Further notes about the morphostasis concept – split files
(57) A burgeoning cascade of tautologies
I have alluded to the idea of "listen to your writing". When the basic concept has value, then, as time goes by I believe that much that was written earlier carries a deeper and more productive perspective than the writer had clearly comprehended. The following sentence from a recent paper emphasises the point; "Inflammation is the protective immune response of a vascular organism that aids the removal of internal and external harmful stimuli and the maintainance of tissue homeostasis." Now, I would not have written this in these very descriptive and enlightening words. However, all that has been previously written on this web site makes this a natural "flowering" of the perspective. Each little improvement in formulative description brings its own metaphorical enlightenment that enriches what is fast becoming a tautologous perspective. What was lacking before was simply a form of words to make the (retrospectively) obvious become dazzlingly clear. There should be a lot more enlightening statements that will appear as the core perspective turns from being marginal to mainstream.