Further observations about physics – split files
(04) Points about time
Points about "time"
[Also look at the later split file on “time travel”.]
- Time wells: the time well that leads "back" to the "big bang" singularity appears to us to be about 13.8 bn yrs deep.
- The "now" of deep intergalactic space may represent a standard "timeless now" (travelling photons do not feel constrained by time – for them the universe can be crossed instantly and its distances are miniscule).
- As electromagnetic waves form into matter, this results in a dive into a time-slowing-well ( I suspect in a balanced matter antimatter symmetry).
- The "matter universe" is "felt" through electron repulsion as electron shells move close together. The "antimatter universe" is "felt" as positron shells move close together.
- For those habiting a matter parish, the antimatter parish remains "invisible" and vice versa.
- The deepest parts of these time wells are where matter capacitors can become most condensed (going into 9 or more dimensions).
- Matter capacitors are made up out of balanced (remember the top and bottom dice face analogy) spatial bubbles. A positively charged bubble is balanced by an entangled negatively charged bubble. Each sees its counterpart's unravelled dimensions to be shrunk to almost Planck length (receding – radially inwards – from each other at the SoL).
- The outer skin of the –ve bubble is incredibly close to the outer skin of the +ve bubble but they are, in terms of "effort-distance", a universe apart when attempting to cross against the "diode" barrier from electronic shell to positronic shell. Charge can only be neutralised by going one way – towards the deep intergalactic space homogenisation that finally repatriates "energy from nothing" (true annihilation).
- Light (a photon) is a travelling expanding then contracting bubble of spatial "intrusion" which is first positively charged around the spatial membrane and then negatively charged around it. It is an oscillating expanding contracting bubble who's net energy would be zero if this perpetual oscillation where to be perfectly balanced (needs thought around this "explanation").
- The matter-capacitor "fails" (current flows) when the "primordial singularity" reaches below electron shell "size".
- This failure can occur bit by bit under extreme conditions (atomic explosions etc where mass is "annihilated"). The vigorous oscillation of high temperatures can "knock" positrons into the electron dominated universe and lead to a release of photons into deep intergalactic space.
- Indeed, the gradual failure of the matter capacitors may occur in a "cog by cog" integer like way around the mean.
- However, it will start to breakdown in a wholesale fashion before the timewell reaches a zero size singularity. The inflationary period is a, perhaps, a consequence of a virtual reflection of the antiverse (positronic) universe. An electron become a positron in exchange for a positron becoming an electron and we get an illusion of an electron jumping instantly from one energy state to another. Inflation assumes that time extends all the way back to a zero sized singularity rather than this point being a "virtual-singularity".
- So we can already glimpse the inflation process. Electrons appear to change energy levels instantly – they are not held up by the SoL. As an oscillating pair of electrons oscillate in figure of 8 fashion across the mean, they appear as electrons on the universe side and positrons on the antiverse side.
- So, as we approach electron orbits we see a coglike mechansism of progressive compactification.
- Down to the inner electron shell, it just looks like electrons but then these "convert" to positrons in an antimatter entropic universe. Seen from our side, these positrons appear to be atomic nuclei with protons and neutrons. This tunnelling through goes cog like – integer bit by integer bit.
- Seen from the matter-extra-electron-shell, It may look like the balancing charges are 2/3 or 1/3 of an electron but this may be a consequence of charge being spread around the area of an electron shell (4πr2) whilst the positronic universe is glimpsed on the other side the electron shell "wormhole" and appears to be condensed within the volume of a nucleus (charge spread through 4/3πr3) with the ratio being 1 : 3. At a unitary distance (nothing can, in effect, be less) this would become 1/3x 1 which is 1/3.
- This would neatly change gravity into an electron charge effect. But now, as we try to waggle the electron shell, we are trying to waggle a whole universe "inside it" (from our perspective) and it has a distant – and thus very small – electromagnetic effect of the distant antimatter world – which to us, and at its virtual "closest", look like the very small nuclear particles of quarks. Perhaps this might be worth pursuing.
- The real clue to imagining how matter is formed may well lie in working out the fundamental principles of "photon pair" and then "electron pair" generation out of nothing (as in quantum foam) and attempting to visualise just how precisely-zero-energy-balanced photon pairs comes into existence, persists and then (virtually?) annihilate. Perpetual motion is "allowable" in this scenario. What prevents perpetual motion is various forms of friction and energy loss – by heat loss and so, ultimately, infra-red radiation which has to "travel" to deep intergalactic space where repatriation to nothing is guaranteed. But the uncertainty "principle" ensures that virtual photon and electron pairs constantly pop in and out of existence.