Curriculum vitae

Jamie Cunliffe


Sir John Talbot’s Grammar School


Manchester University (Medical School)1964-1969


MB ChB 1969 (basic medical degree)

MRCP (UK) 1973 (Royal College of Physicians membership by examination)

AFOM 1994 (Faculty of Occupational Medicine associateship by examination)


Start End Post Place Consultants
03/2008 present Retired from all paid employment
01/2001 03/2008 Healthy Horizons Co-ordinator; GP referrals for exercise and Phase IV cardiac rehabilitation classes Applemore Recreation Centre New Forest District Council
02/1995 01/2000 Contract medical work ESSO Fawley Refinery N/A - Industrial Medicine
09/1977 01/2000 Medical Adviser to Hythe chemicals then BP Carshalton from early 1990s, both part time Serial different owners of the same production sites Union Carbide; BP; Inspec and then others
07/1977 11/2000 General Practitioner, GP registrar training, undergraduate teaching Hythe Medical Centre Green Practice
09/1976 03/1977 Senior HO in Obs and Gynae Middlesbrough Gen Hos Various consultants
09/1974 08/1976 Registrar in Neurology (rotation) Newcastle General Hosp Various consultants
ditto ditto Registrar in Neurology (rotation) Middlesbrough Gen Hos ditto
03/1974 08/1974 Registrar General Med and Chest Med Sheffield General Hosp Dr Dark
09/1973 03/1974 Senior HO Psychiatry Royal United Hosp, Bath Dr Neuerbauer
09/1971 08/1973 Senior HO General Medicine, Rheumatology and Neurology (rotation) Royal United Hosp, Bath Various - Gen Med, Neurology
ditto ditto Senior HO General Medicine, Rheumatology and Neurology (rotation) Nat Hosp for Rheum Diseases Various - Rheumatology,
ditto ditto Senior HO General Medicine, Rheumatology and Neurology (rotation) St Martin’s Hosp Various - Gen Medicine
07/1970 06/1971 Resident Clinical Pathologist Manchester Roy Infirmary Various consultants
01/1970 06/1970 HO Neurology and General Med Manchester Roy Infirmary Dr Liversedge and Prof Stanbury
07/1969 12/1969 H(ouse)O(fficer) Neurosurgery Manchester Roy Infirmary Mr Johnson and Mr Dutton

Before University

My school achievements were average or poor in all subjects apart from science and maths. In the latter two I had a natural interest and aptitude. I eventually settled on Medicine as a career – partly influenced by parental approbation. But, in retrospect, it is clear to me that my natural aptitudes stemmed from wanting to work out and understand how things work. I had a great interest in aeroplanes and had an unconditional offer to study Aeronautical Engineering at Manchester should my Medicine applications fall through. They didn't.