Further observations about physics – split files
(02)And yet more absurd conjecture!!
I have missed a most interesting metaphor. It is likely that these probability-steps do not, themselves, "move" with time. They are "rigidly" defined and fully outside of "time"; they just "are" or, more importantly, have the potential "to be". Think of the system as acting like an up and down elevator side by side, separated by the smallest of distances (at least as small as the distance from the electron-cloud to the nucleus). There may be a counter-current set up at "now" (between past and future) with quantal uncertainty having a dramatic influence between the yoctosecond (and less) division between the past and the future. This improbability barrier between the past and the future is too high to cross classically but quantal uncertainty of may allow a regular (quantum foam like) "breaching" of that barrier (and that fits nicely with the influence of virtual pairs in quantum mechanics). All we see, hear, feel and measure is, at least to a greater than infinitesimal degree, dominantly a property of the past (unless they are quantal uncertainties). It is this "jittering" uncertainty that drives the up/down escalator and the standing waves of matter. Now, might there be a flop transition (at now) from a "negative-charge-on-the-outside"/"positive-charge-on-the-inside" to a "positive-charge-on-the-outside"/"negative-charge-on-the-inside": a mirror image of past and future. String theory does seem to suggest the very-big could become suddenly (apparently) the very-small and vice versa. Note that these mirror images should be extremely close to "now". There is no need for the standing waves that form matter to continue right up to the apex of the probability curve before "falling back". Anywhere up (and down according to perspective) the escalator matter standing waves can settle. At the apex, the maelstrom of a "black-hole"/"big-bang" singularity ensures that structures are ripped apart to their constituent particles (strings?) with electrons falling to one "side" and positrons to the other (as Hawking radiation?). The zenith of the apex could well set the values of both Planck's constant and the "speed of light". The place where order can reach a maximum should be within the spiral arms of a galaxy. This explanation helps to appreciate better the constant "rocket-motor" of gravity. And time disappears as an independent, primary entity; it becomes a combination of charge "direction", quantal uncertainty and entropic gradients (the latter going in different directions for different "string-structures"). And, on the uncertainty principle, think of a matrix of +3 to -3 dice faces. The quantal uncertainties mean that, though and in general, the dice throw has been made and is fixed there is the potential to "flip" (eg, -2 to +2). This uncertainty can "test" multitudinous possibilities and select the ones that define matter and our baryonic universe. When we look at the "remnants" of the big bang we may simply be looking at the two sides of the apex (the analogy being the opposing faces of the dice so the apex is simultaneously of the past and of the future – depending on perspective).

E-M waves could form as 180 degree out of phase pairs that "depart" from the "now" membrane at the SoL. (This is analogous to the upward and downward pointing faces of dice.) They can wind up into extra dimensions to form "matter" and thus slow down their departure from "now" (very dramatically; when at a black hole event horizon, virtually no movement will occur at all and time will apparently stand still although their constituent E-M waves are still travelling, through multiple wound up dimensions, at the SoL – It is just that they have to go on the most circuitous route possible; effectively, the black hole is travelling at the SoL relative to the now stream of quantum foam.) An E-M wave looping from one side of the "now" membrane to the other will "believe" that it has made this journey instantly (it is not bound by time). We will think it has taken 13.7 bn years because we are measuring the slow down that we have introduced in the winding up process. The probability of avoiding all obstructions when looping from now-past to now-future is possibly very low so only a small population might be "instantly around the loop". The vast majority of E-M waves will find a 180 degree out of phase wave that is otherwise (vector, polarisation, amplitude and frequency) identical. And most of these "annihilations" (more akin to equilibrations in this instance) will happen in the quantum foam. (This is analogous to the random distribution of dice values that are spontaneously possible on the upward pointing faces of dice; with more and more dice, the average of all individual values get closer and closer to the mean.) In our "chiral" universe, negative electric charges are to the outside of atoms and positive to the inside. Could it be that, across the now membrane, the opposite it true and that we have a mirror image of ourselves in antimatter peeling away from "now". It is fairly clear, now, shy the speed of light is always constant – it is always travelling away from now. It is also clearer why we cannot travel faster than the speed of light – we would transfer to the future side of now (via the long loop rather than tunnelling across). We could probably tunnel across as matter pulverized into constituent strings through a black hole.
So, in deep intergalactic space, the "now" membrane is dominated by quantum foam. Remember, everything we see, feel, touch and measure is – to a least more than an infinitesimal value – in our past. In a black hole event horizon, the now membrane has an enormous flux of E-M waves.
This "now-membrane" concept needs much more thought. For instance to see how it joins up through adjacent points in space and in three, rather than one, dimensions. However, I think it is very promising metaphor.
Note that the "now-membrane" for we humans on earth does not warp by more than 0.05 secs (12,750/300,000 – the "light" speed across the diameter of the earth – neutrinos would go straight through in this interval).
Now we can go back to the probability about the earlier probability diagram, turn it on its side and draw it with a mirror image below it.

LEFT – a wormhole where the neck of the funnelling black hole opens into a tunnel to "another universe" or, as I suspect, "back to nothing/zilch" in our own universe. "Other" universes might be possible but there is no reason why they should be in any contiguity in any way with our own. I suspect that space (our space) is created "ex nihilo" and it is not an eternal-background-constant ready to be invaded by other universes. If we extend the trumpet ends around into a doughnut, we end up with a spatial structure as in the diagram above (Universe "expansion") where there are a minimum of two funnels "back" to the big-bang/black-hole interface. My current guess is that there are only two funnels (all black holes "jin up" before going through the ultimate – Planck sized – singularity) but there may be many indentations into the "surface" that makes up that funnel. Einsteinian diagrams of an elastic spacetime membrane already show our sun, earth and moon together "demonstrating" this. And these spacetime "trampoline" grids begin to resemble the magnetic field lines of an extremely large bar magnet. This (recently found) Youtube video adds some extra interest to the idea – the "Orange Universe". A second torus sequence "floats" more possibilities.
Now, everywhere, copious quantum foam is flowing across the "now" membrane but Past and Future flows are mirror images of one another. So is our immediate past is an anti-matter reflection of ourselves? If we fold this last diagram around the mean so that Now 1/R is side by side with Now R, we have the "double up/down escalator". Furthest from the mean the R represents the most unfolded diameter of the universe (something related to the 13.7 bn light years we interpret). And similarly, the 1/R represents the compacted multidimensional "matter" streaming through the event horizon (or virtual singularity) of a black hole. The anti-universe side of the black hole equates to our big bang. We occupy a parish way down away from the mean. The very large majority of the quantum foam flow finds an annihilating E-M wave partner within a very short distance.

The big problem now is to think what the dice throw (scatter) represents: many, many scatterings or just one lucky throw? I think the answer could be that the standing waves of matter "accrete" on multitudinous scatterings but time has a very different meaning now – the laid out scatterings are probably "outside" of time. Like playing a DVD, the property of time may come about by "reading" information that is embedded in a static probability distribution .

The reflection raises one more interesting possibility. For example, if we were to look into a black hole, there is a point where the density of concentrated "matter" reaches a peak. If we look at refractance, the angle of incidence to the surface where transmission out of the medium stops and internal refection occurs to nearly all of the light that flow is from a less dense medium: roughly, the denser it is the greater this angle. In the extreme of a black hole this angle could be a Planckian fraction away from 90 degrees (a perpendicular). This may have some relevance. It is already obvious that light gets in but not out and the likelihood is that the situation is somehow reversed for the 1/R side.

Matter will emerge only in the neck of these funnels with the heaviest objects (event horizon and neutron stars) occupying the lowest points and the lightest (hydrogen atoms included) occupying the higher points. Referring back to the universe expansion diagram (above) the linear distance will still be the distance across the funnel – not down the funnel and we need to remember this only helps us to easily appreciate two of the three spatial dimensions we are used to. Matter will not flow around the margins of this "sphere". Only electromagnetic waves (or leptons) can skim around its circumference.
So, this leads on the the possible significance of a disc of magnetic force that can emerge in the "observable" dimensions. The "observable" ones are the big ones for us. Remember that what looks big or small to us can, in a mirrored situation, look like the reverse – small and big in string theory. Thus we can have these pairs:
zf+zb zf+yb zf+xb
xf+zb xf+yb xf+xb
yf+zb yf+yb yf+xb

These could represent the "explorable" dimensions in which pairs could emerge as disc like magnetic/electric pairs and each would "obey" the classical Maxwell rule of electromagnetic force. The force could be the expansion of each space possibility. When the f and b (forward time and backward time) are place as a full 3D diagram, the "now" point is at the intersection and there is an enormous energy barrier needed to cross this intersection. That is represented by the red line between the b's and the f's. The blue markers represent right angles.

Remember that the possibility is that this disk of magnetism could be invariably paired with very small disc of electric force (it may have a large electrical and vectored force but it occupies a very small volume). And across the now barrier, the reflection reverses this (an R to 1/R transition – a mirrored arrangement.
(Nb, these pictures taken and adapted from Wikipedia)
Note that the 1/R "sphere" has a chance – through uncertainty – to move into the realm of the R "sphere" and so appear to become a property of the R side of the energy barrier. Now, these chance (and energetic) transpositions may be what give rise to stable matter because they create stable juxtapositioning of positive and negative charges. A true reflection MUST be created on the other side to compensate the temporary "loan". The initial structure should be a 2-D disc that can then wrap around space: the R and the 1/R disc may well have their virtual centres in the same place. The wrap around 2-D sphere certainly appears to be an emergent property that is associated with electron shells around an atom. It is important to try and get away from the idea that time is a real and independent property that is distinct from spatial extent. It may be that time emerges from the multidimensional compaction of the quantal jumps that are possible in 1-D structures (they are far shorter in 9-D space). Spatial extent seems to emerge as a disc of magnetism (an electron or positron transformed from the 1/R to the R form). (The "real" difference in sizes of these two spheres are, first, at the limits of universe expansion – c. 1028 metres – and, second, the smallest possible length – the original "inflaton" point of c. 10-50 metres. And these provide a log10 "half way point" not far from the inner electron shell size of 10-10 metres.)
Some extensions: we can now get a feel for the emergence of matter. Most of the time, a little uncertainty will allow a perturbation that "allows" a magnetic field to expand as a disc then a bubble of space on either side of the now (the nothing, zilch point)- it will quickly expand and subside unless stabilised. Each side borrows "time" from the other side and, if the forward time side could see the backward time side's magnetic field, it would appear to each like a point electric charge (think of the analogy with the clocks on moving spaceships – who is running slow? That depends on your perspective of who is travelling near the SoL.) Every now and again the energy borrowed is large enough to create some uncertainty about over which side the point electric charge is on; then it can apparently become part of the opposite side of the "now" energy barrier. Say it was an electron that appeared then a positron must become visible on the other side of the "now" barrier – because it is a mirror image. Effectively, electron-positron pairs are generated across (and either side of) the "now" point. Note the analogy with the mechanism of Hawking radiation. But at this stage they are never seen as a pair on one side (both if we remember the mirror) of the "past" or the "future". However, if – as we can do – we inject enough energy (improbability in the form of intense and energetic light) into the system, then we can entice an electron/positron pair to appear both on our side of the "now" point and, of course, the mirror image also occurs "over there". So this is one of the simplest generations of matter (an electron-positron pair either across or on both sides of the "now" point). The electron-positron pair appearing on our side will quickly interact with themselves of other electrons (though "other" is hard to ring fence in quantum mechanics) and, if they are anti-particles in that environment, release their stored energy to slip back to nothing as electromagnetic radiation. But, it slips back by "travelling" around the R diameter rather than "down" into the 1/R direction (it "takes the long way round"). The 1/R component of these R-1/R pairs retains its natural entropy gradient that is "pointing" it "the short way" back towards nothing and this is in the opposite direction to the entropy time direction that dominates our lives. It is a manifestation of the up/down escalator concept outlined above.
So – how ridiculous is that? – an anti-matter copy of yourself all within one metre away in the past. It clearly does not look like that. BUT, think it through as an electron. The biggest part of you is a very large positively charged 2-D membrane that can wrap around a large area of space and then a tiny borrowed bit from the past that retains its 1/R nature and turns up as the negatively charged electron 2-D structure that can wrap around an atomic nucleus as a 2-D membrane. If we shift the now point a tiny distance from the future to the past (that is, it sweeps through) then the transition of the electron in this sweep is that, suddenly, the tiny 1/R structure becomes the large R and vice versa for the R structure to the 1/R structure and and we now have a tiny positively charged "particle" set in an very large negatively charged disc or spherical surface. That is, is has become a positron. We don't need to bother too much with the nucleus (though a similar transition should occur) because the vast majority of the volume of matter in our parish is dictated by electron shells. This switch from future to past and vice versa must be hinged on the virtual singularity of the centre of mass of an atom. This is probably much more closely "contiguous" with the centre of mass of the earth, the sun, the galaxy, than we can readily comprehend. (This all needs much more detailed thought and interpretation but it offers some possibilities.)
The "speed of light" becomes dictated by the ratio of how many quantum jumps your parochial wound up state needs to take to equate to a 1-D photon (or "string" if we need to remove all vestiges of 3-D from a photon). So, the SoL will always be read according to ratio of the 1-D quantum uncertainty to the multi-D quantum uncertainty of the measuring device. So, in air, water and glass the SoL decreases progressively from that in a solar system vacuum (the vacuum of deep intergalatic space is probably significantly different to the solar system vacuum as the latter is pervaded by substantial amounts of magnetic flux).
A further interesting thought is one concerning the reflection. Anyone who had played with looking into opposing mirrors will know that there is the first immediate and big reflection of you (which is a bit smaller than the real you) and then a succession of smaller you's stretching out into the limits of retinal definition or of failing reflected intensity. This might prove relevant.
This may all be very, very wrong but it has kept me amused in conjuring it up. And perhaps something will make someone think "I can knock this into much better shape".
Another way of representing things is to think of it as two discs abutting one another (this renders a fairly clear appreciation of two dimensions; adding a third dimension is harder to visualise, so we need to simplify it by considering just two at a time). Much like the expanding space-time sphere (above) that represents the three spatial dimensions as just two on its expanding spherical surface, this disc analogy may help to simplify the conception.

Here, the matter universe we recognise is spread over the top disc. Its increasing entropy is directed towards our future: the "reflected" anti-matter universe is spread "under" the lower disc, with its increasing entropy directed to what we regard as our past. On our, matter, side the dominating mass action of electron shell repulsion determines the arrow of its entropy. On the anti-matter side, positron shell repulsion should determine the direction of entropy increase.) The two are an exact reflection with every matter particle being reflected by an anti-matter particle in the lower disc. Both dominantly "point" into deep intergalactic space where low frequency radiation will "eventually" annihilate. Now – the importance of refraction becomes significant. The way that light is trapped inside a black hole is pretty much paralleled by what happens when refraction turns to reflection. Photons that are approaching the margins of a black hole from the "inside" cannot escape. Perhaps something that approaches the margin at a Planckian fraction less than 90 degrees (normal to the surface) might escape (provided the density boundary is less than infinity to one). But due to the R to 1/R inversion – and the perspective that the anti-matter side perceives the situation to be inverted means that there may be a figure of eight "flow" from the R (extra- electron shell side) to the 1/R (intra-electron – or intra-nuclear – side). This would mean passing through the opposing cartesian coordinates (see diagram above). Drawn above, one looks small and the other big (extra atomic and intra atomic respectively) but from the perspective of the reflection, the view is inverted. This fits nicely with the fact that we seem to be in constant acceleration (who does the work?). We, in our matter universe, are compacting at very near the speed of light and away from our surrounding electromagnetic radiation and this gives us our mass (just as accelerating an object makes it heavier and heavier, smaller and smaller provided the recession is in 3 dimensions – not just the 1-D shortening shortening of spaceships drawn to illustrate linear SoL recession). Remember, we attribute a direction to photon travel but it does not, itself, see any passage of time from "origin" to "target". So, at the hub there is a figure of 8 flow of incoming electromagnetic radiation (matter to anti-matter and vice versa BUT the return out of the opposite side appears to us to come from our past; and it comes from "our future" for the anti-matter reflection (ie, it looks like the big bang and inflation). Towards the periphery of the discs, as the dominant density interface drops to smaller values it may be that a greater leak "back to nothing, nihil, zilch" is an easier event as less reflection occurs and E-M wave annihilation can occur. The R to 1/R transition may come about through a mirrored reflection (remember the hall of mirrors illusion).
All this is HIGHLY speculative but, to me, it seems to have some attraction and it seems to be knitting together a a series of paradoxes. Perhaps someone will see fit to retain some bits that might be of some value and throw out the dross to make a better conception.
Here is a video of an up-down elevator. Imagine that the up elevator is heading in towards (and through?) the atomic nucleus towards Planck scale distances and the down elevator is heading out from the electron shell towards deep intergalactic space. Now imagine that at the top, the up elevator crosses the apex and goes straight down again and likewise the down elevator started its journey on the opposite side as an up elevator. At the apex, the away-from-the-electron-shell-entropy transforms into an into-the-nucleus-to-Planck-scale-entropy and vice versa on the other up/down elevator pair. Transforming this into a flat contra-flowing travelator where two people approach each other from opposite ends, they will each initially see the other as small but as they reach the central point, they will be equally sized and then their positioning transforms. Since we seem to be constructed from waves, this analogy might eventually prove to be very useful.
Here is another (highly conjectural) analogy of what may be happening (diagram below). Matter "production" may well be occurring predominantly around the central parts of this "travelator". Remember that it may be that, while vast distances may be felt from the R perspective of things, the 1/R perspective, interpreted from R, is virtually "joined up" – that is, the nucleus of an atom in a keratin scale from your skin "feels" adjacent to the centre of earth, the centre of the sun, the centre of our galaxy's central black hole and the virtual singularity that subtends all of these previous points back to the "big bang". They are all approachable from within the nucleus of the atom. BUT from the 1/R perspective, this perspective is completely inverted. Perhaps this idea of a "one way mirror" across the two peripheral points (1/R communication with R is blocked and vice versa from the inverted perspective) virtually disappears in deep intergalactic space and the two "universe spheres" become – apparently – superimposed. This could be reinterpreted as the annihilation of photons in deep intergalactic space – they can reach it but will not "return" (or reflect). All matter is "painted" close to the joining cartesian coordinates of the R and 1/R spheres. This would mean that photons from every corner of the universe are able to travel all the way from left to right on the top travelator and all the way from right to left on the bottom one: but not vice versa. This annihilation indicates that the top and bottom representatives of deep intergalactic space are themselves "joined up".
From this perspective, matter and anti-matter are unzipping apart as a "mirror image" from the multiple joined up "now" points. Ultimately, they reach the limit of the unzip at a black hole/big bang (virtual?) singularity. Note how Quad speakers reproduce a stereo sound stage from two virtual points, one in each speaker. This analogy might prove useful.

I have been imagining that magnetic fields might really be a property of electrical fields set up between "R sized and 1/R sized" pairs. Subsequently I will refer to these as radius-divided-by-the-mean and mean-divided-by-the-radius; or r/m and m/r where r can be anything from close to the mean to over 13 bn LY (usually annotated R). But the sequence may be
- creation of space by expanding out of nothing
- a resulting magnetic field that constricts that expanded space and "tries" to lock it up – back to nothing
- the surface tension of this expanded space (and its resultant magnetic field) may give rise to electric charge.
Let me make an assumption and see later if this is justified. The process of creation and annihilation in quantum foam occurs around the statistical mean (towards which entropy is directed and rises). Anything that is created in the turbulence of quantum foam, and which then occasionally "persists" longer than for yoctoseconds, emerges from the improbable extremes of a probability curve distributed around the mean. Matched pairs of spatial bubbles (r/m and m/r) form around the mean. Their sum always equates to zero and, when they meet, they are able to annihilate each other "back" to nothing. Nothing may, at base, be a virtual singularity – a zero dimensional point that has one important property. It has enough uncertainty that it can never actually "reach" zero – there is an unstable Planckian limit to its smallness (m/R) which is inversely equivalent to the universe's largeness (R/m). That is, ultimately, the limits of size may be R/m and m/R where capital R represents the extreme extent of "bigness" and 1/R the extreme extent of smallness – Planck size. The mean is probably between 10-10 and 10-14 metres. So all pairs are created in radius-divided-by-the-mean and mean-divided-by-the-radius pairs that will annihilate when their "fleeting" existences are able to "meet" once again. So, near the mean, the ratio of the pairs generated that are within 4 standard deviations of the mean will be around 1000 to 1 or more. So, if the quantum observation that reality is maintained through constant exchanges with virtual "particles" is extrapolated to this, there will be a "wind" of creation-annihilation that swamps any emergent "persisters" close to the mean. Now the distance from electron shell to nucleus is around this order or magnitude and this may be very relevant to the apparent capacitative barrier that exists between them. Now, if we play with a couple of magnets and bring opposite poles together, we will feel the force that is "trying" to close out the space between these poles – it is roughly a centripetal force (normal to the magnetic field lines).
Now consider the magnetic field around a straight wire; any expansion of the field (into the surrounding "space") generates an electric charge around the sphere of the magnetic field (and vice versa – charge producing an expanding magnetic field). The magnetic field has clear dimensionality but the electric charge may just be a vector force smeared over the approximately spherical surface of the magnetic field lines. And, it should be apparent that – with zero resistance in the wire – this alternation of spatial expansion and contraction will oscillate indefinitely with the magnetic field direction and the electrical charge reversing every 180 degrees. So space itself may be generated out of 180 degree out of phase pairs (2 phase annihilation; perhaps – just perhaps – sets of three or more phases that can annihilate – just like the electric grid – might be possible though, likely, less probable.) And this generation will occur around the mean (sum = zero energy, 100% probability it adds up to zero). So, from the virtual 0-D singularity we can envisage that, first, a 1-D scenario of oscillation occurs then, more recognisably for string theorists, a 2-D membrane from which spatial pairs on the r/m and the m/r sides of the mean blow up bubbles of space. In the extreme, the m/r side will look like tiny "strings" (membranes?) and the r/m side as magnetic fields that encompass the 13.7 bn LY (plus?) universe. This scenario opens the possibility of a surface tension like effect. Whether it was an attractive or repulsive force that led to this would not affect the effect that an open surface around the margins of the generated space should alter the tension generated around its 3-D (or multi-D) limits. Electromagnetic waves, in this perspective, look like an oscillating pair of spatial bubbles. There could be a pair with a large positronic spatial expansion surrounding a small point charge (the electron). We interpret the positronic spatial expansion as a magnetic field. As these two collapse back to a virtual point they would swap over as they travel through the mean. For occupants of the two sides of the mean, the perspective of who is big and small (the point electric charge) is inverted. This fits nicely with "a packet of energy" and it is possible to take two perspective. This oscillating +ve/-ve charged expansion and collapse of spatial extent may be moving though space or space is moving through the oscillation. Space itself (what we consider 13.7 bn light yrs) may be, itself, part of the largest and most improbable oscillation. The energy of this oscillation consists of just potential energy at the peak of the oscillation (largest spatial expansion) and just kinetic energy at the crossover. Add the two together and we get a repeating theme that the net averaged energy of this dumbell crossover system adds up to zero.