Further notes about the morphostasis concept – split files
(22) The origin (and "reason") for the emergence of the adaptive immune system
There is a growing tendency to attribute the origin of the adaptive IS to the need to manage our gut microbiome. However, attributing it this "raison d'etre" ignores the fact that many invertebrates, that have no adaptive immune system, also encourage a symbiotic colonisation by bacteria within their guts. Whilst the adaptive IS may enhance the management of gut colonies, it can hardly be said that it is necessary for this purpose. Should my interpretation of the system prove to be "on the right track" then the adaptive IS is dominantly about damage management. What critical aspect of damage management becomes so important in mammals? I think this may turn out to be complex eye and brain structures that are adaptive rather than hard wired (a calf's ability to walk soon after birth is, for example, endowed with a substantial element of hard wiring). I suspect that the need for increased complexity in damage management was driven by brain and eye function. This would help to explain the parallel and mutually dependent emergence of complex nervous and immune systems.