequency photon "only" environment).
- I guess that refining these perceptions may prove useful.
- So why can we not sense this flow of "in and out" entities formed from electromagnetic waves (spatial bubbles perhaps)? It may simply be that the "out" property is the magnetic component and the "in" component is the electron component (and its charge). The electron may be the magnetic component of the "the other side (the antimatter side)". An extreme fish-eye view through the inner electron shell would project the enlarging electron shells as objects "focused" near to the centre – creating a virtual-pin-point-central image (like looking through a door peep hole). By this view, the electron is never "smaller" than the shell but acts as if it were. The nucleus, by this analogy, is somehow "formed" (virtually) out of the interacting m+/e+ "shells". There may be some value in pursuing this perspective but it remains very vague as yet.
- Just a point of principle: At the distances where electrons and their shells exist, it is clear that the "world" is dominated by waves. These particles act like waves so they ought to be fully capable of creating "virtual entities" that seem both to be and to act as if they were smaller. The tiny strings of the string theorists could be the most distant m- "bubbles".
- The central electron shell (and others?) could be regarded as creating a worm hole, through which we end up with a peep-hole through to the "anti-universe" (like a hotel door peep-hole but a much more dramatic fish eye outcome). So, distance and time are inverted across the mean (central electron shell) from each other side's perspective – although space-time probably remains constant.
- Should we regard the background of space (or space-time) to be – effectively – waves that emanate from the electron shells (eg, photonic waves) and from the positronic shells (that we perceive as fundamental constituents of the nucleus, the we can conjure up some glimpse of a vortex of standing waves that sits – in a matter/anitmatter balanced fashion – either side of compaction then expansion of Minkowski space. The electron shell, here, is the minimum size (quantal unit size). Things might appear smaller but that may just be an illusion of projection towards a virtual singularity. In this view, the largest diameter possible in the universe (appears) to oscillate from m+ (diagram above), through the minimum electron shell "size" to m- as above. Without any vortices close to "now", the wave would pass into and out of the electron shell size limit with a bounce (in to out – though we would perceive the out to being compaction towards "string size" – and at this point the rate of change of diameter would be on the most rapid speed change of the sine wave (like the lengthening or shortening of daylight in March and September) and this speed would correspond to the speed of light. It is space that is contracting then expanding. But the schizophrenic perception from either apposing side is that the big of our matter parish looks small and nuclear to the anti-matter parish, and the small and nuclear of our matter parish is the big of the anti-matter parish. So, what it now looks like is the double cone of Minkowski space (diagram above) with spatial expansion accelerating at the broad end of the cones so that they can wrap around to meet each other and complete a true annihilation of the "top and bottom faces" of the quantum foam "dice". By this view, baryonic matter is composed of standing waves that grow in order within the chaos of the vortex close to "now" (where the tips of two light cones "touch"; the bases "wrap around" to meet each other). There is much more thought to go into this but it looks a promising avenue to explore. We can consider the photons to be – effectively – bidirectional. Because time does not pass for a photon, it is only the parish of the observer that gives the photon an apparent direction and speed.
- So, a photon can be across the universe in an instant (as far as it is concerned) and the distance travelled is foreshortened to virtually nothing. That leads on to the conjecture that quantum foam occurs everywhere (equally in deep intergalactic space as in extreme intra-galactic space – it pervades everywhere) and it is not constrained by time. Matter, however, occurs as a (past) time well within this (to us) vast cosmos. That time well is moving back towards timelessness (ultimately as infrared radiation and, perhaps, various neutrinos) in both the extra-electron-shell (matter) universe direction and the "through" the electron shell wormhole into the extra-positron-shell universe direction. Both lead back to timelessness. Time is the illusion of distance compaction "through" the electron shell wormhole. In reality, both extra-electron and extra-positron shell expanding-radiation may be mirror images of each other. Where the density of matter rises so high that it is becomes an extreme improbability that anything will approach in a sufficiently exact normal approach to a virtual singularity, then it will be reflected back because the refractive index has risen so high. But, that reflection will involve a time delay that is as long as the universe's "age" (the depth of the time well).
- Developing the idea of an umbilical connection between past and future through the electron shell "wormhole" would probably help to understand how distance becomes dominantly "seen" as time once through this shell. The electronic exterior (matter) and the positronic exterior (ani–matter) universes are extremely close to each other. They are close enough to form a matter capacitor – as above. However, although this umbilical can be regarded as (virtually) contiguous with the unit size point (almost a singularlity, the touching tips of the Minkowski light cones and the electron shell point) and the whole anti-universe appears to be inside each electron shell, we cannot practically move from our matter armchair to our anti-matter armchair without going the long way around (light cone expansion then contraction until the cycle is complete) and that would be a long, long way around. This umbilical becomes more obvious if we force ourselves to accept that it is the electron shells of our constituent atoms that are accelerating out at near the speed of light – in sling shot fashion – to avoid instant passage through the unit sized singularity to the anti-universe side. Although the electron shell of a hydrogen atom in our arm seems a long way from a hydrogen atom in the sun (even just outside the black-hole-galactic-centre) it could be very close but, because of the acceleration away from either side of the virtual singularity of each electron shell, time comes to a virtual standstill and the distance appears to be exceedingly great. Every electron shell may be virtually contiguous with all the others in the universe – an idea that fits with there only really being just one electron – trillions of electrons being an illusion not a reality.
- So, we have "matter" forming around the electron shell minimum "real" (vs projected, imaginary) contraction. However, rather than being a double cone as in Minkowski space, we need to imagine that waves can occupy any position from the deepest intra-(or extra-) galactic space to the electron shell minimum. So a wave "running through" (if that is an appropriate metaphor) will contract from all around the whole of space, through until it concentrtes on a "single electron shell" then bounce back out. Imagine it as a contracting then expanding sphere that goes from immensely big to minimally small. Just as in any sine wave, the rate of change is maximal as the sine wave crosses the ventral axis when its amplitude is small (electron shell size) and minimal at its highest amplitude ("universe" size). So, the dominance of external electrons happens on the "South side" and the dominance of positrons happens on the "North side". If matter forms from electron positron "capacitor pairs", then they are both expanding "outwards" at the speed of light but in opposite directions (from each other. For the electron outside ("South side") the positron outside will appear as if it is moving away at the speed of light in all its dimensions and will appear to be heavy and extremely small. If the pairs exist because a wave can oscillate just either side of the electron shell, in a perfectly balanced charge that makes them persistent (resonance = persistence) we can imagine that the two "pond ripples" are in a perfect North South oscillation with each ripple when in the South looking like a magnetic "string" whilst its balancing partner looks like a point electron; and vice versa for the other side. Once we see anything further out on the positronic side ("North side"), looking from well outside the electron shell on the "South side", it will appear to us as an atomic nucleus and, courtesy of its travelling away at the SoL, it will seem to be extemely small. Now this is more consistent with the notion that gravity is just an accelerating elevator/rocket engine under our feet. Although it is incredibly counterintuitive, the strange antics of "things" travelling away from us at the SoL makes this possible.
- So how can the big sphere –> electron shell sized (little) sphere –> big sphere –> little sphere cycle instantly change direction to retrace its steps? Simply because it is a reflection and that reflection is possible because there is an "immediate" umbilical connection at the electron shell with the whole "mass of the anti-matter universe". The thing that maintains the matter capacitor is a dance close to the electron shell perimeter going on between electron/positron pairs. This may help to explain the absence of "apparent" radiation from rotating electrons and the need for standing waves values in order to resonate/persist. By this view time may simply still be a distance but, instead of a straight dash to deep intergalactic space, the distane is taken up by going around and around (in maybe multiple dimensions) in a very small (to us) space. I like this explanation as a possibility. Also, to latch into an electron positron dance, the velocity approaches of the nascent pair need to be closely matched. Those that do not latch into a dance just do the in out thing without us noticing (probably the vast majority – remember the sling shot principle).
- "Photons" (as particles). I suspect that a photon is either an approaching of retreating wavefront. It will be approaching or receding at the SoL. Thus, even though its origin "size" may be very large, it will still appear to us as a tiny "particle" (size contraction). The next bit needs thinking through more BUT – for now – the approaching or receding wavefront has a superimposed oscillation in the location of its interaction with electron shells. That oscillation involves an oscillating electrical charge (particle like) and an oscillating magnetic field (pond ripple like) because phenomenon similar to the atom is occurring; the magnetic field is analogously extra-electron shell and the charge is analogously extra positron shell (corresponding to the electron shell minimum possible contraction). It looks smaller because it is moving towards us or away from us at the SoL. This attempted explanation is all mixed up and needs thinking thru a lot more but, the vestige of an explanation is here, we see an apparently point like/particle like component while there is a much larger wave like component (but it is part of the same "unit"). In reality they are similarly "sized" but we have the "illusion" of relativistic contraction of the particle bit. Why does it "oscillate" and what is oscillating? are questions that need to be resolved.
- If we now look at a perfectly round pond with coherent ripples being generated at the margins of the pool, in such a way that the 180 degree out of phase bits can't cancel – they are "kept apart", then the waves approach the centre of the pond in decreasing circumference then pass through in increasing circumference. Unless the coherent production is absolutely perfect there will be some "vortex" effects giving rise, potentially, to standing waves near the crossover. So this is a rough idea of what may be happening. But we know – from the Casimir effect – that spontaneous generation of particles occurs out of nothing and "everywhere". I have suggested that this is a bit like a pile of +3 to –3 dice which, when thrown can produce unusual single sided distributions though the top and bottom sides add up exactly to zero. Now, this gives us a feel for what may be happening. The spontaneous ripples (quantum foam) can – from time to time – remain unequilibrated (remain in their 180 degree out of phase state) over large distances (interchangeable with time at the SoL – so last for a long time). Now, if there is a way for these to evolve into ever more persistent (equivalent to long distance) states because they are more stable (don't break up over large distances) then matter capacitors can form. The important point to grasp, though, is that these capacitors are "moving" at the SoL with respect to a pond wavefront. I think this has the rudimentary elements of a very useful analogy. In reality, there are multiple potential pond margins (quantum foam occurs everywhere) and multiple potential pond "centres". So, what we see is multiple vortices of matter (galaxies around black holes). Ultimately, all black holes are wormholes towards a minimum contraction and the antimatter side appears to us to be the outcome of "the big bang".
- So – at one extreme we have DIGs (deep intergalactic space) occupied by a handful of hydrogen atoms per cu meter. And at the other we have the "singularity" of supermassive black holes (I have already suggested that we cannot get below unit-one – no fractions of units – in a "real" sense though we have a virtual impression that it does). So what is the difference between quantum foam and solid matter? It is persistence. Persistence means resonance. Resonance means "nowhere near a prime number". Primes have unit "persistence" (they are extremely evanescent). Electrons have very stable resonance and the intervals between primes are always in some multiple of 2. So, this suggests that the most fundamental building blocks of our universe may be integers. To have integers we need to works out – very simplistically, what consitutes the integer "dice" that builds our universe. That looks like a photonic "pond ripple" where space emerges across an imaginery membrane in evanescent +ve and -ve extrusions into matter antimatter universes that will annihilate to nothing unless they – by chance – "discover" a resonant partner. And that sounds remarkably like it may be electron positron pairs. And that, is a dance across either side of null (nothingness) where large magnetic monopoles look like an electron or positron when viewed from the opposite side of the mean (null) and they manage to form a matter capacitor. Provided the capacitor dielectric is high and its resistence is also high, the intrinsic +ve or negative charge on either side will repel electrons away from each other (and positorns form each other) whilst maintaining tiny real distances but enormous effort distances between electron and positron (the capacitor). In actuality an electron may actually BE its partner positron but appear separate because of the matter or antimatter "universe" side from which it is "viewed".
- That leads to another thought. An ultimate resonant prime is 2n where n is a very big number. Others would also be very resonant, eg, 6m x 2n where m is any number from zero but none would approach 2n . So what would a very persistent singularity look like? The structure of matter, starting with hydrogen and going up to elements heavier that uranium, involves stacking these resonances one above another. There is no reason why this stacking cannot continue beyond the heaviest element here on earth. Here, however, our parish is not suited for these to persist. But in a neutron star things are different. "In" a black hole it will be an even more extreme parish.
- Going back to persistence and time: a photon has distance but no time. It is a "filament" stretched out to its "fairly" full extent. A resonant prime of 2n may actually traverse the same distance as a photon but not in a straight line – it goes around and around. If a photon is – eventually – a ripple in spacetime that will annihilate when it meets its 180 degree out of phase (entangled) partner then spacetime is a loop of some sort. These loops can loop a long way around a big-bang/black-hole ripple although both may traverse the same distance. If we look at a photon end on, all we see is a loop. There is already a suspicion that looking at the anti-universe side of black holes (big bang) reverses the perspective so that it is now the photons that seem to be wrapped into loops and the black hole is like an end on photon. I think there may be mileage in developing this perspective.
- Right! Here is an idea on how things might be conceived. Go back to Fig 3 and Fig 4 – the "expanding sphere with time wells" diagram. The outer surface of this sphere is where light will "expand" the universe into deep intergalactic space – where there is almost total darkness. All that will be visible is the faint glow of distant galaxies. The probability of any baryonic voyager travelling here, even at a substantial portion of the speed of light, would be very small and extremely "costly" in both energy and time. The outer part of the sphere (without time wells) will, therefore, be populated – almost exclusively – by photons. With this diagram we have to remember that space is three dimensional. The 2D spherical surface is really 3D space which is curved back on itself. Any point on this 2D spherical surface represents just two of the X, Y and Z co-ordinates of our common 3D experience. It helps us to understand it. It can equally represent the X + Y, the Y + Z and the Z + X co-ordinates. It is only our imagination that is stretched by this. A "pond ripple" beginning at any point on this spherical surface will spread out to the maximum radius (and, by then, the longest wavelength) then converge back and in towards its antinode where it will pass through the minimum possible wavelength before it then expands back out again to the maximum radius and then converges back again to its origin. As it passes through its antinode, it effectively "reflects back around the circumference" but phase inverted so that, by the time it reaches its origin, its "energy" is potentially of the same amplitude as it original "pond ripple" but, if it could be added to it, could add up to zero. This would be like the "opposite sides of the entropic dice". (Needs thinking through). But, you may say, billions/trillions of years have passed since the pond ripple left its origin. But no, not at the speed of light. For the photonic ripple, thanks to Einstein's realisations, it takes this photon, travelling at the SoL, no time at all to make the "journey". Effectively, on the periphery of this sphere, there is nothing but photonic "material"; matter capacitors cannot exist out there. This is consistent with the way entropy always leads to infra-red radiation passing out into deep intergalactic space. Matter eventually "decays" to radiation as matter capacitors eventually "fail". Now, wherever we (electrical capacitor, baryonic matter individuals) look at these ripples, they are approaching us at the SoL and receding from us at the SoL. They appear – to us – as a point like origin. We interpret the ripple arrival or departure, arising from or terminating on the other side of the sphere, as a 2D beam (a straight line). When we see a torch switched on, it is no different. We are deep in a time well. So the origin and arrival of the beam is way down towards the bottom of a time well (Fig 3 and Fig 4).